Coffee review

Is gold manning the best? The different Flavor of Lindong Mantenin in Sumatra

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) cup test report: it is generally believed that as long as the coffee produced from Sumatra is commonly known as Mantenin, there will be such a saying that it comes from an internationally famous coffee company, but in fact there are many coffee producing areas on Sumatra, and the coffee flavor produced in each area is not the same.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Cup Test Report:

It is generally believed that as long as the coffee produced in Sumatra is known as "Mantenin", there will be such a claim that it comes from an internationally renowned coffee company, but in fact there are many coffee producing areas on Sumatra, each producing coffee flavor is also different, and "Mantenin" refers to a race name for coffee cultivation.

Lin Dong is located in the south west of Toba Lake area, at an altitude of up to 1400 meters."Pure water washed" treated coffee is rare in Sumatra. Usually 'mantenin' is mostly treated as "wet shelling".

This coffee is very personal, has a very different flavor experience, full of this charming charm, thick taste, delicate sweetness, low acidity, special fruit flavor, the emphasis is very clean. It's not easy to find a clean mantning coffee, but the taste pleasure is amazing. This is the charm of mantning!! --

Country: Indonesia

■ Production area: Lintong Nihuta, Sumatra

■ Breed: Ateng

■ Treatment method: washing

■ Harvest date: 2017