Coffee review

Small feelings in boutique coffee orange-scented slightly tipsy coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I believe that an orange slightly tipsy coffee will add fuel to your sweet petty bourgeois life, and the method of making this coffee will also make your him (her) a little tipsy in your coffee. Orange slightly tipsy coffee is a kind of fancy coffee with petty bourgeoisie flavor, because it has a strong sense of operation, and it is very suitable for making such a fruity coffee for each other and yourself in the world of two people.

Believe that an orange slightly drunk coffee will be able to add fuel to your sweet two-person petty life, this coffee making method will also make your he (she) slightly drunk in your coffee. Orange slightly drunk coffee is a very petty fancy coffee, because it has a strong sense of operation, it is very suitable for making such a cup of fruity coffee for each other and yourself in the world of two people. Of course, it is very necessary to grasp the speed of drip filtration and the time of burning orange wine. The former requires a certain degree of recognition of single coffee, because the thickness of drip coffee and beans will affect the taste of coffee. The time it takes to burn martini determines how much water evaporates and how volatile the alcohol is. Finally, you need to find a balance between the two. No matter how this coffee is made, it will definitely make him (her) slightly drunk in your coffee.

Formula Light Roasted Coffee Bean 15g Sucrose Water 10ml Orange Wine 20ml Whipped Cream (Personal Preference) Orange Peel (a few strands) Preparation Method:

1. This coffee is not suitable for mechanical extraction due to the selection of light roasted coffee beans. It is suitable for hand flushing or dripping filtration, so as to fully reflect the fruit acid flavor of coffee beans and extract 150ml coffee.

2. Heat the wine and sugar water together with the orange shreds. The heating method can pour the three materials into a brandy glass, then fire the brandy glass to evaporate the water of the wine and make the liquid viscous.

3. Pour the coffee and wine mixture into a warm coffee cup

4. Pour foaming cream on the coffee surface