Coffee review

A comprehensive answer to the questions about the coffee flower, milk, milk foam, flower collection!

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication Please pay attention to the hot milk in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style): the milk that is at the bottom of the flower jar without being sent after the foam operation; the foam: the foam that floats on the upper part of the hot milk after the foam operation; the foam refers to the final product after the hot milk and foam are fully mixed after the foam operation. Use whole milk

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

​​ hot milk: refers to the milk that has not been sent at the bottom of the flower jar after the foam operation.

Foam: the part of foam that floats on the top of hot milk after foam operation.

Milk foam: refers to the final product formed after the hot milk is fully mixed with the milk foam after the milk foam operation.

Fancy coffee is made from whole milk. The high content of fat makes the milk look silky, smooth and dense. The taste is quite obvious and the taste is more mellow. Friends who are worried about fat content or are not allowed to eat too much fat can use skim or semi-skim milk, of course, if you are worried about it, you'd better have black coffee.

Studies have shown that the less milk is processed, the healthier it is for the human body, and it has nothing to do with fat content. In fact, the less food is processed, the more original the food is, the higher the nutritional content is, so if you have coffee, you like black coffee, which is purely a personal preference, and you can choose it according to your own preference.

Some milk is naturally low-fat, and New Zealand cows are selectively fed, so the milk directly from the breast is low-fat milk with 1% fat. The traditional belief is that fat is harmful to the body, and a high-fat diet even leads to an increased risk of heart disease.

The following describes how to make milk foam.

① pour the milk into the flower cup, at least half full. Be sure not to reheat the milk, so add as much as you need.

② cleans the steam bar of the espresso machine and removes the remaining condensate.

③ ensures that the tip of the steam stick is just inserted into the milk surface and starts at full power. If the amount of milk is very small, the power can be reduced slightly.

④ begins to bubble, controlling the direction of the steam flow along the inner perimeter of the flower cup, beating the milk into a whirlpool.

⑤ increases the steam supply and pulls the tip of the steam stick to the surface of the milk. in addition to the noise of milk stirring, you should be able to hear a sharp "popping sound". No big bubbles should be seen at this time.

⑥ continues to spin the milk and bubble. Once it reaches 40 ℃, the free-flowing fat will make trouble, and the milk will be very difficult to move.

⑦ inserts the steam stick deep into the milk and keeps his left hand spinning until 65 ℃.

⑧ immediately turns off the steam bar.

⑨ gently tapped the flower cup to crack the foam on the surface.

⑩ rotates the milk foam quickly and vigorously in a circular track, so that the air, water and milk are fully combined and quickly poured into the coffee.

Method of hand foaming milk

The first step: first do fast low hit, hit to have obvious resistance and soft feeling; next do medium hit, hit to have obvious resistance and soft feeling; finally do high hit, hit to have overall resistance and soft feeling. Tip: Pay attention to the height of the twitch.

Step 2: Repeat step 1. This completes the manual milking process. If you want your foam to be less thick and have a certain flow, just do the first step. After frothing, pull out the piston vertically to help drive out a lot of rough foam.

Making of Handmade Hot Milk Foam

Heat milk (milk that foams and holds) to a temperature that is hot (60 to 70 degrees) but manageable. What kind of heating method is used is not important, the key is to reach this temperature (why to reach this temperature, will be discussed later). The heating method that can be used is the microwave oven. At first, it is slowly tested how long it takes to heat the target temperature with fire. Later, it is possible to directly put the milk in and heat it according to the time after the test. It is very convenient and very fast.

