Coffee review

Blue Mountain Coffee, Blue Mountain blend, Blue Mountain flavor coffee compare how to drink Blue Mountain Coffee to lose weight

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Does Blue Mountain Coffee lose weight? There are many opinions about the effect of coffee on weight loss.

Blue Mountain Coffee Weight Loss?

There are different opinions about the effect of coffee on weight loss. Some people say that five cups of coffee a day can lose several pounds a week; others say that the energy of coffee itself is relatively high, drinking it will only gain weight. In fact, coffee can lose weight depends on how you drink, drink what kind of coffee. If you drink a few cups of instant coffee a day, or coffee with lots of milk and sugar, you will naturally gain weight. Coffee weight loss is mainly due to caffeine at work. Caffeine boosts metabolism and helps burn fat. We often say that coffee can lose weight refers to the high caffeine content of black coffee. Blue Mountain Coffee

In the early years, there was no formal import channel in China. Blue Mountain coffee, which was already relatively rare, was even rarer in China. It was a matter of breaking the table to drink a cup of Blue Mountain coffee. Therefore,"Blue Mountain coffee in domestic cafes is fake","Blue Mountain coffee cannot be bought in China" and other sayings have even spread to this day. However, even in the era when there was no formal channel, Blue Mountain Coffee consumed in the Chinese market still accounted for 15% of the world's total consumption, so that Jamaica people were surprised to learn that their jaws almost dislocated (it is estimated that the main reason is to know the price of Blue Mountain Coffee in the Chinese market...). So began to attach importance to the Chinese market, now in the country to buy Blue Mountain coffee is not what is difficult, Hangzhou Dan Shirui exclusive agent. The channel is not limited to this one, private channels, or raw and cooked beans imported through third countries.

Blue Mountain Coffee, available in retail packaging, can generally be identified from the CIB logo and Jamaica Blue Mountain? Trademark discrimination. UCC Blue Mountain logo is also reliable, there are certification logo and trademark, you can go to CIB official website to check whether this company has CIB authorization. Bulk can check the certificate of origin, because bulk is generally sold from 70kg barrels, each barrel will be accompanied by a certificate of origin.

About CIB and CIB Certification

The Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica, Jamaica Coffee Industry Board, is the government agency responsible for coffee affairs in Jamaica. It is responsible for supervising, regulating and guiding coffee cultivation, processing and trade in Jamaica. It also owns the famous Wallenford Estate and Jamaica Blue Mountain? Trademark ownership.

Like champagne, Blue Mountain Coffee itself represents a legal origin, an area above 2200 feet (671 meters) in the Blue Mountains. Coffee produced in legal producing areas is eligible to be marked with a round Blue Mountain coffee logo on the packaging sold (as shown below). If it is packed in barrels (including the 70kg barrels mentioned above), a certificate of origin is generally attached. Coffee grown under 2200 feet in the Blue Mountains is not allowed to use the following logo and Jamaica Blue Mountain? trademark. So, buy Blue Mountain, recognize this circle (remind again, UCC Blue Mountain exception...)!

Blue Mountain Coffee certification logo CIB logo

Enclosed is the list of authorized exporters on CIB's website:

What Blue Mountain Coffee is worth buying-Blue Mountain Coffee Those things Country Traders Limited (89 yuan Blue Mountain that company), UCC, Wallenford, Gold Cup can be found above, you can also see the detailed authorization scope.

Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee is divided into:

Blue Mountain No.1, also known as Blue Mountain No.1, is the top blue mountain coffee, screened with S-17/18 sieve, with less than 2% defective beans.

Blue Mountain No. 2, sifted on S-16/17 sieve, beans slightly smaller in size than Blue Mountain No. 1, less than 2% defective beans

Blue Mountain No. 3, sieved on S-15/16 sieve, beans smaller than No. 2, less than 2% defective beans

Blue Mountain Peaberry (or Blue Mountain P.B), more than 96% round male beans, less than 2% defective beans, this is actually a special selection of beans, many people think this grade of beans is actually above No.1, some people think between No.1 and No.2.

Blue Mountain Triage, a blend of the above four, with less than 4% defective beans, is actually unsifted beans.

As for beans grown outside the legal area of Jamaica Blue Mountains, they fall into the following three categories:

High Mountain, S-17/18 screen, less than 2% defective beans

Jamaica Prime, S-16/18 screen, less than 2% defective beans

Jamaica Select, S-15/18 screen, less than 4% defective beans

PS: With respect to the sieve, the No. 17 sieve means that the sieve hole size is 17/64 inches, that is, 6.75 mm (put down your length and cooked beans, which refers to the raw bean size, and the bean size will increase after baking). The higher the sieve number, the larger the bean size will be screened out, and the bean flavor will be richer and more varied.

