Coffee review

Coffee flavor card learns coffee flavor wheel

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, One: read through and memorize the colorful flavor wheel, just like the taste of coffee. When we get the flavor wheel, the first thing we need to do is to read through the words above and memorize them by heart, especially for those obscure words. Second: tasting coffee flavor wheel can be used for daily tasting and professional cup testing, but it is the key for both enthusiasts and people in the industry.

One: read through and memorize the colorful Wheel of Flavor, just like the taste of coffee. When we get the Wheel of Flavor, the first thing we need to do is to read through the words above and memorize them by heart, especially for those obscure words.

Second: taste coffee "flavor wheel" can be used for daily taste, can also be used for professional cup testing, but for both enthusiasts and industry insiders, the key is to remember as many flavors as possible. Brew coffee in the right way and remember the aroma and taste of coffee at each stage, such as the dry aroma of freshly ground coffee powder, the wet smell of water when it first comes into contact with coffee powder, and the taste of coffee left in your mouth when tasting coffee. "Flavor" is actually a combination of aroma and taste, for which the "taste wheel" clearly identifies "taste" (taste perceived only by the tongue) and "aroma" (taste perceived only by smell). But in fact, most of the flavor is a combination of taste and aroma, such as the sour taste of lemon and the sweetness of honey. Remember these smells, and then reopen our "flavor wheel".

Third: the design concept of "Flavor Wheel" from the center is to encourage users to start from the center and gradually extend outward. The central position is the most basic flavor, and the outer words are derived from these basic flavors. For example, you may feel "fruity" when tasting Ethiopian coffee, so is it "berry", "dried fruit", "citrus" or other fruits? If you are sure it is "citrus", is it "grapefruit", "orange", "lemon" or "lime"? After determining a flavor, you can go back to the starting point, go back to the basic flavor, and explore another new flavor until you have identified it. This is the basic use of "Flavor Wheel", one layer at a time, step by step. But in fact, the description of the taste of coffee is much more than that.

Four: reading the Coffee Perceptual Atlas and Coffee Flavor Wheel is based on the World Coffee perception Atlas, which is the most authoritative and comprehensive coffee perception official book in the world. If you open the "atlas", you will find that each taste has a clear "definition" and "reference", which can be used for detailed analysis and identification of each flavor in coffee. Although many of the words in the book are too obscure and rare in daily life, if you want to learn coffee sensory analysis methods more professionally and systematically, the atlas is definitely your best helper.

Fifth: check the "reference" when studying the "map", you should pay special attention to the "reference" of each flavor, that is, the items that match that taste, which can usually be bought in the supermarket or online. Although these "reference" items are not absolute, you can deepen your understanding of a particular taste by smelling and tasting them. It is best to smell or taste with a narrow cup to make the taste more concentrated. Record your experiences and know them as well as you can.

Six: go back to the center after learning the "atlas", please return to the center of the "flavor wheel". This time, while determining the basic taste and conducting in-depth analysis, pay attention to the relationship between each taste and its adjacent taste. If the two flavors are closely related, it means that the connection between the two tastes is very high; if the distance is far, the correlation between the two tastes is low. For professionals, understanding the correlation between tastes helps to better guide consumers to taste, and make the taste description of a product more clear and easy to understand.

Seven: the greatest value of using your own language "flavor wheel" is that it provides the same coffee description language for people from different fields and different cultural backgrounds, which makes it possible for people in the coffee industry and coffee experts all over the world to cooperate and communicate with each other. Sometimes we may be more accustomed to using our own language, but this may make the process of communication more difficult and difficult for both parties to understand each other. Therefore, whether you want to use your own language must depend on the situation. If you meet each other for the first time or come from a different cultural background, the "flavor wheel" will always be your best choice.

Eight: to study color, in fact, our vision is connected with other senses, and our perception of the taste of food is largely affected by the appearance of the food. so we sometimes use "bright", "red" or "green" to describe the taste of coffee. And you will find that each flavor on the "flavor wheel" has a corresponding color, so when using the "flavor wheel", try to remember the relationship between color and taste. In this way, you will understand what people mean by "with red fruit flavor", and know that "brown taste" originally means spice or cereal flavor.