Coffee review

Why is coffee good for the body? the effects of caffeine and polyphenols on body conditioning

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please pay attention to how coffee is made in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). Here we are talking about the ingredients in coffee, of which caffeine and polyphenols are the most important. Ingredients in coffee raw beans / roasted beans main ingredients of coffee polysaccharides, lipids, amino acids, proteins, polyphenols, caffeine, triterpene alcohol moisture, brown

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How is coffee made? Here we are talking about the ingredients in coffee, of which "caffeine" and "polyphenols" are the most important.

The ingredients in coffee

Raw beans / baked beans


Main ingredients: polysaccharides, lipids, amino acids, proteins, polyphenols, caffeine, triterpene alcohols

Moisture, brown pigment (coffee beans only), etc.

About the main ingredients of coffee


Caffeine is the most famous ingredient in coffee. Its "awakening effect" has been noticed since ancient times, when it worked like a monk praying for a long time, and its effect was due to this caffeine.

In this street, what is the most famous effect of caffeine is "awakening sleeping", but the movements, others are concentrated, antipyretic analgesia, diuretic effects, movement to promote the autonomic nervous system, for example, for various functions and effects I know there.

Caffeine usually enters the body in about 30 minutes and reaches the blood circulation of the brain through the body.

It is well known that it has the function of burning fat in the body because it stimulates the sympathetic nerve.

In addition, caffeine contains not only coffee, but also drinks such as tea, cocoa and cola. It is also used as medicine.

In addition, caffeine is said to support fat burning. Therefore, before starting aerobics such as jogging and swimming, it is expected to increase the effect of diet through drinking.

The main role of caffeine in stimulating effect


Sympathetic nerve stimulation (promoting basal metabolism)

Promoting effect of gastric acid secretion

Diuretic effect

Fat burning

On the other hand, excessive caffeine intake can have negative effects on fetuses and babies.

Therefore, pregnant and lactating women need to pay attention. Decaffeinated coffee (decafee) would be better.

In addition, the taste of the herbal dandelion is very similar to coffee, but not caffeine. It is also often called dandelion coffee. In addition, it is said that dandelion can promote the secretion of breast milk, so it is especially recommended to those who are breastfeeding.


Coffee is rich in "polyphenols" such as chlorogenic acid. More than caffeine, it is the source of the color, bitterness and aroma of coffee.

Excessive production of reactive oxygen species in the body can have adverse effects on the body's cells and genes, which is said to be the cause of "cancer". It can also cause diseases such as arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

It is known that the polyphenol is a substance to prevent the oxidation of active oxygen, and the polyphenol "coffee polyphenol" contained in coffee also has a strong antioxidant effect.

It is believed that its effect interferes with the risk of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, liver cirrhosis and so on.

The main role of polyphenols

Antioxidation effect

Antibacterial activity

, antiviral activity, anticancer activity, anti-

Obesity effect

Regulation of fat metabolism

Inhibition of bad breath

Anti-fatigue effect