Coffee review

How to drink coffee without fire

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The main reason for the fever caused by grinding coffee is that you drink coffee instead of drinking too much water. Coffee promotes excretion and increases metabolism, so when you drink coffee, the water in your body is not excreted enough, which will lead to a lack of water in the body, so you have symptoms of fever. In fact, drinking coffee and drinking plenty of water, not only will not get angry, but also have the effect of detoxification and reducing fire.

The main reason for the fever caused by grinding coffee is that you drink coffee instead of too much water. Coffee promotes excretion and increases metabolism, so when you drink coffee, the water in your body is not excreted enough, which will lead to a lack of water in the body, so you have symptoms of fever. In fact, drinking coffee and drinking plenty of water, not only will not get angry, but also have the effect of detoxification and reducing fire.