Coffee review

Self-cultivation of professional cup testers-how Qualities of Cupper became a cup tester

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coe cup meter evaluation items and key points as well as the evaluation shows that although every barista intuitively thinks that he should also be a cup tester, it does not take time and money to be a good cup tester, although you have worked hard to search

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coe Cup meter evaluation items and record key points as well as evaluation instructions

Although every barista intuitively thinks that he should also be a cup tester, it is not time to be a good cup tester.

And how much money you can achieve, although you have worked very hard to collect all the coffee items you may have collected, or you have worked very hard

Familiar with all the explanations about the flavor of coffee, and with incomparable perseverance, learn from foreign cup testers who drink 100,000 cups of coffee every year.

Ben, however, if you haven't worked hard on the basic education of becoming a professional cup tester, your cup test conclusion or cup test

The report is likely to be reduced to one's own opinion and cannot become a public opinion.

With regard to the study and cultivation of cup testing, there is no dedicated training institution in China at present, and the chapter of this book may be used as a suggestion and reference.

Recognize taste

First of all, when it comes to tasting, of course I have to start with our mouths. Have you ever looked at your tongue carefully and closely? If

If so, then you may have seen your taste buds. Small tissue on the surface of the upper end of the tongue-soft jaw and laryngeal cover (posterior end droop

Attached to the root of your tongue to prevent objects from falling down your throat)-it's called a taste bud, and it provides us with information about the taste of the food we eat.

For us, it provides information about the taste of the coffee we drink. Most taste buds on the tongue are located on the upper surface of the tongue.

Protruding outward to form a specialization, called papillae. There are four kinds of papillae in the human tongue.

Fungoid mastoid (fungiform papillae)

If you look at a short paragraph, like its name, it shows the shape of mushroom. Most of them are on the tip of the tongue, on both sides.

There are, too.

Filamentous mastoid (fi liform papillae)

They are thin, long papillae, round-pointed V-shaped, which do not contain taste buds, but are the most numerous.

Phylloid papilla (foliate papillae)

They are wrinkled papillae formed by several sunken parallel grooves on both sides of the tongue.

Verticular mastoid (circumvallate papillae)

Most people have only 14 wheel-shaped papillae in 3murme.Its door is located at the base of the tongue. Arranged in a ring.

Most people know that we have four tastes, salty, sour, bitter and sweet. The detection of bitterness is a warning to us that the food is poisonous.

Like many plants for defense, it is bitter to produce toxic mixtures. A sweet dessert indicates a high calorie food. Delicious

(the taste of amino acids and glutamate) may indicate a food that contains a lot of protein.

Each taste bud has a large number of sharp tiny hairs called microvilli. The purpose of these hairs is to transmit the taste produced by us.

Sensory information to the brain. This is how you can know right away if something is sweet, sour, bitter, salty or delicious.

So when the coffee is on your tongue, the microvilli will immediately send a message to your brain.

But it's not just your taste buds that are doing the work. To be correct, the complete perception of what we taste is actually the taste. Taste

Tao is a combination of taste and smell, and it also operates our sensory perception of something, such as a cup of coffee. First

Regardless of all the work the taste buds do, we think the taste is made up of 80% of the aroma. So when you drink a tablespoon of coffee

The taste is not only in your mouth, but also in the aroma you inhale when you drink it, and in your upper jaw. The funny thing is, if we hadn't

If we have a sense of smell, we will be lost in a tasteless world.

When it comes to comparing taste and smell, everyone is different. Some people even become "super tasters" and so on.

That is, they feel more about the characteristics of taste than the average person. This is due to the relationship between high-level active taste buds and taste receivers.

Super Tasters can detect bitterness and sour taste better than the average person.

Generally speaking, each of our taste buds has 50 to 100 taste receivers that send signals to your brain.

To tell you that what you are eating is too sour, not salty enough, or tastes just right. When you find the taste you want to be right or don't want

Your brain will imprint that impression in your memory, so later when you eat the same taste, you will think of the previous one.

Tao. It is typical to be able to recognize the difference between Guatemalan coffee with chocolate flavor and other regions. A lot of knowledge about coffee.

Feeling is based on something you've tried, or maybe even finding sweetness, saltiness and bitterness in the food you want or don't want.

And the different changes of acid.

These four flavors are mixed with thousands of flavors to produce a sense of coffee. This is how these four tastes overlap to create a pair of fragrances.

The summary of Qi also allows us to distinguish between shallow baked beans and deep baked beans, different producing areas and different varieties. This is repeated.

