Coffee review

A little knowledge of healthy coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, People are often unwittingly dependent on and infatuated with coffee, not only because of the elegant atmosphere of the cafe or the aroma of coffee, but also because of the caffeine ingredients in coffee.

People are often unwittingly dependent on and infatuated with coffee, not only because of the elegant atmosphere of the cafe or the aroma of coffee, but also because of the caffeine ingredients in coffee. So is caffeine good or bad? This question may vary from person to person. Before making a judgment, you must first understand your own physiology and physical fitness.

The effect of Coffee on Human body

People worry that drinking coffee is addictive mainly because coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a white water-soluble powder with a slightly bitter taste. Coffee occurs naturally in tea, coffee and cocoa beans. The existence of caffeine is not obvious, but without it in coffee, it will taste less. Caffeine is found not only in tea, coffee and cocoa beans, but also in cocoa powder and chocolate. People also add caffeine to drinks such as cola after extraction.

Some people say that coffee is a drink, while others say that coffee is a kind of medicine. Whether it is drink or medicine, what effect does it have on the human body?

Affect the brain's central nervous system, so that the central nervous system excited, activity tends to be sensitive, resulting in sleep, sedative nerves to avoid depression.

Stimulate the role of myocardium, increase the workload of the heart and oxygen consumption, make people feel that the heartbeat is faster, the pulse is faster, the blood circulation is accelerated, and fatigue is reduced.

Improve renal function, diuretic effect.

Increase gastric acid secretion, promote gastric peristalsis and help digestion.

Pregnant women drinking more than two cups of coffee a day may lead to preterm birth; drinking coffee in lactating women may prevent the baby from falling asleep.

It has the effect of relieving pain, so it is synthesized with other painkillers to treat toothache, postpartum pain and so on.

The contraction of the arteries in the head can effectively relieve migraine caused by the expansion of arteries in the head.

Osteoporosis is indirectly caused by diuretic effect. However, caffeine itself does not affect bone mineral density, as long as you can eat the right amount of calcium every day, caffeine has no effect on bone health at all.

It can increase the rate at which the body consumes calories and helps to control weight.

Can relax bronchial muscles, expand the bronchi, so asthma patients due to bronchoconstriction attack to drink some coffee can stop asthma.

How to drink it healthily

Try to drink before 4pm at the right time, and it's better to drink earlier. In addition, it is best not to drink before meals, otherwise it will reduce appetite and stimulate the stomach. Drinking coffee can help digestion due to increased gastric juice secretion after a meal.

Try not to add partner coffee partner is too high in fat, and contains hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is bad for your health. The best way is to add whole milk, put 3 cups of coffee, pour 1 cup of milk, no sugar, taste good and healthy. Black coffee is the most healthy, not only anti-oxidation, but also anti-cancer, anti-aging.

Take a cup of water and take a sip of water before tasting the coffee, flushing away the bad smell in your mouth, and then you will feel mellow. Because of the diuretic function of coffee, drink more white water and increase the volume of urination to promote renal function. In this way, not only taste the delicious coffee, but also do not have to worry about getting angry, killing two birds with one stone.

Do not reheat the brewed coffee before each serving, and only brew the amount you want to drink. The temperature to maintain the best flavor is about 86 degrees Celsius.

Serve with snacks such as cheese slices or cheesecake with coffee, which can not only supplement calcium, but also make the coffee more delicious.

How much to drink is healthy

Why do some people sip coffee all day and sleep like a tired baby at night, while others drink only one or two cups of coffee and look at the ceiling all night? Just as everyone has a different amount of alcohol, the effect of coffee on different people will vary greatly. The amount of coffee is determined by many factors, including weight, metabolic rate, tolerance to coffee, dietary preference, age, amount of exercise, smoking, oral contraceptive or certain antibiotics. For example, a smoker who is heavier, older, inactive, eats few stimulating foods and is taking antibiotics, a small amount of coffee may also make him "unbearable" because of his slow metabolism and poor health of cardiovascular tissue. Coffee will stay in his body for a relatively long time, which will make him feel uncomfortable.

For people with normal physique and good health, caffeine accumulated to 10 grams in the body will be dangerous and have a great impact on health. Because 10 grams of coffee is equivalent to the amount contained in 100 cups of Espresso espresso, it is impossible for the average person to drink so much coffee a day. How much coffee is too much? In some large coffee consuming countries, people consume an average of about 250 to 600 milligrams of caffeine a day. After repeated scientific research and analysis, this dose does not have any side effects on the human body. Because the caffeine content in a cup of coffee (150 ml) is generally, ground coffee: about 80-90 mg; instant coffee: about 60 mg.

Who is not fit to drink coffee?

Patients with cerebral hemangioma are not suitable for drinking coffee; patients with heart disease should drink coffee without or with low caffeine; people with skin diseases and stomach problems should drink as little coffee as possible; people with diabetes should also avoid drinking coffee with too much sugar; women who are pregnant or may be pregnant should reduce their caffeine intake. In short, if you find that you are not feeling well after drinking coffee, you should not drink coffee for the time being, and then start with a small amount, changing the way you drink it, and so on.