Coffee review

Coffee drinkers are easily persuaded

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Recently, a new study shows that 80% of Americans and Britons are caffeine users to some extent, and coffee drinkers are the most likely to be persuaded.

Recently, a new study shows that 80% of Americans and Britons are caffeine users to some extent, and coffee drinkers are the most likely to be persuaded.

The study points out that caffeine is better known for its effects of concentration and alertness, but few people know that caffeine also makes regular coffee drinkers more likely to be persuaded.

The double-blind method was used in the trial, in which neither the researchers nor the participants knew which substance they were taking. The researchers divided the participants into two groups, gave one group a moderate dose of caffeine, the other a placebo, and then read the two groups six stories about opposing euthanasia. After reading, participants were asked about their attitude towards voluntary euthanasia, and the results showed that people who drank caffeine had softer ears than those who did not.

Why are coffee drinkers more likely to be persuaded? The reason given by the researchers is that people do not pay much attention to these persuasive messages after drinking coffee, so they can easily accept them, and their thoughts can easily fall into a state of confusion, leading to no thinking without thinking.

(responsible Editor: coffee Sound)