Coffee review

The magic of coffee fragrance-- helping sleep and improving brain efficiency

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista Communication Please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) I believe many coffee lovers have this habit of waking up to work by the aroma of coffee in the good morning. If you don't have a cup of coffee in the morning, you will feel something missing. In fact, this is not only a sense of psychological satisfaction, studies have pointed out that the smell of coffee is really helpful for brain activity. I

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I believe many coffee lovers have this habit. A good morning should be awakened by the aroma of coffee. If you don't have a cup of coffee in the morning, you will feel that something is missing. In fact, this is not only a sense of psychological satisfaction, studies have pointed out that the smell of coffee is really helpful for brain activity.

Let's take a look at the relevant brain regions: the amygdala is the emotional center of the brain, managing emotional responses and emotional memory, while the hypothalamus is the brain's information processing center, where rational and thinking processes take place. The sense of smell is very special. Of the five human senses, smell is the only one that can directly reach the amygdala of the brain without going through the hypothalamus. So the effect of smell on mood is quick and direct, even an instinctive response, just as a person likes or dislikes the aroma of coffee, except that a small part is caused by emotional memory of past experience, it is usually an inborn choice.

Next, I would like to congratulate the friends who love the smell of coffee, welcome to join the magic ranks of the smell of coffee! According to a study by Honorary Professor Yoshihiko Koga of Xinlin University in Japan, the experiment found that the aroma of coffee emitted from the beginning of brewing coffee beans can effectively increase many alpha waves that help the brain relax. it has the effect of relieving stress and relaxing body and mind. As this soothing effect is related to personal preferences, it is only applicable to people who like the smell of coffee. If you want to help sleep but do not like the smell of coffee, you can choose your favorite aroma or flowers, sweet smell and other comfortable fragrance, can also help relieve mental tension!

At the same time, the study also found that smelling coffee can activate brain areas of cognitive function and information processing, and improve brain activity. Because the aroma of coffee contains trigonelline, which belongs to the same alkaloid as caffeine, it is a particularly neuroactive ingredient that can not only improve the operational efficiency of the brain, but also activate the hippocampal gyrus, which governs the long-term memory area, and establish a new network for brain cells that die with age, which can improve forgetfulness, prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease! It's totally magical level, Magic!

There is also a cool discovery! When the way of baking is different, the aroma changes, the effect on the brain will be different. Among the three kinds of coffee, light roasted, medium roasted and heavy roasted, the aroma of heavy roasted coffee makes the brain show the most alpha wave state, and the effect of calming mood and spirit is the best. On the other hand, the coffee beans above medium roasting have the most trigonelline content in the aroma, which can make the brain concentrate more and react faster, so if you want to improve work efficiency or achieve the effect of preventing Alzheimer's disease, it is recommended to choose coffee with medium baking or above.