Coffee review

Introduction to Halo Bariti Cooperative of Yega Sheffivoka Worka Halobaliti Cooperative

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Cafe. It seems that (Ethiopia Natural Worka Halo Bariti Cooperative) about the Halobaliti Cooperative, the Halobaliti Cooperative is the Yega Sheffield Coffee small Farmers Cooperative Union (Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, Y.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) cafe looks

(Ethiopia Natural Worka Halo Bariti Cooperative )

About Halobaliti Cooperative

Halobaliti is one of the latest cooperatives to be formed under the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU), formerly part of Worka, which became an independent cooperative in 2012. Woka is located in Gedeb, the southernmost part of Yegashefi. In the early years, this area exported locally produced coffee beans under the name of Woka or was handled by Woka cooperatives; however, in the past two or three years, the independent cooperatives in this area have been excavated by bean hunters.

Halobaliti Co-operative became independent in 2012 and the following year won fourth place in the 2013 Taste of Harvest Coffee Awards by the East African Fine Coffee Association (EAFCA). Since then, it has become the subject of competition among boutique bakers around the world every year.

Country Ethiopia

SNNPR Region

Gedeo Zone


Altitude 1,600 - 2,300 m (plant GPS measurements)

Varieties Ethiopia Ancient Superior Native Species (Heirloom)

Annual rainfall of approximately 1,500 - 2,000 mm

Treatment plant Halo Bariti Cooperative

African trestle solarization

Flavor Introduction

Lemon, blueberry, floral, lychee, peach…explosive blueberry and floral aromas.