Handmade cold milk foam making

Cold milk foam is the fully refrigerated milk directly into the manual milk machine, with the manual milk machine hit the milk foam. This milk foam is used in large quantities on iced coffee and works well. However, occasionally, it is added to hot coffee, and the cold and hot effects are different in a cup of coffee. It is worth a try.

frothing temperature

The lower the starting temperature of milk foam, the longer the operation time, of course, the more delicate it can be, which is one of the reasons why milk needs to be refrigerated. Milk foam is generally heated to more than 60 degrees when doing the best pull flower. But we're using a manual milk pump. The heat will be lost. Heat it to about 70 degrees (don't go any higher, the milk foam will be thick if it is higher), and the end temperature of the milk is certain (don't exceed 65 degrees).

the amount of milk

Add milk about 2/5 is enough, do not hit the highest milk, keep the speed higher state hit more than ten times is enough, more and more will be more and more dry. Then use a spoon to scrape off the top layer of about 2- 3 cm thick milk foam and pull it against the flower cup several times. When you're done, tap on the table a few times, and then the milk bubbles in the cup. Keep shaking the cup clockwise or counterclockwise until you pour the coffee. (Because when you stop, it will be divided into upper and lower levels.) The common problem of hand milk foam is that it is relatively dry, milk and foam are separated.

Detailed explanation of the principle and steps of steaming milk (dispelling milk)

Steaming milk correctly can make a good combination of tiny bubbles and warm liquids to give a sweet taste and light texture. Espresso drinks with milk should not be too hot, but many stubborn coffee diners (especially in the UK) insist that their milk should reach a magmatic temperature, regardless of how much flavor is lost. The temperature of drinking milk is not only related to the perceived heat of taste, but also creative and destructive. In order to maximize the natural sweetness of the finished product, it must be strictly controlled. It is not difficult to treat the milk at the right temperature. heat no more than 70 ℃ and store in a warm cup and drink it as soon as possible.


Water and air are difficult to mix uniformly under normal conditions, and surfactants are needed to tie them together. When you beat the milk fat with a blender, the fat in the milk fat acts as a surfactant, and small bubbles and water can form a whole with the rest of the milk fat. The air injected during stirring expands the fat in the milk fat and thickens the milk fat. As the mixed structure of milk fat becomes lighter and lighter, it becomes more difficult for water to flow away.

Milk bubbles are fixed by protein (over a period of time) rather than fat, which is similar to protein-shaped protein cream. As soon as the milk is heated, the spring-like protein begins to disintegrate and denature.

Compared with milk fat and protein, the protein in milk can only barely maintain the form of foam, so milk foam is usually thin, watery and easy to lose. The lost foam becomes lighter and lighter until it eventually becomes an ultra-light cobweb structure floating on the surface of the liquid. This process begins with the end of steaming milk, so after just a few minutes, the creamy cappuccino begins to delaminate and turns into a light drink with foam on top of milk and coffee on top. Many people think that this kind of cappuccino with "a layer of foam floating on top" is authentic. But I assure you, the cappuccino, which is the perfect combination of foam and coffee (that is, before it has time to "layer"), will not create an embarrassing white beard while sipping, giving you more sensory enjoyment.

The thicker the liquid, the less you have to worry about the loss of water, so the foam of whole milk is much stronger than skim milk. In addition, because the fat content of skim milk is low, it does not have a strong inhibitory effect on the stability of protein foam, so it is more likely to foam.

How to steam milk

Milk must be kept in the refrigerator. It's much easier to soak with cold milk. The reason is simple: you have more time to "get rid of" the milk before reaching the preset temperature.

The flower cup must be clean. The specific shape and size of the flower cup depends on personal preference. According to the heat absorption law of the metal, the thicker the flower cup, the slower the heat. A clip-type temperature probe can be used to monitor the heating in the flower cup. Simple analog temperature probes are also easy to use, but I prefer infrared probes that respond quickly and provide digital readings. As long as practice makes perfect, the temperature can be grasped only by listening and observation (actually mainly by listening), and the probe will not be used.

With the controlled injection of air, the milk begins to spin and stretch violently, resulting in a force that causes tiny bubbles to break down in the milk and become suspended for a short time. Milk that is fully mixed with air is often called "microbubbles" because the bubbles are so closely integrated with the milk that they are completely invisible to the naked eye. The milk at this time looks thicker and more creamy. Never reheat the milk, or the second-heated protein will not work and the taste will get worse.

