Coffee review

How to make a good cup of coffee at home

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, There are several points to pay attention to when making coffee at home:

First of all, we would like to introduce what is called "brewing" coffee. Boil-put something in water and boil it over fire. But the "boiling" of brewing coffee is the process of "washing" the taste of coffee with water of 92-96 degrees. So many people will misunderstand this word. If you really put the coffee into the water to "brew", the drink you get will no longer be a cup of coffee, but a cup of scorched bitter water (because the temperature in the water has reached more than 96 degrees). The temperature above 96 degrees can destroy the oil in the coffee and taste bitter and astringent.

There are several points to pay attention to when making coffee at home:

one. The degree of grinding of coffee is determined by the coffee equipment you choose. Because different coffee making methods require different grinding thicknesses.

two. Use 92-96 degrees of water.

three. Different production methods require different cooking time.