Coffee review

Costa Rica has a long history of coffee cultivation, large national consumption, and cultivation of high-quality coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee cultivation in Costa Rica was introduced from Cuba in 1779 and exported for the first time in 1820. There are about 32,000 coffee farmers, with an average planting area of less than one hectare (10,000㎡) per farmer. Costa Rica population 4.1 million (2006), area under coffee cultivation

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Costa Rican coffee cultivation was introduced by Cuba in 1779 and exported for the first time in 1820. There are about 32000 coffee farmers, with an average planting area of less than one hectare (10000 hectares) per farmer. Costa Rica has a population of 41 billion (2006), with a coffee planting area of 82500 hectares and an annual production of 1.7 million bags (60kgs per bag). The annual domestic consumption is 380000 bags, with an average annual national consumption of 5.5kgs, which is higher than that of Japan (consumption 4kgs). At present, Taiwanese are only slightly higher than 1kg.

Costa Rica is the country where coffee was first introduced into Central America and has a long history. The coffee organization has a complete system from production to marketing. Because it is located in the Central American Gorge, there are many volcanoes, it has the natural advantages of sunshine and land, and the climate is reconciled by Pacific and Atlantic currents and sea breezes at the same time, the coffee produced has the characteristics of local micro-climate and soil conditions, in terms of quality and quantity, Costa Rican coffee has always been recognized by the world, and has been rated as one of the world-class high-quality coffee. Costa Rican coffee has been cultivated for two hundred years. It was first planted on the slopes of the Poas and Barva volcanoes, today known as the Central Valley (Central Valley). The seven main coffee producing areas are distributed from northwest to southeast, along with the inland central plateau.

Costa Rican volcanic terrain with fertile volcanic ash, mild and suitable temperature, and stable and abundant rainfall is one of the reasons why coffee has become one of the main agricultural products in Costa Rica. The seven major producing areas are: Tarrzu, Tres Rios, Orosi, Central Valley, West Valley, Turrialba and Brunca.

Country: Costa Rica

Grade: SHB

Producing area: central valley

Baking degree: medium baking

Treatment method: sun treatment

Variety: Vera Shatch

Manor: tank Manor

Flavor: green twist, caramel, nuts

Costa Rica's high-quality coffee beans are called "very hard beans" (SHB), and the quality of hard beans (HB) and slightly hard beans (SH) decline in turn, and this is also the way it is graded. Extremely hard beans grow at an altitude of more than 1500 meters, and altitude always represents the quality of coffee, and high altitude means better quality. In addition, due to the high altitude drop caused by sufficient rainfall, is very beneficial to the growth of coffee trees; and high altitude night temperature is low, resulting in slow growth of trees, so that coffee fruit better absorb more nutrients, coffee flavor is also richer.

Its three most famous producing areas are Tarasu, south of the Costa Rican capital SanJose, as well as the producing areas of the Central Valley and the western valley. Tanning is a very traditional practice, which uses the least resources, but because there are too many uncontrollable factors, it is very difficult to do well. Francesca has added many innovations, such as using the sugar meter (Brix meter), which is often equipped in the wine industry, to measure the sugar content of the fruit, and to determine the best time and treatment of harvest according to the sugar content of Brix. Only those with more than 20% sweetness will be exposed to the sun. The Brix value of general fruit is 14 for apple, 12 for lemon and 18 for passion fruit, but the coffee cherry in Lajas can reach 21 / 22%. LaHaas not only does the sun, honey treatment, but also has water to wash beans. The beans grown on the farm are Caturra, Catuai and Villa Sarchi, as well as a small number of Kenyan species SL28, Obata and so on.