How to use machine steam pipe to make milk foam

Preparation before milking

Understand the correct operation process of the coffee machine steam system, understand the purpose of the empty steam pipe before and after foam, and understand the importance of towels and easy cleaning in coffee making. Learn how to use the sprinkler to touch the milk noodles, the location and depth of the selected points.

Two temperature problems

One is the starting and ending temperature of foaming, and the other is the temperature at which the milk foam is made. These two temperatures are very important for beginners, which is directly related to the mastery of the principle of foam. First of all, when it comes to foaming, the milk is cold at first (preferably refrigerated at 5 ℃), which can prolong the foaming time so that it can be fully foamed and delicate, and then open the steam valve to foam the milk. When foaming is consistent with our body temperature (feel neither hot nor cold), the foaming is cut off.

Next, let's talk about the temperature at the end of milking. I just want to talk about what the temperature feels like on the hand. When we feel this temperature with our hands (in continuous heating), it is hot, but we can stand it for two or three seconds; as soon as we feel warm, we stop heating (the back end of the heating feels very hot on the hand, but it can hold it).

When learning to measure with a thermometer, Aiwo fragrance thinks that this method is not good. Technology is something that people need to understand attentively, and it is not very good for people to improve their own skills with the help of external forces.

Angle problem

When the steam sprinkler invades the milk surface and turns on the steam, it is best to find the angle rotation point immediately. Do not waste too much time on this step. As for how to find the angle rotation point, tilt the milk cylinder first, and the steam pipe forms a certain angle with the milk cylinder wall. Cannot be perpendicular to the milk cylinder wall. The steam sprinkler should be under the liquid level as far as possible. Try to lean against the milk cylinder wall but do not touch the milk cylinder wall. The nearer the milk tank wall is, the greater the rotation force is. You can practice with water flow in the early stage, try to find it more, and you will always find it.

Vortex problem

The function of the vortex is to pull the coarse foam below the liquid surface through the vortex to make the surface clean. There are many states of a vortex, each of which needs to be observed and remembered. This point is so deep, let me keep it simple. If you want to have a vortex, the sprinkler of the steam pipe should not be too deep under the milk noodles.

The problem of pulling the vat movement

The sprinkler has a good contact with the milk noodles, that is, open the steam valve, and then the vat moves down very slowly, and you will hear the sound of "eating" steam and milk "cutting", commonly known as "air intake". The sound of air intake to human body temperature can no longer appear, otherwise, there will be a lot of coarse foam on the surface. At this point, move the flower jar up a little bit (just a little bit, which is important, which is understood by many people as moving up continuously, which is very wrong), and let the steam sprinkler leave the cutting surface so that the sound of "eating" can not be heard. At this point, by adjusting the angle of the vat, remember that it is the angle, not the position of the sprinkler and the surface (very small angle adjustment), find the vortex, pull the coarse foam off the surface in the foaming stage, and continue until the temperature reaches the hot temperature.

Steam quantity problem

We often see this description in some materials: when making milk foam, as soon as the nozzle touches the milk noodles, all the steam valves will be opened. I don't quite agree with this (except for the two-stage steam valve, because there is no way to operate the steam volume, here I refer to the mainstream knob steam valve). In fact, this view is not too big a problem, but as a beginner, the weight of the opponent is not controlled, the valve button is often screwed. Even for coffee lovers, I think it is best not to use this guiding ideology to operate steam valves.

Back to the subject, let's talk about air pressure. After the air pressure is formed in the boiler, we open the steam valve, no matter how much it is opened, the steam is sprayed out at this pressure. It's just that the volume is a little small, not the pressure. I suggest that you only need to open the valve to the range where you can foam normally, there is no need to open it all. If you accept this theory, the coffee maker valve in your store will live a long life.

The problem of screaming like killing pigs

Milk does not foaming this process, or the amount of foaming is very small, it will produce this sound. The direct reason is that the sprinkler is too deep below the surface of the milk. The way to avoid it is to move the flower jar down so that the sprinkler does not go too deep into the surface of the milk, and the sound immediately disappears, in exchange for the "hiss" we want to hear.