Stories about quotas

In 1969, Jamaica suffered a severe hurricane disaster, causing heavy losses to plantations. UCC provided a large amount of assistance to revive Jamaica's coffee industry. In return, Jamaica signed an agreement with Japan in 1972 to allocate 90% of Blue Mountain coffee quota to Mudblast and 5% each to Europe and the United States. Therefore, the Japanese bought most of Blue Mountain coffee. However, even if the Japanese bought it, would the Japanese be stupid enough to keep it all for themselves? Since they monopolized the market, selling them to other places at prices would be extremely good! The reason why the UCC mentioned above does not put the CIB serious logo on the packaging is also here. The whole market is almost UCC, and there is no need for it at all! I big UCC blue mountain also need you CIB certification?!

Blue Mountain varieties

Tiekka coffee beans

Iron pickup (Typica): The shape is oval, and the bean body is flat and thin from the side. Even if the altitude of the planting area is different, the thickness of the side of the raw bean will not be too different.

The most sought species of iron pickup were brought to Malabar, India by the Yemenis from Ethiopia, and then to Indonesia by the Dutch. It was later brought from the West Indians to the French colony of Martinique.

It was subsequently grown in other growing areas, resulting in numerous variants: Criollo (South America), Arabigo (Central America), Kona (Hawaii), Pluma Hidalgo (Mexico), Garundang (Sumatra), Blue Mountain (Jamaica, Papua New Guinea), San Bernado & San Ramon (Brazil), Kents & Chickumalgu (India).

These are all iron-pickups.

Make a cup of Blue Mountain coffee

Blue Mountain coffee brewing is quite a test of technology, the difference between high and low technology, taste can change from delicious to herbal medicine... I took the Blue Mountain of 89 yuan, rushed 6 cups (personal feeling only the second time barely qualified, will be detailed later), and now only grasp a rough idea.

It is generally accepted that the best way to make Blue Mountain is to use siphon pot, medium grinding or medium fine, but considering that siphon pot is a test of technology no matter what kind of coffee is brewed, we still keep a distance.

The second is the method pressure pot and drip filter, the method pressure pot should be ground roughly, but the method pressure pot filter is not clean, will affect the taste, not recommended. Drip filter can be used with moderate grinding, operation details can refer to the general drip filter type of production. No matter what kind of production method, the water temperature should be controlled at 80~85 degrees Celsius, too low to completely extract the delicious blue mountain, too high will extract too much. The worst of the 6 cups I made was because the water temperature was too high and the soaking time was slightly longer.

Here is my own experience with Philharmonic pressure, just for reference:

Water temperature control is troublesome, this diaosi bought KENWOOD AP250 (250...) Thermos can only set the water temperature at 98/90/70/60/natural cooling, so I set the water temperature at 90, then rinse the cup and pour out the water in the cup, refill about 150ml of hot water, set it aside, push the piston of the Philo pressure into the cylinder about one centimeter, fill the medium ground coffee powder, put a filter paper in the filter and wet it, pour the hot water in the cup into the Philo pressure, Stir for about 15 seconds and let stand for 30 seconds. Install the filter. Put the Philharmonic pressure on the cup. Slowly press the piston down. The time for pressing the piston is controlled at about 20 seconds. To sum up, basically put the Philharmonic pressure when the law pressure used what Blue Mountain coffee is worth buying-Blue Mountain coffee those things

The amount of water used is more than the recommended amount of Philharmonic Pressure. It has also been made according to the recommended amount of water of Philharmonic Pressure. It feels better to use more water. Rinse the cups with hot water first, one for hygiene, and the other for warming them up a little. The second time, pour the water into the cup, one is a warm cup, and the other is to cool the water to about 80~85 degrees. This time needs to be adjusted according to the size and material of the cup.

Do not recommend steam coffee machine or pump coffee machine, steam type temperature is too high, pump type easy to extract excessive, blue mountain coffee is not suitable for espresso.

Baking Degree: Medium Deep Baking

Roasted peanut, hazelnut, melon, chocolate-like

Wet aroma: oolong tea (rose-tea), caramel (caramel), honey ( honey), black-chocolate (black-chocolate), almond skins (almond skins), silky mouthfeel (silky mouthfeel), brightness (brightness),

Taste: Sweet, light bitter, mellow balanced feeling, rich layers, aftertaste dark chocolate, honey, sugar taste obvious, there is a sticky feeling, completely cooled, thick oolong tea aroma, touch with your fingers, unexpectedly have burnt syrup sticky feeling.

Recommended cooking method: hand brewing

Abrasion: 4 (Fuji R440)

Water temperature: 88°C

Other suggestions for trickle-filtration extraction:

Normal pressure, recommended abrasiveness of 3.5-4/water temperature 90°C

Aile pressure, recommended 2.5 grind, water temperature 88°C

Siphon pot: 3.5 grind

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