Coffee review

The Story of musicians and Coffee the Coffee play of Bach, the Father of Music

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, During the 200 years of the Bach family, there have been a large number of musical talents, especially John, who is known by the world as Big Bach. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685.03.31 ~ 1750.07.28) is the most outstanding. He is not only the most representative European composer in the Baroque period, but also the founder of Western music, so he is also known as the father of music. Bach was a pipe organ in his lifetime.

During the 200 years of the Bach family, there have been a large number of musical talents, especially John, who is known by the world as Big Bach. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685.03.31 ~ 1750.07.28) is the most outstanding. He is not only the most representative European composer in the Baroque period, but also the founder of Western music, so he is also known as the "father of music".

Bach's improvisation of the organ was very popular in the world. As far as composition is concerned, his creation can be divided into three stages, namely, the Weimar era, which is dominated by the organ, the Cohen Age, which is dominated by instrumental and orchestral music, and the Leipzig Age, which is dominated by religious music such as oratorios and hymns.

Although Bach enjoyed an extremely high position in the history of music, his music declined for a time after his death, thanks to the vigorous development of Leipzig musicians such as Mendelssohn in the early 19th century.

Bach has been married twice in his life. His first wife is his cousin Maria Barbara, who gave birth to seven children. After Maria died of illness, Bach remarried, and his second wife, Anna, gave birth to thirteen children. Ten of Bach's twenty children died, but four became composers, William. Friedman. Bach; Karl. Philip. Emmanuel. Bach "alias Berlin Bach or Hamburg Bach"; John. Christophe. Friedrich. Bach "alias Bookerburg Bach" and John. Kristen. Bach "alias Milan Bach or London Bach".

Bach never wanted to preserve his work, and his works were hardly published during his lifetime. Fortunately, the second wife, Anna, preserved Bach's works one by one, and now we have a chance to hear Bach's music. Bach has a wide variety and quantity of music, a total of 1080, the first is the first oratorio, the 1080 is the art of fugue. At present, the serial number of Bach's works is the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis "BWV" assigned by the German musicologist Schmidt's theme catalogue of Bach's works in 1958.

However, in the 211 oratorio Coffee Oratorio, there are only three characters: storyteller, father and daughter. The daughter's fondness for coffee was very nerve-racking for his father. Even if he listed many prohibitions, he could not stop his daughter's love of coffee. Later, the father said that if the daughter did not quit coffee, she would not be able to marry a good husband. Hearing the word "husband", the daughter was so moved that although she agreed to her father's request on the surface, she secretly decided to continue to drink coffee after marriage. Although the play has only five arias and narrations, its beautiful melodies and exquisite musical instruments make it one of Bach's most popular oratorios.

Some people say that Bach loves children very much. He has a daughter who likes coffee, so he wrote this coffee oratorio to warn her that drinking too much coffee is harmful to her health. His unsmiling Bach, a change of style, humorous and vivid, very cute.

The contents are as follows: at the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, coffee seemed to be a luxury drink. There is a young girl who is addicted to coffee. The strict father forbade his daughter to drink coffee for fear that she would form the habit of loving ease and abhorrent work.

The father sang, "speaking of my daughter, there is nothing to do every day." I know how to drink coffee. " "you disobedient child, bad girl, when are you going to quit coffee?"

The daughter sang, "the coffee tastes so delicious that a thousand kisses and ten thousand cups of wine can't match it."

Father: "if you don't quit coffee, you are not allowed to go out!"

Daughter: "it doesn't matter, as long as you can drink coffee."

Father: "I won't buy you beautiful clothes!" (upgrade step by step)

"No, it doesn't matter."

"Don't go near the window to look at passers-by, and you can't have gold and silver ribbons on your hat!" (more and more demanding)

"it doesn't matter. I just want coffee."

"you stubborn girl, are you willing to give up everything? Well, you can never have a husband! " My father was so angry that he gave an ultimatum domineering.

The situation is so serious that we have to choose between coffee and husband. The daughter had no choice but to sing: "Farewell?" It's farewell. What?