Steam control force problem

That is, no matter how much air pressure is used (in the allowable range of the boiler, personal understanding: 0.8-1.2bar), it can produce very good quality milk foam. First, establish a premise: use the 600ml medium pull vat (old-fashioned), hit a jar full of milk foam, and make the WBC standard two cups of foam thickness in 1cm cappuccino. This topic refers to the problem of foam distribution, that is, how to make the foam thickness of two cups of cappuccino consistent. Our slightly experienced operators all know that there are some tricks to achieve this, which is not difficult to master, but you must have a deep understanding of the state of the milk foam in the jar.

The problem of milk foam control

It mainly includes the following aspects: first, the degree of foam foaming. The degree of foam foaming is the most difficult to practice a kind of control, this control requires the operator to have a strong understanding ability, can understand the principle of milk foaming. The simplest and feasible control method is that it is better to rely on the middle than to the side, and it is better to rely on the top than on the bottom. How do you understand this? The closer the nozzle is to the middle of the vat (but try not to be in the middle of it, otherwise it is uncontrollable), the more foaming, the stronger; the closer to the cylinder wall (but not too close to the cylinder wall, which will affect the intake), the less the amount of foam. The closer the nozzle is to the liquid surface before the first temperature is reached, the more foaming will be. And vice versa! What's the use of practicing this control? As mentioned earlier, there are several criteria for making milk bubbles, one of which is to beat as many milk bubbles as you want; if you want to hit seven points, you will never hit nine points; if you make a cup of product, you will never measure two cups of milk bubbles; each time the cappuccino produced must be consistent in terms of foam quality.

In this control exercise, there is a three-point theory in it. These three points are: cylinder nozzle, cylinder handle and sprinkler. These three points are in a straight line. By adjusting the distance between point 1 and point 2, the degree of milk foam can be controlled. The second is the cleanliness of the surface of milk foam. This is a relatively easy control exercise. We talked about the angle of bubbling earlier. Although the understanding of milk foam to a certain extent, the angle is no longer important, but for beginners or operators who have not yet understood the principle of milk foaming, this angle should be mastered. This angle is very interesting. in the competition, the angle of milk foam of many champions at home and abroad is like this, because it cannot be said in words, and I cannot help you understand it hand in hand. Then please go to find some good videos of milk foam, which can be found casually on the Internet.

Here, by the way, a way to watch video, do not look inside the flower jar, mainly look at the relationship between the flower jar and the coffee machine, and the steam pipe. Keep watching, looking hard, until you find a feeling, of course, it is better to watch this a hundred times than to do it yourself, so you should practice more. By the way, some books on coffee from Taiwan that have been circulated on a small scale in China are also misleading to this issue. Before saying this misleading, I would like to make it clear that I have absorbed a lot of useful coffee information and learned a lot of methods in such books. I would like to express my thanks to the authors here. Now let's talk about misleading. In the diagrams of these books, many of them put the vats flat, which is not very suitable for beginners. Personal opinion: do not imitate!

IV. Related skills for foaming milk

Milk foam processing, key steps

After the milk is whipped, it is not our ideal milk foam, but in a layered state, the lower layer is heated milk, and the upper layer is whipped "milk foam", so we have to treat the whipped milk. Shake up and down to remove the coarse foam on the surface; shake to mix the hot milk with the upper milk foam to form milk foam. This step can also be achieved by reversing the two pull vats (I prefer this method). This step is a good key, some friends do not pay special attention to this point, then all previous efforts have been wasted.

Pour the beaten product back and forth several times in the two jars to mix the hot milk and milk foam well, then divide them evenly in the two jars, and then pour back and forth several times in "small quantities", so that they are evenly distributed. Many friends only do the front action, did not do a small amount of distribution after the action, so there will be uneven phenomenon. Of course, it's hard to understand in words, but try it a few times. Simply put, the amount of foam dispensed. This method can achieve the same thickness of milk foam in two cups.

