Coffee review

23 desserts you would never have thought you could join in coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Communication of professional baristas Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee is really an indispensable drink for many people throughout the day. It not only refreshes us, but it is also one of the best ways to cool off the heat with a cup of cold coffee on this hot summer day. But what else can coffee do besides drinks? Just look at it and you'll see! The creativity and craftsmanship of these gourmets

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee is really an indispensable drink for many people throughout the day. It is not only refreshing, but a cold cup of coffee on this hot summer day is also a very cool choice. But apart from drinks, what else can coffee do? Just look at it and you'll see! The creativity and craftsmanship of these gourmets will make you drool when you see it.

1. Coffee brownies

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 15Valentina Maria Kenney Wein /

Coffee and chocolate are a perfect match. Who knows?

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two。 Sprinkle coffee-flavored ice cream with chopped bacon

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 14Paper & Stitch /

If you like salty and sweet taste, you can't miss it.

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3. Coffee sandwich pie

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 2Ditte Isager /

People who like to eat sweet can also add chocolate to the coffee filling.

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4. Coffee ice cream

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 20Sherri Dube /

Hot summer is the best time to have a drink.

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5. Chocolate mocamus

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 21Kathi Troendle /

The soft taste is irresistible.

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6. Mocha cupcake

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 22Natalie Uy / Obsessive Cooking Disorder

Cupcakes have always been the first choice for girls' afternoon tea.

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7. Coffee popsicle

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 10Joanne Bruno /

Just watching it makes me feel good about summer heat.

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8. Tira Misu

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 5Heather Kinnaird /

A dream dessert that makes girls scream.

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9. Coffee biscuit

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 16Muna Kennedy /

With a little coffee flavor, the biscuits become less greasy.

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10. Coffee cheese pie

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 9Madison Mayberry Hofmeyer /

Taken together, these flavors may have a very special taste.

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11. Coffee chocolate cone

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 3Alexandra Salidas Roll /

You may not like coffee, but is there any way to reject coffee-flavored cones?

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twelve。 Two-color cake

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 13Rachael McMahon /

Adding proper caramel can reduce the bitterness.

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13. Coffee ice cream

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 19Michelle Norris /

The best dessert after dinner.

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14. Pretzel milkshake

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts

Do you find milkshakes monotonous? You might as well add some pretzels to increase the taste.

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15. French puff

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 17Martyna Angell /

The taste of coffee can reduce the oiliness of the cream.

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16. Ice cream cup

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 1Ture Lillegraven /

Convenient and delicious instant snacks.

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17. Mini cheesecake

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 23Nicole Folgate /

It's not a problem to eat ten of these snacks.

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18. Chocolate

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts

It is very suitable for snacks, and you can eat it when you are greedy.

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19. Castor Coffee

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 6Susan Knaap /

I heard that it tastes like pudding. People who are interested can try it.

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20. ice-cream cake

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts

Adults and children love it, and it's just right to take this to celebrate your birthday in summer.

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21. Nut banana ice cream

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts 18Sarah Barnes /

Bananas and coffee go together. I wonder how they taste.

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twenty-two。 Lactose

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts

Coffee beans are not for decoration, but the key to neutralizing sweetness.

Recipe: look at this.

23. Caramel Bree

23 Incredible Coffee Desserts

People who like Bree might as well make a change and add the right amount of coffee to caramel.