Coffee review

The History of Coffee lace

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The coffee pull is a change made on the original cappuccino or latte. There has never been a clear record of the origin of the coffee flower, only that at that time in Europe and the United States, the coffee flower was the difficult professional technology shown in the coffee show, while the innovative skills and the difficult technology showed. It shocked the coffee industry at that time and got it from the very beginning.

The coffee pull is a change made on the original cappuccino or latte. There has never been a clear record of the origin of the coffee flower, only that at that time in Europe and the United States, the coffee flower was the difficult professional technology shown in the coffee performance, while the innovative skills and the difficult technology showed. It greatly shocked the coffee industry at that time and attracted public attention from the very beginning. All people are deeply attracted by the magical and gorgeous skills of coffee flower drawing. At that time, most of the coffee flowers paid attention to the presentation of patterns, but after a long period of development, coffee flowers not only paid attention to the vision, but also constantly improved the way and skills of milk taste and fusion, and then reached the so-called state of color, aroma and taste in the presentation of the overall taste.

In Europe, the United States and Japan, there are many professional coffee books that introduce the basic technology of "Latte Art", and many coffee-related books use coffee flower as a professional symbol on the cover, and coffee flower has become a necessary professional technology in all kinds of competitions. Every year, the "The Millrock Latte art Conpetition" World Coffee pull Competition is held in "Coffee Fest" in the United States, bringing together coffee pull experts from all over the world. In the competition, they show a variety of innovative patterns and skilled skills, and in the "Word Barista Conpetition" (WBS) World Coffee draw Competition, which is known as the Olympic competition in the coffee industry, coffee pull is a necessary professional coffee technology for athletes. Each representative of each country will show his high-level flower-drawing skills in the cappuccino event during the competition. This shows the importance and professionalism of coffee flower in the Italian coffee industry.