Coffee review

How much does a cup of coffee cost in a cafe? how to calculate the cost of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) how much is the coffee when you drink the coffee? Do you have such an idea? I can buy it at 7 yuan at the convenience store and 25 yuan at the coffee shop. You are also concerned about the price difference. Let's take a look at this coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

What is the cost?

Cost refers to the amount and purchase price spent on producing goods and services. Usually, products, etc., will be sold at cost plus a certain profit. From the expenses we usually see, the amount gained by subtracting the profits of the seller or worker is the cost.

Where is the price of coffee determined?

Coffee has been traded as an international exchange commodity for many years. The price of coffee is determined by the futures trading of Arabica coffee on the New York market and Robusta on the London market. (futures trading is a transaction involving the delivery of goods at some point in the future)

Coffee is also affected by weather and disease, and is said to be affected by global economic conditions and the exchange rate of luxury goods.

The cost of coffee is about 1% to 20% of the selling price

If the price of coffee is 25 yuan, the cost is thought to be about 2.5 yuan from 10% to 20%. Is there a profit of 80% to 90%? It can be considered that before the coffee beans become a cup of coffee, various costs, such as water and electricity, packaging, labor costs, transportation costs and so on.

In the coffee shop, the rent of the shop will also change, and the interior and coffee equipment must be depreciated. Even self-service coffee shops cost as much as coffee shops such as packaging materials. Even if the profit is between 8% and 90%, it cannot be said that the overall profit margin is high.

The cost of convenience store coffee is high!

The price of 7-Eleven coffee is 8 yuan, and "the cost is expensive!" It was talked about. Although it is like "have you set up the money like this?" But it is not possible to set the cost in a coffee store, but coffee is not a major part of the convenience store, but a part of the product. Because our goal is to use coffee to buy coffee, even if the profit of coffee is very low, there is no problem. To say without words means to do it for the customers.

Deep roasting of coffee costs more!

The price of coffee depends on the production area and brand name, but shallow roasting and deep roasting are more expensive. The reason is simple, because the baking time is longer, and the practical cost of baking is more expensive than shallow baking.

The cost of coffee is about 10% to 20% of the selling price

The price of coffee depends on futures trading on the New York and London markets. The cost of coffee is usually about 10% to 20% of the selling price, while when coffee is sold at 25 yuan, the cost is about 2.5 to 5 yuan, as well as sugar, fresh, etc. Fees also vary according to full service, self-service, coffee shop or convenience store.

Taking into account the price of coffee, it turned out that a lot of people were involved. This is what you have to remember, in the context of the participation of so many people, you can buy cheap and delicious coffee.