Coffee review

How do beginners choose the right coffee beans? Recommendation of the best coffee bean brands

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) [2017 inventory] Coffee bean brand recommendation, coffee bean top 10 brands list 1. What kind of coffee utensils are used to make coffee? It's best to tell the clerk what kind of coffee brewing method you use. In this way, the shop assistant can make targeted recommendations for you.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

[2017 inventory] Coffee bean brand recommendation, coffee bean top ten brands list

1. What kind of coffee utensils are used to make coffee?

It's best to tell the clerk what kind of coffee brewing method you use. In this way, the shop assistant can recommend suitable coffee beans for you. In addition, you may also be able to share your experience with the shop assistant.

two。 I like the taste of coffee.

Describe to the clerk what kind of coffee you like. There is no need to be as professional and relaxed as a professional coffee review, such as something stronger or sour, so that the clerk can recommend the most suitable coffee to you according to the taste characteristics of your own coffee.

3. Know the flavor of coffee beans before you buy them.

Although the coffee bean itself will have obvious regional characteristics, but in the roasting process, the roaster may adjust according to his own understanding of the taste of coffee, and finally get the taste of the same coffee can show a variety of features. Before you buy, know the flavor of the coffee beans, so that you can understand why the same coffee beans bought in different places taste different.

4. Learn to ask the roasting date of coffee beans.

As a food, coffee beans naturally have indicators such as "shelf life". Coffee beans are similar to seafood, the fresher the better. The indicator of freshness is the "baking date". It is recommended to buy coffee beans with a roasting date of less than two weeks. Because different coffee beans, different roasting degree will affect the drinking period. For example, medium and deep roasted coffee beans, because of the heavy smell of smoke and fire, it is best to wait until roasted for seven days before drinking, while the best flavor is after two weeks, while lightly roasted coffee beans can be drunk two or three days after baking, and the best flavor is after a week. You can drink the variety of bean flavor, and it is best to drink both within a month. After buying it home, you can first use a strange pen to write the baked bean date on the package, which can help to understand the freshness of the beans.

But many people will say that it tastes good when they try it on the spot, but it doesn't taste good when they buy it and cook it at home. It should be affected by the following reasons: first, the particle homogenization of domestic and commercial bean grinders is different, especially the difference between manual and electric bean grinders, which can not produce electric uniformity and fineness manually; in addition, the water quality selected by some coffee shops may be relatively better than that of household water quality. Third, the material, Italian coffee machine at different prices of the model pressure index and stability index are not the same, these will affect, such as hand coffee, the material of the filter cup, the material of the hand pot. It's going to affect everything.

5. Buy whole beans for coffee

Basically, stores will provide free coffee grinding service, that is, they can help guests grind coffee beans into coffee powder for free. If you want to fully enjoy the aroma of a cup of coffee, it is recommended to buy whole coffee beans, WholeBean. The most attractive thing about coffee is its aroma, and in the life of coffee, if you want to choose the "list of the most fragrant moments", the grinding process is definitely on the list, even in the top three. In addition, from the point of view of safekeeping, the vitality of whole coffee beans is much stronger than that of coffee powder, and coffee whole beans can maintain their aroma for a longer time. If you often drink coffee, why not buy your own coffee grinder, manual or electric, you can not only enjoy the fun of making, but also better enjoy the aroma and flavor of coffee?

Therefore, if you want to select good coffee beans, the choice of physical stores is relatively limited, and online shopping is a very good way. After receiving the beans bought online, how to judge whether the beans are fresh or not?

What is the relationship between the "oil" of coffee beans and the freshness?

1. Look.

If you are buying individual coffee beans, grab a handful of beans with your hands, about 10 of them, to see if each bean has the same color, average grain size, and the same shape, so as to avoid buying shoddy products disguised as mixed beans. But if it is a comprehensive bean, it is a normal phenomenon that the size and color are different. Coffee beans produced by strong fire and deep roasting will produce oil. However, if the shallow baked beans produce oil, it means that it has gone bad, and it will not only reduce its aroma, but also appear astringent and sour taste.

Have you ever seen oily coffee beans? Why do some coffee beans have a shiny surface, while others are "dry and comfortable" without greasy? What is the relationship between the "oil" of coffee beans and the freshness? Should we buy coffee beans that are "oily" or "unoiled" in appearance?