Create a sensory impression that allows you to connect what you have tasted before with a new taste.

Cup measurement and sensory control

In order to have a correct view of the coffee you are tasting, your mind needs to avoid clutter and stress. When the judgment of sense of smell is very

When you are serious, you need to be able to take your time. Urging our senses is like rushing to finish a difficult task. Often when I

When we are in a hurry or when we are not very focused, we are distracted or distracted from the task at hand instead of sensory focus

The result is an incorrect judgment and a sloppy sensory connection.

I think the best time to make important sensory judgment is in the morning, because your senses are very sharp in the morning, and you haven't been

The impact of a day's activities. However, it should be noted that too much concentration and repeated cup tests will cause confusion in sensory tests.

Make sure that each cup is tested in the same way, in the same time, and in the same way.

An important observation of cup testers is that most of your cups are sitting or standing? When you are making sensory evaluation, it is possible to stand

It will enhance your ability to smell and taste. Does gravity have an effect on this? When astronauts come back from going to space, they are easy to lose temporarily.

Their sense of smell and taste. This is due to poor air circulation, resulting in obstruction of the nasal passage. This creates increased vascular pressure, which makes the heart

Dirt cannot act on gravity. As a result, the venous sinus hole will be full of fluid, causing problems like headaches.

So your ability to recognize smells is based on your body posture. If you are lying down, your sense of smell and taste will gradually

Weakening. When I collected information about the aroma of coffee, I found it. Let the smell of coffee float up into your nose and tilt.

90 degrees is the best angle. When you bend 120 degrees, you won't be able to inhale oxygen. In the taste classification, I believe that when you drink a little

When sipping coffee, it is best to stand upright if your taste palette wants the four main taste responses to occur at the same time.

Another perceptual trick to the perfect taste is to mix air and coffee in your upper jaw. You used to chew sometimes.

Open your mouth. If there is oxygen, it seems that the aroma and strong taste can be smelled and tasted, and it can be quickly and correctly in the brain.

The part of the connection. The longer your taste receiver is in the coffee, the more molecules will evaporate and the more taste cells will be at work.

Do. Try it; it will work for you, too.

Cup testing and living habits

Have you ever heard that you shouldn't eat spicy food before you taste your coffee? It's true! Although spicy is not a taste description, but spicy will be in me.

There is a specific chemical reaction in the pain receiver on our tongues. This will cause a lot of favorite "spicy" or feverish feelings.

Feel. If you are a spicy person, you may not be able to feel the complete taste of the food you eat or the coffee you taste. If

If pain receivers are subjected to chemical reactions all the time, their responses will weaken, causing damage to your sense of smell and taste. although

Your taste buds do recover and regenerate, but if you often like to eat spicy food, your taste buds will become dull, so don't eat too much

Chili sauce! And too oily foods, dairy foods, cooking oils and other sticky foods will cover your taste buds with an east layer.

Xi, make your sense of taste worse.

Illness can overwhelm your sense of smell and taste, as well as make your body uncomfortable. In neurological damage and general nervous system weakness

The precision receiver that tells the brain what you are tasting and smelling is the first to be affected.

If the environment is too dry, it will also affect your senses. If the inside of your nose becomes too dry, it can't smell much.

Tao. There are many kinds of medicine that can also affect your sense of smell and taste. These include drugs such as high blood pressure, antidepressants and arthritis.

You should ask your doctor whether the medicine you take will affect your sense of smell or taste. You hate to buy a batch of poor quality coffee.

Caffeine, right? Buying poor quality coffee will certainly make you take more antidepressant and high blood pressure drugs.

Finally, smoking does the greatest harm to our sense of smell and taste. Smoking weakens the way we smell a single or multiple odor.

Ability. Long-term smoking can cause permanent olfactory damage, making it impossible for you to enjoy the aroma and taste of coffee. Smoking can also cause serious injuries.

Harming the nerves at the back of your nose makes you gradually lose your ability to eat salt; that's why smokers are easy to eat.

Add too much salt.

It is said that our senses are strongest when we are hungriest. So after the cup test, go for breakfast or Chinese food! I personally

I found that the time when I was most interested in the cup test was in the morning, and sometimes it was past the breakfast time after the cup test, and the work that followed was also

It may cost me a breakfast, but a fruitful cup test will still satisfy me all day.

Do what is best for you and your senses. What's best for the best cup testers and olfactory geniuses, for you.

