Coffee review

[2018 latest version] how to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) beginners how to choose the right coffee beans? The best brands of coffee beans recommend getting up in the morning with a cup of refreshing, refreshing during the day at work, drinking a cup of coffee, eating a few cakes, and chatting with friends in your spare time. Coffee enriches our

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How do beginners choose the right coffee beans? Recommendation of the best coffee bean brands

After getting up in the morning, I have a drink to wake my head up, and I have a light gulp at work during the day. I have more time to drink a cup of coffee, eat a few cakes and chat with friends in my spare time. Coffee enriches our lives and shortens the distance between you and me. So how do you make your own delicious coffee? How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Reference index of coffee bean grading

In fact, at present, there is no unified classification in the coffee industry, and each country of production is divided into different levels. For example, Brazil sets NO.2 as the highest level and Jamaica sets NO.1 as the highest level.

Personally, due to people's preferences and taste are different, grading can not fully show the flavor of coffee, it is more about the quality of coffee, so the level of coffee is not very important to me. I don't think we can know until we taste the good coffee. Moreover, domestic coffee stores usually do not mark the grade, can only see Colombian coffee, Mantenin coffee, Kenyan coffee and so on, but do not see the grade. So, taste is the last word.

However, generally speaking, we can make reference to the following three indicators for grading:

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

(1) the size of coffee beans

Some people say that the size of beans does not affect the flavor of coffee, such as Mattari in Yemen. Although the particles of beans are large and small, they are still the best in coffee. However, in many producing areas, the size of coffee beans is indeed a valuable indicator.

This classification is generally used in Kenya, New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Uganda. In addition, this classification is also used in many Brazilian coffee.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

(2) the number of defective beans

This is the earliest method of grading and is still used in many parts of Brazil. The method of identification is to randomly take 300 grams of samples, find out the defective beans in the samples, and accumulate different scores according to the types of defects. After the identification was completed, it was rated as Grade ·2-Grade ·8 according to the accumulated defect score, but there was no Grade ·1. If you want to buy first-class Brazilian beans, it will make a joke.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Coffee beans in Indonesia and Ethiopia are also graded in this way. Indonesian beans are mainly classified into 6 grades: Grade ·1-Grade ·6. Ethiopia is divided into five grades, of which Grade ·1-Grade ·2 is reserved for water-washed beans, Grade 1 represents only 3 Grade per 300g of raw defective beans, while Grade 2 represents 4muri 12 per 300g of defective beans, and the quality of sun-dried beans is Grade ·3, Grade 4 or Grade ·5 in order.

(3) the origin of coffee beans

Coffee beans are processed from the fruits of coffee trees, which grow at 25 degrees north and south latitudes around the equator (pictured below), that is, tropical and subtropical regions.

At present, there are more than 60 coffee producing countries, which are produced in South America, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, the South Pacific and Oceania.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

The best quality coffee beans in the world are produced in Indonesia and Colombia. In terms of production, Brazil ranks first in the world's output, accounting for about 30%, followed by Colombia-centered Central and South America, followed by Africa and Arabia, and the remaining 10% are distributed in Asia and the islands.

In addition, Central American countries such as Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador are located in high and undulating areas. The farms in the territory are located in different mountain areas, so the height of the origin can also be used to distinguish the quality of coffee.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

(4) the new and old coffee beans

New coffee is called "new bean", which refers to the coffee raw beans harvested that year. The raw coffee beans produced the year before are called "old beans". The raw beans harvested in earlier years are called "old beans". Only the new beans produced in that year are high-grade products, because the taste and aroma of new beans are relatively rich.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

The treatment of raw coffee beans

After the coffee fruit is picked, the coffee bean must be stripped out of the coffee fruit as soon as possible. There are generally the following ways to deal with it:

Water washing, that is, the coffee fruit is immediately picked when it turns red, the hard peel is removed by machine, the sticky berries are exposed, and then thrown into the pool to ferment. In about a day or two, the bacteria will eat most of the pulp attached to the seeds. The whole fermentation process needs to be monitored by the old master, if it goes too far, it will destroy the quality of coffee beans. After the berries are removed by fermentation, rinse the residual pulp attached to the seeds with clean water.

