Coffee review

The difference between Cabo and latte

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cappuccino and latte are probably the most popular espresso bars in China, but most people don't seem to know the difference between them. The staff of a coffee shop also told me that Cappuccino has more chocolate powder on it than lattes. In fact, these two kinds of coffee are very different. Judging from their other name, Cabo is also called foam coffee, and latte is also called milk.

Cappuccino and latte are probably the most popular espresso bars in China, but most people don't seem to know the difference between them. The staff of a coffee shop also told me that Cappuccino has more chocolate powder on it than lattes.


In fact, these two kinds of coffee are very different. Judging from their other name, Cabo is also called foam coffee and latte is also called milk coffee. So Cabo is mainly foam, while lattes are mostly milk.

Most of the milk bubbles of Cabo and latte are made from the steam pipe of the semi-automatic coffee machine, but the practice is different. We require that the milk foam of Cabo should be hard and can stand up hard. You can see that the foam can be higher than the mouth of the cup without falling down. The ratio of milk to foam is half. Latte foam is required to be soft and smooth, with 20% of milk foam and 80% of milk.


The amount of espresso is also different. We usually use two cups of coffee to make caffeine, while the latte only uses one cup. So Cabo's coffee will be strong. Two cups refers to two servings of coffee powder to make 60 ml of coffee liquid, and one cup refers to one serving of coffee powder to make 30 ml of coffee liquid.

Italians usually drink cappuccino in the morning, because there is more coffee, which is refreshing. In the afternoon, they drink lattes, which are more smooth and comfortable.