It may not be the best, everyone is different. When you are testing coffee or drinking coffee, try to find out what is best for you.

(including situation, emotion control, good life and eating habits, correct cup posture, and so on. (when all the details are

If you take care of it, you will be able to concentrate on the cup test.

The value of Coffee Cup Measurement and the system Cupping Value & Cupping System

Cup test value

As an indispensable important department and knowledge and skill of coffee industry, cup testing should be done in recent decades, based on modern drinking.

With the general improvement of food civilization, the requirements for high-quality coffee are becoming more and more stringent, coupled with the continuous efforts of SCAA professionals.

The knowledge of analysis and taste of caffeine has become a very mature academic knowledge and skill. This kind of coffee is collected and analyzed for its variety and growth.

Environment, processing, classification and classification, as well as coffee connotation, flavor, acidity, mellowness, aftertaste, etc., can be used to identify a cup of coffee.

The scientific knowledge behavior of the grade of coffee is collectively called Cupping, and people with professional knowledge and skills of cup testing are called

Cup tester (Cupper). As a professional cup tester, you not only need to have a wealth of coffee knowledge, such as more than 50 coffees around the world.

The basic knowledge of the source, growth conditions and flavor of nearly 300 items of coffee in the coffee producing country, as well as the coffee that baristas should have.

Expertise in coffee roasting and coffee brewing, and one of the more important skills of cup testers is the need to integrate the agriculture of coffee cultivation and processing.

Sexual knowledge and technological knowledge of baking and brewing, and then through the cup tester's superior sense of smell and taste analysis and description, people are amazing.

The seemingly ordinary coffee contains such a rich, complex and memorable taste. The following is a cup tester's cup report.

You can witness the extraordinary taste ability of Tom, the tester of the Cup:

"the light-baked Yega Snow from Ethiopia has a petal-like aroma and a highly distinct citrus flavor. From grinding beans

To the aroma emitted during brewing, the feeling of coffee continues to rise from the first sip to the last sip. Yes.

Floral aromas of jasmine and honeysuckle, lively citrus flavours such as lime and golden citrus mixed with a small amount of cardamom and nutmeg

The taste of the spices, and these clear enough to be worthy of attention and analysis of the aftertaste. This is not all, in the endless rhyme

There is a beautiful sweetness of honey in this cup of coffee. "

After reading the above description, who can not be tempted to have a drink right away? For boutique coffee, without the introduction of the cup tester

Guide, the beautiful coffee world may be overshadowed a lot.

Therefore, for step-by-step baking and raw bean buyers, it is basic and necessary to establish a professional cup testing system.

The commodity source identification information and flavor cup test and appreciation report of the commodity source identification information and flavor cup test and appreciation report are not only beneficial to the procurement of raw coffee beans by suppliers, but also beneficial to

For the end consumers, a complete coffee cup test report is like the wine label of fine wine.

It is not only a necessary reference element for consumers to identify with their choice when purchasing, but also an important medium for consumers to produce loyalty to goods.

For those who pursue fine coffee, the greatest value of a complete and faithful cup test report is that it provides

An eternal record. As we all know, the natural flavor of coffee is not immutable, and the refinement and change of processing will also produce the flavor of coffee.

Change, an annual cup test report, whether based on the "record" or the "memory" of the old glutton, is of indelible value.

Cup measuring system

Rigorous coffee cup testing must have the following indicative connotations and messages in order to reflect the complete style of coffee:

Sources of raw coffee and beans

1. General name of Summary name Coffee

2. Countries in Country production region

3. Grade level

4. Region region

5. Mark logo

6. Processing process

7. Crop harvest date

8. Appearance bean appearance

9. Varietal bean seed

Second, cup test score

10. Dry Fragrance dry aroma

11. Wet Aroma wet aroma

12. Acidity acidity

13. Flavor flavor

14. Body alcohol degree

15. Aftertaste Yu Yun

16. Cupper's Correction Cup tester correction

17. Add 50 plus 50 points

18. Total score of Score

19. Notes on Notes Cup Test

20. The tester of Roast Recommendations cup suggests the roasting degree of this coffee.

How to measure How to Cup by cup

Sample preparation

The brewing method is dipping: water close to boiling (195-205 degrees Fahrenheit) is directly poured into a small cup, roasted and ground.

Above the powdered coffee powder, the coffee powder just begins to rise to the surface of the water, and then forms a surface or cap, when the coffee powder is soaked in

In the hot water, it starts to sink.

