Coffee review

Professional coffee roasting | Crash/Flick is inevitable even in pure hot air.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For professional baristas, please pay attention to the topic of coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). Frankly speaking, it doesn't make much sense, but I did try and failed. I want to say that opening the throttle door before an explosion, on the one hand, exhaust smoke, on the other hand, if you quickly take the moisture away from the explosion, you may be able to ease the phenomenon of RoR Crash, of course, the air temperature can not be lowered as the wind volume increases.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Frankly speaking, this topic does not make much sense, but I have indeed tried and failed. I want to say that opening the throttle before an explosion, on the one hand, exhaust smoke, on the other hand, if you quickly take away the moisture of the explosion, you may be able to ease the phenomenon of RoR Crash, of course, the air temperature should not drop too low because of the increase of the wind volume. The result of the empirical study is not obvious.

In addition, I also wondered whether it would be possible to avoid Crash/Flick if I reduced the baking volume, adopted a fixed windgate and only controlled the fire, just like the Probat 5Kg with a fixed throttle in the German SCAE contest. The empirical results showed that the effect of running three pots was good. Therefore, there is still no conclusion as to whether it is easier to control the Crash/Flick phenomenon by increasing the hot air ratio.

The curve of the second place Hannes in the 2015 German SCAE Competition

Previously, I wrote an article entitled "IKAWA is a blockbuster" mainly because it can be highly reproduced only by monitoring the discharge temperature without being affected by the external environment. Rob Hoos even wrote a blog for it and hoped to apply the sample curve of IKAWA to the mainframe of Loring. Because the exhaust temperature and so on at the same time beans and its baking environment finished a number, is a complex result, Rob Hoos in his Blog only mentioned that the farther the bean temperature from the exhaust temperature, the larger the RoR, the nearer the RoR, and attached two curves of Loring to help explain, and these two curves are also a few can google to the Loring curve, Loring this hot fan makes people feel very mysterious.

Loring curve of Rob Hoos

Because there is no chance to contact, I have always wondered whether the operation concept of Loring roller hot fan is very different from that of semi-hot air and straight fire roller machine. In fact, there are examples in this book on hand.

Record of Loring Kestrel S35 baking Costa Rican La Lia

Looking at the figure in the table above, famous Japanese stores use a low heat to dehydrate and do not have full firepower until the yellow dot. The rhythm of Slow Start Fast Finish (SSFF) is baking, which is very different from the curve of Rob Hoos (maybe it should not have been compared at all). It is not easy to see the clues just by looking at the numbers. I drew the above table into the following picture.

This is finally a little interesting, at least it solved my myth, the whole hot air can not automatically rule out the Crash/Flick phenomenon, how can I think that increasing ventilation before an explosion will help? however, this famous Japanese store controls the inlet temperature and exhaust temperature difference at almost the same range, which is also a very interesting phenomenon.