Coffee oil that is not oil:

These "oils" distributed evenly on the surface of coffee beans are actually not "oils", but water-soluble organic substances that look like oils. "Coffee oil" itself contains many aroma ingredients of coffee, which can be dissolved in water, so the surface of your brewed coffee will not be covered with greasy oil.

There are two reasons for "out of oil beans".

A) stale shallow baked beans

The "light baked beans", which are light in heat and light brown in appearance, are dry and will not produce oil after baking. About five days after it comes out of the oven (it may be shortened to one or two days at the height of summer), the phenomenon of "spot oil" begins to appear (dotted oil droplets appear on one side of the coffee bean) Please note: a little "spot oil" does not mean it is not fresh. sometimes the flavor of light-roasted coffee beans is at its peak. Continue to put, more than two weeks after the oven, the surface of shallow baked beans gradually covered with a uniform, thin and bright oil, the smell is not sweet, but with fuel consumption, at this time, the flavor of "shallow baked beans" has gone downhill and should be avoided.

B) fresh deep baked beans

The deep-baked beans with dark brown appearance show a slight glossy appearance after baking, and a large amount of oil begins to appear on the surface from the first day to the second day. The bright-looking "deep-baked beans" not only do not mean that they are not fresh, on the contrary, the deep-baked beans will gradually dry out three weeks after they come out of the oven, and finally become dry-flavored beans. Therefore, if you see coffee beans that are dry but dark brown in appearance, please pay special attention to whether they are marked with the date of baking, which is most likely to be spoiled beans.

Even if it is not fresh, the appearance of the "shallow baked beans" will gradually dry out after a long time (such as three months), and finally return to the dry and unoily appearance. Thus it can be seen that the appearance of oil is only a reference to judge the freshness of coffee beans, not absolutely.

First of all, please choose from the professional coffee roasters who have clearly marked date, brand reputation and emphasize fresh roasting. In addition, excellent coffee bags are usually designed with a "one-way exhaust valve" (a button-shaped hole in the top of the coffee bag) for coffee beans to discharge naturally occurring carbon dioxide. Point the one-way exhaust valve at the nose, gently squeeze the coffee bag and smell the gas. If it is a charming and fragrant coffee aroma, the freshness will not be a problem. On the contrary, if it does not smell strong enough, or even smells of smelly oil, it means that this bag of coffee has already gone bad and should be avoided.

So why do coffee beans use one-way valve bags?

(1) the roasted coffee beans are sealed and packed with aluminum foil bags to avoid the rapid emission and oxidation of aroma caused by the contact of coffee beans with light and air.

(2) the "one-way exhaust valve" coffee bag can insulate the light and air from outside the bag, so that the coffee beans can keep the fresh original taste of the coffee beans in the best state of preservation and packaging.

(3) the roasted coffee beans will naturally emit carbon dioxide, such as the accumulation in the bag will affect the quality of the coffee beans, and the "one-way exhaust valve" on the bag can let the excess gas out of the bag, and the coffee can squeeze the bag to smell the fragrance.

This kind of packaging is to design a valve with a double-layer structure made of thin film on the seal of the bag. after loading the baked beans, the carbonic acid gas produced after baking will be discharged from the valve, and the outside gas can not enter the bag. can effectively maintain the original aroma and essence of roasted coffee beans. This is currently the most recommended packaging method for roasted coffee beans, and coffee products with this packaging should be selected as far as possible.

To put it more popularly, this air valve is only inaccessible. After roasting, coffee beans will produce gases such as carbon dioxide, which need to be discharged slowly. On the other hand, the one-way exhaust valve is encapsulated on the coffee bag, and a hole is pierced on the surface of the bag in the position of the one-way valve, so that the carbon dioxide precipitated from the baked coffee beans can be automatically discharged out of the bag, but the air from the outside can not enter the bag. It effectively ensures the dry and mellow flavor of coffee beans, and will not cause the bags to open because of the accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time prevent coffee beans from being accelerated by external air.

2. Smell

Smell whether the beans have the aroma of coffee beans, if so, it means that the coffee beans are fresh enough. If the aroma is weak, or even a greasy smell like peanuts that will exist for a long time, it means that the beans are completely stale, and don't choose them, because no matter how much effort you put into it, you can't make good coffee.

3. Peel off

Peel the coffee bean by hand. If the bean is fresh enough, it is easy to peel it, accompanied by the sound of crispy ears. If the beans are not fresh, it takes a lot of effort to peel them off. After peeling off, you can see if the baking is uniform. If uniform, the skin and inner layer of coffee beans are the same color. If the surface color is much darker than the inner layer, it means that the roast may be too angry, which will also affect the aroma and taste of coffee beans.