The soaking process lasts 3 to 5 minutes: break the cap, stir the coffee strongly, and make sure all the coffee powder is completely soaked and sunk.

To the bottom of the cup. There is no need to scoop up the floating matter on the surface of the coffee and discard it. In this brewing method, the original spice is extracted from the coffee powder.

There is no need to filter this coffee or additional interference.

In each sample cup, the ratio of coffee to water must remain the same, usually at 8.25 grams of coffee than 150 grams of coffee.

Water (about 5 ounces of water). This can dissolve coffee in the range of 1.1% to 1.3%, showing the flavor of coffee.

The coffee beans used in the explicit soaking method are ground into tiny powders, and about 70% to 75% of the coffee will pass through an American.

Standard size 20 filter. The purpose of the grinding standard is to achieve the extraction ratio of 18% to 22% from roasted and ground coffee.

For example, empirical tests have confirmed that this method is the most appropriate extraction model for balancing all mixtures of all spices emitted from coffee.


Since coffee brewing is made up of about 99% water, the importance of water quality in preparation cannot be overemphasized.

Water should contain soluble minerals between 100 and 200 p p m, which is the same level as the hard water sold in general stores.

Of. Do not use distilled water. In addition, filter out added chemicals, especially chlorine. Water quality cannot be taken for granted, it must

Must be checked to confirm that it meets the requirements of accurate senses.

Sensory evaluation

Body movements are accompanied by every step of the assessment process, such as inhaling, sniffing and swallowing, which are higher than the normal daily diet.

The degree is much more exaggerated. The purpose of these exaggerated body movements is to permeate as many stimuli as possible, which is appropriate from coffee.

The stimulation is to elicit a complete sense of taste. Although such behavior may be considered rude in other places, it is evaluated.

It is quite necessary on the table.

Coffee tasting consists of six steps to assess the aroma, flavor, taste, aroma, aftertaste and main taste of coffee.

1. Dry aroma

two。 Flavor

3. Taste

4. Wet aroma

5. Yu Yun

6. Consistency degree

Learn how to taste coffee

Good coffee tasting (cupping) techniques are developed through practice, training and experience. In the face of coffee every time

In the same process, practice is necessary to accumulate basic skills, whether it is to prepare, smell, and taste different samples. Training can help build

Construct the sensory acuity and taste records needed to distinguish the differences between similar samples. The origin, treatment, storage and roasting of caffeine

The changes in flavor characteristics shown by subtle differences must also be learned by experience.

Complete implementation and practice will lead to perfect implementation results. Good reviewers will take the time to arrange suitable evaluation venues, including

All the equipment you need. Only by using the same equipment at different times can the evaluation results be compared with each other. Complete implementation refers to sample preparation.

The water used should also be correct and should not be contaminated by chemicals, especially chlorine. Complete implementation also means that evaluation activities must be spent.

Time, so that we can use all kinds of senses, add the memory of taste, and record the results for future reference.

The so-called training consists of formal training programs or courses and informal training with other coffee reviewers. And knowledgeable.

Twenty-five percent of people taste coffee, especially the opportunity to share information and jargon is a valuable experience. Good coffee reviewers will seize the opportunity.

If you learn from others, you will also take this opportunity to share the skills and knowledge that you have gained from the day, machine and month.

The training also includes the production of written records of evaluation experience and the development of a catalogue that can be used as reference material in the future. Learn to taste coffee, if

It would be helpful to note a particular flavor of coffee. Connect different aspects of a taste with special words

It helps to make the taste memory in my mind more impressed by it.

The given subsystem has been designed, so according to SCAA's boutique coffee classification table, the coffee rating should be the following scores:

Level 1-Special score 90-100 points

Level 2-basic score 80-89

Level 3-Edge score 70-79 points

Level 4-60-69 points below the standard

Level 5-minimum score of 50-59

2008 International Cup testing World newly revised Cup testing system and scoring Project Classic Cafes around Europe

1. Dry aroma (Dry Fragrance) [1Murray 10]

two。 Wet aroma (Wet Aroma) [1Murray 10]

3. Clean flavor (Clean Cup) [1Murray 10]

4. Consistency (Uniformity) [1Murray 10]

5. Sweetness (Sweetness) [1Murray 10]

6. Alcohol (Body) [1Murray 10]

7. Acidity (Acidity) [1Murray 10]

8. Flavor (Flavor) [1Murray 10]

9. End rhyme (Aftertaste) [1Murray 10]

10. Balanced score (Balance) [0Murray 10]

11. Score (Score)
