Coffee review

The Chinese name of Panama Geisha is "Rose Summer". Is it the same coffee as "Geisha"?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Colombian coffee production situation Colombia has always been a large coffee grower, once contributed 10% of the total global coffee production, is an important producer of bulk commercial Arabica coffee. The existing coffee growing areas are generally divided.


Rose summer should be a well-known coffee bean after Blue Mountain, and even become the "treasure of the town" with the highest unit price in many coffee shops. In addition to the popular name "Rose Summer", some people on the market also call it "geisha". What's the difference? What is the origin of the rosy summer of such great fame? This article will be answered one by one in front of the street coffee for you.

Is "Rose Summer" a "geisha"?

In 1931, Rosa was first collected in the wild Kaffa Caffa forest south of Ethiopia in search of new disease-resistant varieties, named after the nearby Geisha Mountain. Later, after being transferred to Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and other institutes for trial planting, the rose summer seed came to the Tropical Plant Research Center CATIE in Costa Rica in 1953 and was recorded as T2722. There are records of planting on many local farms, but the branches of Rosa rugosa are fragile and the yield is not high, so they are not favored by farmers and are not widely planted.


In the 1960s, CATIE gave T2722 Rose Summer to coffee farmers in Panama, and Rose Summer began to enter the promised land of Panama. In the 1990s, the Peterson family, the owner of the emerald estate, began to attach importance to coffee production and acquired a new high-altitude farm, Haramillo Jaramillo. Many coffee trees on the farm have leaf rust, but Daniel Peterson (Daniel Peterson) noticed that the rose summer tree was not seriously hurt, so they decided to transplant the rose summer, which was originally mixed with other varieties, to more areas of the farm and increase its altitude.

In 2003, the Peterson family finally discovered the potential of Rose Summer. When it was tested for the first time, it showed a strong aroma of white flowers, extremely clean taste, showing a berry, citrus, bergamot-like finish, thus forming a typical Panamanian Rosa flavor. Just when everyone is curious about how the Emerald Manor grows such delicious coffee, the owner Price revealed that the variety of this coffee is Geisha, which is what we call "Rose Summer" in Chinese. In Taiwan, Guixia coffee is called "geisha" because the English Geisha of Rosa happens to be the same as the English name of Japanese "geisha".


What are the characteristics of rose summer coffee?

Rosa seedlings were first found in wild forests in southwestern Ethiopia in search of new disease-resistant varieties, named after the nearby Geisha Mountains. It was taken to Costa Rica in 1954 and recorded as T2722. The subjects were planted on many coffee farms in Central and South America in the 1950s and 1960s, but were not widely planted because of their low yield and fragile plants. It was not until 2003 that it was unearthed by the Peterson family of the Emerald Manor and won the best Panama competition in 2004, which began the era of the summer of Panama.


Rose summer is very picky about the growing environment, requiring high altitude, fertile soil, clouds or plant shade, can not be directly exposed to the sun. The owner of the emerald manor said that the garden needs a large number of shade trees to block the sun for the delicate rosy summer, and traditional pruning should be used at the initial stage of planting, otherwise the plant is easy to die. The higher the altitude is, the longer the ripening time of coffee fruit is, and the more complex and unique flavor performance is.

Unlike other coffee varieties, the foliar system of Rosa coffee tree is very thin, that is to say, the efficiency of photosynthesis is very low, the root is still very fragile, and the absorption of water and nutrients is very slow, so the yield of coffee is very low. coupled with the high altitude growth environment, the fruit ripens later. The fruit yield of a rose summer coffee tree is only half that of the Kaddura variety, which is one of the reasons why rose summer is so valuable.


Why is Panama's Rose Summer the most famous?

As we all know, coffee is a kind of crop, and its flavor is not only affected by varieties, but also affected more or less by local factors, post-treatment, roasting and brewing. In other words, even if the same rose summer varieties as the jadeite manor are planted, they may not produce the same orange fragrance and honey characteristics. If you taste Rosa Coffee for the first time, Qianjie suggests getting to know each other from Panama, where Rosa became famous. Panamanian coffee estates have more planting experience in rose summer varieties, and the unique rose summer flavor is also more representative.

Panama's coffee-producing areas are mainly concentrated in the Poquet Valley in the western highlands and the Volkan area around the Baru volcano, including Emerald Manor, as well as the familiar Erida Manor, Jensen Manor and Hartman Manor.


Pokuit is one of the towns in Chiriki province, near the plateau on the eastern side of the Baru volcano, about 1000-2000 meters above sea level, facing the warm and humid Caribbean monsoon, the back is the Atlantic cold current, the mountains are high and steep. Baru Volcano National Park is an ecological conservation area with rich biodiversity and seven microclimates, coupled with year-round mist and abundant rainfall, creating good local planting conditions. Thanks to the unique local conditions, the Rose Summer Coffee here absorbs all kinds of essence and transforms into elegant flowers and fruits with changeable acidity. Naturally, it also frequently appears in various competitions to get excellent rankings.

What is the grade of Rose Summer with Red label?

On the bean list on the front street, there are about 10 choices of Rose Summer Coffee alone, among which in Panama, Jade Manor Red label Rose Summer and Green label Rose Summer have the most classic Rose Summer flavor. So what do "red signs" and "green marks" mean?


The so-called red mark is the jadeite selected grade ESMERALDA SPECIAL (including competitive bidding). The highest red mark is picked from coffee fruit at high altitude Geisha (1600-1800 meters), with a cup test score of more than 90 points, mainly from two farms, Jaramillo and Ca ñ as Verdes. Although it is highly faced with the challenges of planting and harvest, the flower and fruit flavor is the most prominent in the Pokuit region. The Jade Manor will hold independent bidding competitions. In the divided plots, the red bid lots for the competition are called competitive bids. The bidding lot will have a unique number, and each number corresponds to the entire lot of a lot. What we hear most often is the Mario (Mario) plot of Jaramillo Farm. The emerald red standard rose summer coffee beans in front of the street are from the Mario plot and are treated by the sun.


Qianjie Coffee: emerald Red Standard Rose Summer Coffee beans

Producing area: Pokuit producing area of Panama

Manor: Emerald Manor Kannas Viders

Altitude: 1700 + m

Variety: Rose summer

Treatment: sun treatment

Flavor: lemon, honey, berries, orange peel, mango, cream, citrus


Green label refers to the private collection of PRIVATE COLLECTION, selected from planting 1600-1800 meters above sea level, are picked from Jaramillo and Ca ñ as Verdess two plots, but the jadeite manor will not specifically identify the information of the land, so it will not participate in the bidding, although the grade is not as high as the red standard, it mainly reflects the iconic classic flavor of high-altitude rose summer. The green roses in front of the street are washed with water, and the cup test shows a more fresh and natural flavor of lemon, berries, grapefruit and Tieguanyin tea.


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