A few tips: First, before pulling flowers, milk bubbles have been in a shaking state in the flower jar to avoid the layering caused by this surface to appear again. This is a professional habit and it is required to be cultivated. Second, if milk foam is concentrated in the middle of the vortex formed when shaking, it is a small ball, which proves that the milk foam is unevenly distributed, and then it needs to be distributed again; thirdly, before producing, pour a little beside it, try the feel of milk foam flowing out, and then make the product. Fourth, when doing double-ring cappuccino, pay attention to the milk foam concentrated at the bottom of the flower-pulling tank, and try to live in the extension when cureeing with a spoon.

Requirements for the quality of milk foam

The first standard is that the surface should be reflective. Delicate, velvet-like, slippery. The second criterion is that there is no coarse foam on the surface. This requires a lot of foam control ability, of course, this is also the premise of reflection. Those larger than the diameter 1mm are called coarse foam. The third standard is: in the case of the same amount of milk (all added to the position at the bottom of the cylinder mouth), whether it is 60% full or 70%, 80%, 90% or full, the temperature should be the same. The fourth standard is to make two cups of cappuccino, using the WBC standard cup. After the foam is poured into the cup, there is no drop left in the jar. The above four standards have been achieved, and I think it is at least a good jar of milk foam in terms of vision, feel and technology. Earlier also mentioned a sense of hearing, which depends on the milk, just hit the milk foam, must not hear a very continuous burst sound, which can ensure the persistence of the milk foam in the cup.

Milk foam can not be injected into espresso to solve the problem that milk foam can not be successfully injected into espresso when making cappuccino coffee. Why?

The first is that the milk foam is 80% to 90% full, which can be solved by 10% less than dry.

The second is that the crema surface of the espresso is too shallow from the bottom of the cup, causing the foam to float on the crema as soon as the foam is injected.

Solution: tilt the cup as much as possible to increase the depth of the surface and bottom of the crema meter. When injecting, inject it to the deepest point.

The third is that the milk foam is close to the cup when it is injected with espresso, resulting in insufficient strength for the foam to penetrate the crema.

Solution: 10-15cm higher than the cup mouth to inject milk foam, increase the acceleration of foam injection into crema, so that it can smoothly penetrate crema.

The fourth is to solve the problem by means of integration. If the foam is still white on the crema when it is injected (for a small amount, the surface is about 1 beat 3), then immediately reduce the amount of foam injected, make a circle in the cup, and then lift the flower jar up, you can flush the whitened one under the crema.

Fifth, when you pull flowers with seven-point full or six-point full milk foam, the crema will be washed away without increasing the flow. Solution: reduce the foam flow and slowly circle the entire crema until the blend is in place.

On the Classification of cappuccino

Cappuccino can be classified into three categories according to the quality of milk foam: wet cappuccino, dry cappuccino, and half cappuccino. How do we distinguish between these three cappuccinos? If the milk foam technology passes, the quality of the milk foam can be used to distinguish, as follows: premise: 600ml(medium) left and right pull flower tank, milk in the bottom of the cylinder mouth. One is wet cappuccino milk foam is 6,7 into full;(this milk foam leaves and other grain requirements of the pattern is very good, at the same time, this milk foam can also be used to do latte). Second, dry cappuccino is full of milk bubbles. Third, half cappuccino milk foam in 8 into full; I prefer 9 into full milk foam. (This foam is great for hearts, apples and tulips). In fact, we usually use this kind of milk foam the most, and use it to make cappuccino, which is common in our daily work.

Tip: now go to practice, the heart wants to play a tank 7 into full milk foam, never play 9 into full. Let's go!

Five Mistakes in Making Milk Foam

For milk foam, there are several misunderstandings that we need to understand in order to facilitate our better understanding of milk foam.

The first error: use up and down shake pull flower cylinder, remove the surface coarse foam. This is a very good method, but many friends have a strong dependence on this method, their milk foam is not good, do not summarize why not play well, and use this means to make up. In the long run, there will be dependence, here I must say, if only this way to coarse foam, milk foam technology is no way to improve, also can not practice the advanced skills of pulling flowers.

