Coffee review

The skill of removing dregs from the kettle makes the kettle as clean as the hand.

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The coffee grounds in the French kettle are gone without a trace. 1. The reason why there are coffee grounds in the French kettle: when making coffee in the French kettle, there will be some coffee grounds more or less, even if there is no granular coffee grounds, the fine coffee grounds will make the coffee coffee turbid. The sediment like fine mud can usually be seen at the bottom of the coffee pot after drinking it. The reason for these coffee grounds is that coffee

The coffee grounds of the French pressure pot are gone without a trace.

First, the reason why there are coffee grounds in the French press to make coffee:

When making coffee in the French kettle, there will be some coffee grounds, even if there are no granular coffee grounds, the fine coffee grounds will make the coffee cloudy, and the sediment like fine mud can usually be seen at the bottom of the coffee pot after drinking it. The reason for these coffee grounds is that the coffee powder is too fine or the coffee is pressed too fast.

Second, the solution to the coffee grounds of the French pressure pot:

1. Adjust the grinding degree of the coffee powder to make the coffee particles thicker, so that in the process of making coffee, the filter screen will be able to filter out the coffee grounds.

2. When making coffee in a French press, there is a step of pressing down. in the process of pressing, the speed slows down to prevent the direct pressure from being too fast, and the low coffee grounds of the pot are backwashed into the upper coffee liquid.

3, buy a better coffee grinder, no matter what kind of grinder, will produce fine powder, and these fine powder will cause the coffee liquid to become turbid. If we buy a slightly better bean grinder, there will be less coffee grounds in the coffee made by the French press. In any case, the coffee grounds in the French kettle can not be completely avoided, we can only reduce the coffee grounds as much as possible.