Coffee review

Guatemala-Santa Aina Estate Coffee Bean Roasting Advice How to Identify Authentic Antigua Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista exchanges, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style ) Guatemala-Santa Elena estate beans Guatemala planting conditions are the best in Central American countries, but large groups control the vast majority of production areas, low altitude, low quality coffee, but sold in the market, completely can not really represent Guatemala high quality coffee.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Guatemala-Santa Elena Manor beans

Guatemala's growing conditions are the best in Central American countries, but large groups control most of the producing areas. Low-altitude, low-quality coffee is sold on the market, which does not really represent the high-quality coffee of Guatemala. Antigua, the capital, produces good quality coffee, but in the market, many coffees under the name Antigua are low-quality knockoffs, so traders turn to coffee produced by small coffee cooperatives in Koban or Vivetnam fruit-producing areas.

The Santa Elena estate is located in the high mountains on the border between Guatemala and Mexico. Due to the difficult access to transportation and materials to form a natural organic ecology, but also because of this, there is no organization to coach and market it, so traders can only sell good coffee to the outside world.

(shallow baking) stored for 5 days at a water temperature of 83 degrees, (heavy baking) stored for 3 days at a water temperature of 85 degrees, once cooked by hand-washing method and air-plugging method, the taste is as follows:

Light baked City (fragrance): the floral aroma of chamomile, the acidity disappears when the yellow orange acid enters the throat, the taste is smooth and as bright and thin as Central American beans, this baked sweetness is a great ripe fruit sweet, with a hint of blueberry on the finish.

Medium baking (general B): stone fruit aroma, yellow orange acid becomes very soft and delicate, smooth taste, milk and emulsified sweet, back sweet with peanut potato finish, this baked degree of smoky taste.

Heavy roasting (general C): the aroma of chocolate is mellow on the palate, full of caramel sweetness and a hint of tobacco leaf is the surprise of Santa Elena manor beans, which has the smoky smell of traditional Guatemalan coffee. In this baking degree, there is a very delicious Guatemalan coffee.

Santa Elena Manor beans have both the style and characteristics of Guatemala-Antigua (heavy baking) and Guatemala-Vivette Nan fruit (light baking).