The second mistake: spoon off the surface of the coarse foam. Although some players in the competition with some methods, but I think this is its foam technology is not up to standard, the surface of the rough foam is too much, shake also can not shake off, can only scoop. If you use similar techniques to treat foam, be sure to strengthen your steam control techniques in the foam.

The third mistake: after the milk foam is played, it is placed next to it for a while. This method is annoying, and it's a form of frothing that hasn't been introduced yet. This will aggravate the stratification of milk foam, the fusion of hot milk and milk foam will not be easy to complete, a little careless, it will become milk, foam is foam. The whole cup of coffee has no balance.

The fourth error: two pull flower vats will fall when in a very high position, the original purpose is to fuse, but to stimulate more rough bubbles.

The fifth mistake: milk foam is not good, blame steam. Love coffee think, coffee machine steam pressure (ie boiler pressure) in 0.8BAR is better to master the bubble pressure, this pressure bubble is very long, it is easy to understand the principle of milk foaming, but to make a cup of milk foam takes about 13 seconds, ah, no pressure fast. If the air pressure is 1.0 or 1.1 BAR, the way and method of frothing will change, but the principle is the same. (This point should be ruled out due to impure steam, resulting in "spit" phenomenon, pull flower jar is also shaking badly, such as this phenomenon, please exhaust the steam, and then try to heat it fully.)

Common problems and treatment methods of milking

1. Can the milk from the manual milking machine be used to pull flowers?

The answer is yes. Let's first look at the simple deconstruction of espresso. Espresso has two basic features, that is, the upper layer is a layer of coffee-like foam, and the bottom is black coffee liquid. This kind of coffee can be used to make lace coffee. So all we have to do is to fill the coffee cup with black coffee about 30ml, then use the beaten milk foam, pour in a little bit, and then stir it well with a spoon, and the white milk foam on the surface becomes a "coffee-colored foam", and it floats on top of the black coffee. Next, we can use milk foam to pull flowers, I have tried N times, ah, the effect is good. However, the coffee made with this kind of liquid is too light, and the flowers with strong layers have limitations, so we can only try it and do not promote it. Of course, it's good to practice your hands in this way from time to time.

two。 Why is the milk foam not fused?

As soon as the milk foam is poured into the concentrate, it is immediately mixed with the coffee, and it is impossible to float on it like the milk foam in the master pull flower video. I don't have enough foam and don't mix enough with milk, and I sometimes do the same.

3. How can I mix the milk well?

Is the milk and milk foam, how to mix it well, pull flowers, a pour is not all white? Temperature. Temperature is important. When you foam, put your empty hand on the flower cup to feel the temperature of the milk. When you feel very hot and can no longer be placed on the flower jar, it will make the foam too hard. The hard foam looks stiff, and it doesn't mix with the coffee when you pour it into the coffee, but accumulates on top of your coffee like fluffy beaten cream. If you play a little longer, it will be layered, 90% of which is flowing milk, and a thick hard foam lid floating on it. When you pour it into the coffee, the milk will flow out of the flower cup first. So if you want to mix milk and foam well, temperature is the key. Do not put the foam for too long after playing, otherwise it will be stratified.

4. How to make more and meticulous milk foam?

On how to make a good milk bubble, here provides a stupid milk bubble method, that is, pour half of the milk into the steel cup, let the steam pipe and the milk perpendicular to the center or the edge of the steel cup, then let the steam head just touch the surface of the milk, then turn on the steam to 1pm 2, do not move the steel cup, slowly close when the milk reaches 50 degrees, close at 60 degrees, and finally the temperature will reach 66 degrees. In this way, you can make a good cup of foam.

5. What kind of Italian machine do you want to use for milking?

Generally speaking, there are steam heads with three, four and five holes in the machine, and as long as they are a little familiar with them, they all make good milk bubbles. However, the amount of steam produced by the machine, the degree of dryness and wetness of the steam, and the size of the stomata still have an impact on milking.

