Coffee review

Coffee experts teach you how to make a varied latte at home.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) walk into the coffee shop, coffee aroma permeates, how to choose a cup of coffee you like? How to make coffee? Let the coffee expert teach you how to read the coffee menu, understand the characteristics of each coffee, and choose for yourself.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Walking into the coffee shop, the aroma of coffee is filled with fragrance. How to choose a cup of coffee that you like? How to make coffee? Let the coffee expert teach you how to read the coffee menu, understand the characteristics of each coffee, and choose and cook a good cup of coffee for yourself!

A delicious latte with a golden ratio of 1:2:1, that is, 1 espresso, 2 hot milk, 1 milk foam.

It's called Ole Coffee in France.

To put it simply, Caffe Latte is fresh milk coffee. Italian latte (latte) means fresh milk, a kind of Italian coffee. It was not until 1980 that latte became popular outside Italy; after arriving in France, it became a drink with fresh milk, also known as "Ole Coffee"; English-speaking countries collectively refer to all coffee with hot milk; it is also similar to the lighter cappuccino in the United States.

1:2:1, the golden ratio

In the eyes of professional baristas, the golden ratio of a delicious latte is 1:2:1, which means one espresso, two hot milk and one milk foam. Because there is less coffee and more fresh milk, the caffeine content is much lower than Espresso. For Italians who can't live without coffee, lattes are often called "coffee for children or sick people."

All kinds of ingredients to add flavor

Latte is the coffee with the most varied tastes. In addition to the different ratios of sugar to milk, Italians also sprinkle a little hazelnut or almond powder on top of the foam and gradually add other drupe seasoning syrup.

Milk: full-fat fresh milk aroma, full of oil, is the best choice, people who are afraid of fat can choose low-fat milk, some stores especially for lactose intolerant consumers with soy milk flavor, strong soybean flavor is also very delicious.

Sugar: you can use cube sugar, white sugar or cube brown sugar according to your personal preference, and some people even prefer health-preserving black sugar to have a different flavor.

Seasoning syrup: from the earliest vanilla or drupe flavors, changes such as honey, caramel or handmade jam are becoming more and more common.