The next step is the drying process, it is best to lay the floor and let the sun dry, the flavor is better, but if it rains, it can also be dried by machine, and the temperature should be well controlled. Dry and then polish.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Generally speaking, washed beans are bluish green, beautiful, and have a clear and bright sour taste. Guatemala, Colombia, Blue Mountains, Kona, Kenya, Java and Panama coffee beans are all washed beans. Washing is used in Latin America with the exception of Brazil.

This kind of treatment process requires more capital and energy investment, and the cost is higher, but it helps to ensure the quality of coffee beans and reduce the loss.

There is also a semi-washing method. The first step is the same as washing. The fruit is picked when it turns red, but it is not thrown into the fermentation pool. Instead, the pericarp is removed by a machine, the berries are spread on the ground, dried and then moistened, and the dried flesh is ground with a special machine to remove the seeds. Mantenin in Indonesia is mostly semi-washed. Brazil has also used semi-washing in recent years, which is the only country in the world that has both sun, water and semi-washing treatments.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

The rule of the sun is to take the red fruit to dry directly and then force peeling and shelling. In this way, beans often have defects and are not beautiful. Beans dried in the sun are often made of foreign bodies or stones. The flavor of the beans treated by this method is complex, with the taste of the sun, the fruit flavor is very strong, and the consistency is better than that of washing, but the appearance of beans is not good. General Brazilian beans as well as Manning and mocha are typical sun-treated beans.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Roasting and mixing of coffee beans

When there are good coffee beans, the most important step to make them high-quality coffee is roasting and mixing.

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In general, raw beans have a pungent earthy smell, and after the correct baking "fragrance", it will emit a strong aroma. In fact, raw beans contain 700 to 800 aromatic ingredients, which must be "awakened" by baking.

First of all, after baking more than 200℃, the water begins to evaporate, the volume expands by more than 50 per cent, and the weight is reduced by 10 per cent and 25 per cent depending on the degree of baking. The deeper the baking, the more weight loss.

In addition, raw beans release carbon dioxide during baking and will continue to exhaust for 30 days after baking. What is interesting is that this exhaust contributes to the preservation of coffee beans, because oxygen molecules are not easy to invade in this process, and the oxidation that destroys the flavor of coffee cannot be carried out. Then the exhaust gradually slows down after 7 days of baking, the oxygen molecules are easily attached to the bean table, and the coffee flavor is easy to decline, which is an important reason why coffee beans are best used up within a week after opening.

Professional coffee is generally roasted in small batches. The most common methods are: tympanic baking and hot air baking.

The drum roaster puts the coffee beans in a rotating vat and burns gas or wood to bake them. When the desired baking degree is reached, the coffee beans can be poured into a cooling funnel to prevent overbaking.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Hot air roaster, also known as fluidization air roaster, roasts coffee beans by rolling them in hot air. Most raw coffee beans are roasted at a temperature of nearly 400 degrees.

The roasting degree is roughly divided into shallow roasting, medium roasting and deep roasting, but there is no unified standard in the coffee industry. American baking degree classification is used at most in the industry, as shown in the following table:

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

There are more than 100 coffee producing areas in the world, and their coffee beans have their own characteristics. The mixing of coffee beans is to balance the flavor of coffee in order to create an unparalleled delicacy.

A single coffee bean generally lacks the complex flavor necessary to make a delicious cup of coffee. Many blended coffees contain 7 different types of 3muri coffee beans. In Italy, for example, some Robster beans are added to mixed coffee to increase the complexity of its fat, caffeine and coffee flavor.

Roasters understand the characteristics of each kind of coffee beans and mix them artistically to create a desired new flavor. It is said that the knowledge of roasters mixing coffee beans is the highest industry secret.