Explanation of machine steam pipe

First explain the difference between the two holes and the four holes: generally speaking, the steam rod of the old machine (coffee maker) of 02 years ago had two holes. When making milk foam, one hole only entered the inner layer of the milk. The other hole is exposed to send out the air so that the milk is swirled by the air, and the air enters to form milk bubbles. The other hole that only enters the inner layer of milk plays the role of heating! the coffee machine after 2002 is mostly four-hole, the same reason. However, it should be noted that there are three holes: heating, air entry, and the formation of whirlpool. Another hole, uh, is that the whirlpool formed by speeding up the dishing of milk bubbles can quickly form milk bubbles again.

6. Why do you use water to practice milking?

First, as we all know, water is transparent, which allows you to see more clearly how the vortex is formed.

The second is to better master the number of holes in the play of different milk bubbles!

Third, beginners should remember to use a thermometer when you fail to beat the milk foam into a thin shape, and the temperature cannot be better controlled, so the coffee you make is unstable. You may hit the milk foam once or twice out of ten times, but that is not a stable quality.

7. The difference between steam milking and manual milking

First of all, the hand-beaten foam cannot be compared with the steam of the machine at all. The fineness of the steam makes its milk foam very delicate and slippery, and the radiation surface of the steam is wide, so the milk foam will be more uniform and mix better. The hand is mainly squeezed through the small hole of the filter screen, and the milk foam is thicker.

8. How to make milk foam with electric milk whisk?

It's not bad to foam milk in a local way. The appliance is an electric milk whipping machine. Steps: Add 1/3 cup of fresh milk to the glass, microwave oven on high heat for 45 seconds, milk mixer stirring for 1 minute, milk foam will become. I use a French press, filter out 50ml coffee, pour directly from the top center of the milk foam, you can see the coffee gradually mixed with the milk, white milk bubbles slowly rise.

9. Making hand-made milk foam from milk foam pot

1. Pour the milk into the frothing jug, not more than 1/2 the size of the frothing jug, otherwise the milk will overflow when making the frothing.

2. Heat the milk to about 60 degrees, but not more than 70 degrees, otherwise the protein structure in the milk will be destroyed. Attention! Cover and strainer should not be heated directly. (If making ice milk foam, cool the milk to below 5 degrees, of course, do not over-ice and let the milk freeze.)

3. Put the lid and filter cover on, quickly pump the filter to press the air into the milk, do not need to press the bottom when pumping, because it is to pump the air into the milk, so as long as the milk surface action can be; the number of times does not need too much, gently pumping about thirty times can be.

4. Remove the lid and strainer and scrape off the thick foam with a spoon, leaving behind a dense, hot (ice) foam.

An easy-to-use method of foam for beginners

Put the cold meal milk into about half a flower cup; spray off the remaining water from the steam pipe; insert the milk at an angle of 30-40 degrees, the insertion position is at the center left 1x4 (or right); turn on the steam, first rotate the milk fully, slowly move the flower cup down, do not let the steam nozzle away from the milk too much (easy to produce coarse bubbles) When you feel warm (or when you think the milk foam is sufficient), the steam is inserted deeper into the milk again, so that the whirlpool appears obviously on the surface, and uses the whirlpool to get involved in the coarse bubbles; when you feel slightly hot, turn off the steam, draw out the steam pipe, spray out the remaining milk, wipe the milk stains on the steam head, and return the steam head to position. The above play is whirlpool milk, first look at, and then hit the cotton play. Suitable for beginners.

How to draw flowers

Remember to use a thermometer when the milk temperature rises to 35 degrees Celsius. When the milk temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius, it is the best time for foam to start. At the beginning of learning, put the flower pot against the edge of the cup until it goes down. Scrape off the top layer of the finished foam. Then shake the foam well, and here comes the key. Put the cup close to the cup, when you start to pour in, you must remember, ah, to flow, that is, do not make the grease covered by milk bubbles. When you pour to the sixth quartile of the cup, you will begin to enlarge the flow. At this time, you will see some milk bubbles appear on the surface and shake off. The fixed point big rush (from the beginning to the end is also the fixed point to pour) to receive a small flow, slowly forward. This is the basic style-heart, just when the foam is combined with the ES, make the horizontal line shake left and right in time (only when the fifth quartile) remember, set a point, don't go back, and reduce the flow rate forward when the cup is almost full. I suggest that you should first come into contact with the bar or use more tap water and a few pieces of ice to learn how to make a whirlpool, which requires patience. If the basic skills are solid enough to make coffee, of course. No, no, no. Of course, after learning to add ice with water, you can choose 1VR 0.5, for example: 100cc water + 50CC milk to save materials, and it is easier to master the scientific method of making coffee.

