Coffee review

How to be a professional Italian espresso professional barista

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is a good espresso? As the saying goes, a clever wife cannot make a drink without rice. First of all, to get a good espresso, there are three basic conditions: first, there is a professional coffee maker. Second, there are excellent Italian coffee beans. Third, baristas should have excellent skills.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What makes a good espresso? As the saying goes, "A clever wife cannot drink without rice". First of all, to get a good espresso, there are three basic conditions: first, there is a professional coffee maker. Second, there are excellent Italian coffee beans. Third, baristas should have excellent extraction skills. Today's Italian coffee machines are manual, fully automatic and semi-automatic. The most professional is semi-automatic. Of course, professional semi-automatic espresso machines are also very expensive, especially three-headed coffee machines, which are not affordable for ordinary cafes. However, the tools are not good, to extract a good cup of Italian concentration, is indeed a more difficult thing. Coffee, coffee beans are of course very important. In addition to the excellent quality of its own coffee beans, in order to concentrate in Italian style, you must grind the beans as you take them. If you use pre-ground coffee beans, a lot of aroma will be lost. So, if you want to drink a cup of fragrant Italian concentrate, be sure to drink the essence of ground beans at that time. It is very important to hear the sound of grinding coffee beans on the spot. When tasting Italian concentration, we should pay attention to several points: first, color. Second, aroma. Third, taste. Fourth, aftertaste. A cup of good Italian concentrate must be rich in coffee oil. The golden coffee oil on the surface of coffee is a sign of pure Italian concentration. If the espresso is served, there is no oil on it, either the beans are not good, or the barista's skills are not good, or it is because the waiter did not serve the freshly picked coffee in time (the espresso should be finished within two minutes). In short, if there is no oil, it is not a good Italian concentrate. Of course, the color of coffee oil is also very important, pure brown yellow, is one of the standards of well-intentioned concentration. This kind of coffee tastes best. The coffee will be too bitter if the color is too dark. If the color is white, the coffee will be too sour. Everyone knows that the best espresso must be delicious. Of course, unscented coffee is not a good espresso. In fact, many people like to drink Italian concentration, just because it is very fragrant. The best espresso is full-bodied and mellow. If the taste is light and thin and tastes better than "water", it will not be a good Italian concentrate. The best espresso has a slight sweetness in the aftertaste, and this sweetness is more obvious. This is called Huigan.