Coffee review

Coffee and Milk Breakfast Program helps to improve students' Psychology

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A few people who like to drink know that there are three stages of drinking wine: the first stage is excitement, followed by intoxication, and finally hatred.

Most alcoholics drink to relieve their frequent and unbearable feelings of social depression, anxiety, loneliness, depression and tension. So alcohol brings excitement and does play a role in improving mood. After regular and adequate alcohol intake, the brain adapts to its physical and psychological dependence, and people who become dependent have an urgent craving for alcohol, take any risk in order to continue drinking, and then become alcoholics. In the United States, at least 15% of adults who drink alcohol occasionally are "heavy" drinkers, who develop alcohol tolerance, physical dependence and chronic alcohol poisoning.

Opioid antagonist (naloxone) is the only drug approved by FDA to treat alcoholism. Studies have shown that there is a negative correlation between coffee consumption and alcoholism or cirrhosis because properly roasted coffee contains chlorogenic acid and lactone, which have a strong opioid antagonistic effect, thus blocking the craving for alcohol. Many studies have shown that coffee can inhibit the increase of alcohol-related liver enzymes in serum, which may be due to regular drinking of properly roasted coffee reduces alcohol consumption. Therefore, a good mood, depressive symptoms and reduced craving for alcohol may be related to the chlorogenic acid and lactone components of coffee that act on the limbic system of the brain. At the same time, because caffeine acts on the brainstem and cerebral cortex, attention and memory can also be improved, so coffee is not only a healthy drink but also an "intellectual drink".

Ongoing experiments with Brazilian school students have shown that the promotion of breakfast programs with coffee and milk is related to improving students' psychology and learning ability in the short or long term, and drinking coffee regularly can greatly reduce the alcohol intake of young people.