Coffee review

Matters needing attention in siphon coffee brewing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The water in the ☆ pot is preferably hot boiled water, which can save boiling time; ☆ pay attention to the water quality, do not use mineral water, use soft water (tap water); ☆ pot must be dried with a dry towel, there can be no water droplets; the spring under the middle filter net of ☆ should be tightened, the hook should be hooked and set to the lower center; the temperature of ☆ should be 80-90 degrees Celsius, and the pot should be inserted tightly when inserting the pot; ☆ coffee cup should be warm cup.

The water in the pot of ☆ had better be hot boiling water, which can save boiling time.

☆ pay attention to water quality, do not use mineral water, use soft water (tap water)

☆ kettle must be dried with a dry towel, no water droplets.

The spring under the ☆ intermediate filter should be tightened, the hook should be hooked, and should be placed in the lower center.

The ☆ temperature should be between 80 and 90 degrees Celsius, and the pot should be plugged down and tight when plugged in.

The ☆ coffee cup should be warm, and the coffee beans are best ground and boiled.

The cooking time of ☆ should be 40-50 seconds (no longer than paying the bill)

☆ coffee powder and water quantity should be correct, pay attention to the wind direction when brewing coffee, do not directly blow the source of fire

When ☆ bamboo chips are stirred, just insert 2pm 3 places, do not scrape to the bottom of the filter.

When ☆ pulls up the pot, the key point is that the left hand should grasp the handle of the pot, gently rotate around and pull it up, be careful not to break it.

The coffee powder boiled by ☆ is slapped loosely, poured out and then washed with clean water.