4. Chew.

When choosing, it is best to chew one or two beans in your mouth. If the beans are crisp and crisp, it means the beans are not damp. In addition, it can make your teeth stay fragrant, and that is the top grade!

5. Whether there are enough bubbles when brewing.

Freshly roasted coffee beans, because the beans contain a lot of gas, strong respiration, in the extraction, the beans released gas, we see is a wonderful plump bubbles, there is a very vivid adjective, "blooming". Yes, when fresh coffee beans are extracted, clumps of rich bubbles bloom like flowers of this season. It is accompanied by the rich aroma of fresh coffee beans.

An in-depth study of whether bubbles are abundant or not

During extraction, the richness of bubbles is positively related to freshness. The fresher the bubbles are, the more bubbles are. However, there is a premise for the same coffee bean. To be exact, it is the same raw beans, the same baking, the same operation.

The fullness of bubbles will be different between different coffee beans, or between different roasting degrees of the same coffee bean, or between different operating coefficients of the same coffee bean.

To sum up: the fresher the same coffee bean, the richer the bubbles; for the same coffee bean, deep roasting is more abundant than shallow roasting bubbles.

For beginners, when they first come into contact with a single product, they can't better find the coffee that suits their taste, and simply explain the flavor and taste of coffee beans from different places.

There are thousands of kinds of coffee in the world, with as many places of origin as in geography class, or names that are too dazzling to remember, but what kind of coffee is suitable for you?

There are many reasons that affect the aroma and flavor of coffee, among which the origin is one of the factors affecting coffee beans, such as "climate", "soil", "topography and altitude". These three major reasons will cause coffee to show a different flavor (variety, treatment will also have an impact, but this will not go into detail) Here is a rough introduction to the simple flavor of the producing area and the world map of the coffee belt (23.5 °N-30 °S).

⒈ tastes fresh, floral and fruity (yellow landmark)

This kind of coffee with a slightly sour taste is suitable for people who prefer not to cause a burden on the taste, and the typical places of origin are:

* Ethiopia: unique aromas of peach and blueberry or red wine, as well as freshness on the palate, are best known-Yega Chuefei.

* Rwanda: cherry-like aroma with a clear taste as a whole

* Kenya: Kenyan coffee has multiple levels of caffeic acid and a deep sense of balance, with a sweet and sour taste like citrus and red wine.

* Burundi: Burundian coffee is mainly grown in bourbon, with traditional wet processing of coffee cherries. The main characteristics of its fine coffee are elegant sweetness and bright citrus aromas, citrus acidity, lemon, orange and almond aromas.

⒉ has a round taste and rich layers (orange landmark)

This kind of coffee with rich layers and changeable taste is very suitable for people who like complex flavor, and the typical producing areas are:

* Guatemala: unique fruit and spice aromas combined with complex aromas of red wine, with a sweet cocoa finish, worth tasting-SL28 wine in the sun.

* Hawaii: delicate grass or tree-like fresh sweetness, coupled with the sweet and sour taste of citrus, characterized by more sweet smell and less bitterness-Kona.

* Panama: rich and intense aromas of a variety of fruits, moderate on the palate and delicate aromas-Rose Summer.

* 90+ series: the most easily recognizable is the fresh aroma of flowers, plus the sweet sour taste of cherries, and finally presents a complete balance with a thick taste-90 + candlelight.

⒊ has a rich taste and a rich aroma (red landmark)

This kind of coffee is full-bodied and lingering. People who like solid and full-bodied taste are the most suitable. Representative places of origin are:

* Columbia: rich fruit and nutty aromas, and sweet and thick palate.

* Costa Rica: full sour taste with a strong taste.

* Brazil: it has a unique nutty aroma and strong feeling, with a slightly sweet finish.

* El Salvador: stable sour and chocolate-like taste.

* Indonesia: Mantenin is still loved by many people today with a creamy aroma and a delicate balance of vanilla, spice, herbs and fruit.

* Bolivia: chocolate sweetness of nuts

The choice of coffee is like an interesting game of hide-and-seek. Each caffeine variety and origin have different personalities. There are subtle differences in sour, bitter, sweet, fragrance, mellow thickness and other flavors. They have their own strong personalities and have the patience to taste them one by one to find out the coffee varieties that suit their own taste.