But as for baking or mixing first, this has always been a controversial issue among bakers. Generally speaking, each product is roasted first and then mixed, which will maximize the different flavor characteristics of each kind of coffee and produce the best effect. The classic Blaser coffee beans launched by the Swiss coffee maker use this way to bring you the most delicious coffee.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Coffee machines (utensils) serve coffee beans; coffee beans serve human taste, and the order of this relationship is irreversible. First of all, we need to know clearly what kind of coffee we like, and find suitable coffee beans and utensils according to this location. For example, if you don't like strong coffee, the espresso made by mocha pot, semi-automatic and fully automatic is not suitable for you!

So the first relationship is: taste determines the choice of utensils beans!

Let's take a look at the effect of roasting depth of coffee beans on taste. Usually, the caffeine with deep baking degree has high thickness and low acidity, so it is more suitable for espresso. On the contrary, the alcohol has low thickness and acidity is obviously suitable for siphon, pressure and electric drip filtration to make filtered coffee. For example: Brazil, if the medium-roasted 85 Murray 90 shades are suitable for filtered coffee.

Normal pressure and electric drip filtration

In order to be more targeted, the editor told you according to the classification of appliances. Let's talk about French pressure and electric drip filtration first. Blessed are you who use these two utensils. In a sense, all coffee beans are applicable. What you need to know is your own taste characteristics. You can choose different coffee according to your own taste preferences.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

French pressure kettle

Friends who use French pressure and electric drip filter, coffee becomes more life-oriented! What you are concerned with is the coordination of baking and taste. If you have a heavy taste, you should choose coffee that is moderately deep-roasted. Such as: Manning, Holland Red Sail, Precious, Milan. Boiling point, etc.; if you like mellow and low-bitter coffee, then medium-roasted Latin American coffee will suit you, while African coffee is for those who like the sweet and sour taste of fruit!

Manual brewing and siphon pots

Manual brewing and siphon pots are more suitable for making individual coffee, and the quality of coffee beans is very high. Some friends are willing to compare these two instruments, which one is better. It should be said that it is normal for these two kinds of appliances to make the same kind of coffee with different tastes, because the different principles and the higher requirements for the professional skills of the users of these two kinds of appliances make the two kinds of instruments seem a little mysterious.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Siphon kettle

For those ordinary friends who use hand brewing and siphon pots, the problem becomes much easier, and it is a wonderful thing to make and enjoy it in the way you are used to. The different taste characteristics of Latin American coffee, African coffee and Asian coffee will make everyone's coffee life rich and colorful. At that time, the delicacy of coffee was far more affordable than the title of talent, so let coffee be enjoyed.

Mocha pot and Italian machine

With regard to mocha pots and Italian machines, it is recommended to use blended coffee from the choice of coffee. Such as: precious, Milan. Boiling point, you can also choose medium-and deep-roasted single coffee, such as: Mantenin, Holland Red Sail. This kind of utensils are suitable for making coffee with high concentration, and if you choose a moderately roasted coffee, its acidity will make many friends unhappy.

How to make coffee beans the best brand recommendation for coffee beans

Mocha pot

So what kind of utensils to make what kind of coffee to meet different taste needs.

Finally, three well-known coffee brands are recommended:

Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee): it is a kind of coffee with high public awareness, which is produced only in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica in Central America, and only coffee grown in the Blue Mountain area above 1800 meters can be authorized to use the logo of "Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee)," accounting for 15% of the total production of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.

Kopi Luwak (Kopi Luwak): is a recently invented coffee, produced in Indonesia, coffee beans are civet food

One of the range of objects.

But coffee beans cannot be fully digested by the digestive system.

Coffee beans are in the intestines and stomach of civets.

After fermentation and excretion, the locals take out the coffee beans from the civet droppings and then do the processing, which is the so-called "cat shit" coffee.

Cubita (amber coffee)

-enjoy coffee information

It is all produced in the Crystal Mountain of Cuba and also has a high reputation in the coffee industry. Cuban Crystal Mountain Coffee ranks first in the world. Crystal Mountain is adjacent to the Blue Mountain Mountains of Jamaica, and the climatic conditions are similar. Comparable to the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee brand.