Coffee review

The 15-step decomposition of making Coffee by pressing Aeropress

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas Please follow the background knowledge of Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) invented by Aerobie in 2005, Aeropress is a simple coffee brewer similar to a syringe, combining the characteristics of a dripping and filter coffee machine, it is not only durable and easy to carry, but also can make high quality coffee. The device consists of three parts.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Background knowledge

Invented by Aerobie in 2005, Aeropress is a simple coffee brewer similar to a syringe that combines the characteristics of a drip and filter coffee machine, making it not only durable and easy to carry, but also make high-quality coffee. The device consists of three parts: an inner tank, an outer tank and a filter cover. The coffee brewed with Philharmonic pressure has a rich taste and can still retain its meticulous flavor.

Step 1

Prepare about 400 grams of boiled water

Step 2

Put the filter paper on the removable black filter cover at the bottom of the Philharmonic press.

Step 3

Weigh 15 grams of coffee beans

Step 4

Grind coffee beans. The coffee powder suitable for Philharmonic pressure is finer, which is between drip coffee and espresso.

Step 5

Wash, dry and assemble the inner and outer cans of the Philharmonic pressure. Moisture can affect the pressurization process, so it is important to make sure it is dry.

Step 6

Turn the Philharmonic pressure device outside the filter cover upside down and place it on the electronic scale. At this time, the number on the Philharmonic pressure device should be upside down. Putting the filter cover on first will increase the chance of leakage and make the brewing process inaccurate.

Step 7

Pour coffee powder into the Philharmonic pressure container. Be careful not to sprinkle it into the trench around the opening, otherwise the filter cover will not cover tightly later.

Step 8

Add 30 grams of water, about 93 degrees Celsius. The amount of water added at this time should be twice the weight of coffee powder. For example, if 10 grams of coffee powder are added, 20 grams of water should be added at this time.

Step 9

Gently press the coffee powder with a stirring spoon or cream knife so that it is completely soaked in water. Don't stir too hard. Then rest for 30 seconds.

Step 10

Add 160 grams of water. Rest for 1 minute.

Step 11

Wet the Philharmonic filter cover and filter paper with the remaining hot water and serve in a coffee pot. This can not only help the filter paper attach to the filter cover, but also preheat the coffee pot.

Step 12

After standing for 1 minute, stir 10 times.

Step 13

Tighten the filter cover on the device and be careful to burn the hand.

Step 14

Quickly turn the whole Philharmonic pressure device straight, buckle it on the coffee pot, and then start pressurizing, pushing down the inner jar to let the coffee filter out from the bottom. During the pressurization process, you will encounter a resistance of about 13.6 kilograms, so it takes a little effort. If it is too difficult to press, it may mean that the coffee powder particles are too fine; if it is too easy to press, it may mean that the coffee powder particles are too thick. When the water is completely pushed out, it hisses, indicating that the coffee extraction is complete.

Step 15

The cleaning of the Philharmonic pressure is very simple. By opening the filter cover and pushing the inner can out a little, you can easily remove the coffee grounds and filter paper. Then it's time to enjoy a good cup of coffee.