What kind of coffee beans do you choose for Italian concentrate?

Choose Italian mixed beans. Among them, robusta beans need to be added to improve the fat. Other beans are as you like.

Fancy coffee is coffee with seasonings and other drinks.

1Mel-fancy coffee is not just a flower pull. In fact, fancy coffee does not need to pull flowers, pull flowers only to make the shape of the coffee a little more beautiful, but also can not pull. Fancy coffee is nothing more than individual coffee with more ingredients, such as milk, chocolate sauce, wine, tea, cream and so on. Fancy coffee doesn't have much definition, and it's not really coffee, it's just a drink. You can also make fancy coffee named after yourself, which is similar to cocktails.

What kind of coffee do you usually pull? Cappuccino, black sugar macchiato, latte. You can pull or you don't have to pull. Pull flower is just a regular picture of two liquids of different densities, milk and coffee, formed by human factors. In fact, fancy coffee can pull flowers, but cappuccino is a classic in coffee flowers. Maybe it started with cappuccino. The fancy coffee of some people's faces and animals on the Internet is actually not pulled out with milk, but painted with other props. There are only three shapes that can pull out flowers: hearts, swans and leaves.

3Mutual-Black Sugar Machidor, Cappuccino. The methods and materials are basically just a little different in shape.

4What are the uses that should be used for drawing flowers? First of all, an Italian coffee maker is essential. There is also an Italian coffee grinder and some gadgets such as stuffing sticks, hammers, milk jars and so on. Why do you need an espresso machine? The original coffee of fancy coffee is made by an Italian coffee machine, which is espresso and Espresso. The taste is smooth and mellow, highly concentrated, suitable for making raw coffee. . If you use the siphon pot to make raw coffee, it can't be compared. What I said above is basically professional. An Italian coffee maker starts at thirty or forty thousand. If you want to use it, you can buy a single-headed American coffee machine, or you can make fancy coffee.

The technique of drawing flowers needs to be practiced. Practice makes perfect. There are pictures, processes and videos on the Internet. You can learn while watching. If there are no conditions, you can pour water with a cup. Practice your hands flexibly, and the feel will come out naturally.

Coffee and milk

Choosing different milk products can give the coffee a different flavor and enjoy the varied taste.

1. Fresh cream: also known as whipped cream. This is a high concentration of cream that separates fat from fresh milk and has a wide range of uses, such as making butter, ice cream, cakes, or making coffee. The highest fat content of fresh cream is 45% ~ 50 and the lowest is 25% ~ 35. Coffee is usually made with whipped cream with a fat content of 25% ~ 35.

two。 Whipped cream: whipped cream turns into foamed cream after stirring and foaming. This cream tastes best with bitter espresso.

3. Condensed milk: condensed milk 1 to 2.5 times to become sugar-free condensed milk. Generally speaking, canned condensed milk sold in stores is heated and sterilized, but it is easy to rot after opening cans and cannot be preserved for a long time. When brewing coffee, whipped cream floats a layer of oil on the coffee, while condensed milk precipitates into the coffee.

4. Milk: milk is suitable for blending espresso or as a fancy coffee.

No matter what kind of product you use, you can make a delicious cup of coffee according to your personal preference.

When fresh cream is added to coffee, if there is a feathery oil on the surface, this is due to the phenomenon of fat separation when high-fat fresh cream is added to sour coffee or when stale dairy products are used. So in addition to paying attention to the freshness of dairy products, high-fat whipped cream should be mixed with coffee with a mild sour taste.