Coffee review

Soe Coffee Revolution Story what does soe Coffee Bean mean? how is the perfect soe Coffee soe feature

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what does SOE mean? Are you a little misunderstood about SOE coffee? The full name of the acronym S.O.E, Single Origin Espresso, can be called single coffee bean espresso, in which Single Origin means coffee beans from a single manor, and

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What does SOE mean? Are you a little misunderstood about SOE coffee?

The full name of the acronym S.O.E, Single Origin Espresso, can be called single coffee bean espresso, in which Single Origin means coffee beans from a single farm, and Espresso means to turn a single manor coffee bean into an espresso.

Speaking of S.O.E., founder of Fika Fika Cafe, who won the Nordic Cup Coffee Baking Competition in 2013, Chen Zhihuang believes that espresso in the past came from the traditional Italian concept of blending, showing the best balance after a mix of different beans, with a smooth entrance comfort and a stable performance before and after. But the advantages of blended espresso, in addition to the sense of balance, because it can stabilize the formula and control the price, so naturally become the most favorable version of the business choice.

Tell a story before recommending S.O.E

Coffee beans from different estates have different local smells, coupled with the magnifying effect after concentration, as well as the baking and bar interpretation of different professional baristas, technical ability has also become the key to the success of performance.

The reason for the need for higher technical ability is that a single bean seed comes from different regions, although the performance is outstanding, but the relative shortcomings are also magnified, so the baking degree and particle size will naturally affect the flavor, which is also the most difficult place to make S.O.E. In addition, in addition to paying attention to taste, it is more or less necessary to introduce and explain to consumers the flavor and representative meaning of Single Origin coffee beans. Besides tasting and drinking, it is more important to tell stories.

However, since espresso has naturally been popular all over the world for hundreds of years, how can it be called the coffee revolution in the new era? The answer is very simple. Chen Zhihuang analyzed that since the development of coffee, coffee is similar to whisky. From the beginning, people only knew the brand and tasted blended whisky, until the trend of the past 10 years, single malt whisky from different regions was very popular, and S.O.E is the same concept.

So in Chen Zhihuang's eyes, the current S.O.E trend is actually as changeable as food. If you like to challenge different flavors, or consumers with adventurous spirit, you should look for your favorite S.O.E.

Chen Zhihuang suggests that things like sunny Yega Chuefei, which can show a variety of tropical fruit notes and berries, and Sumatra mantenin, which is full of woody notes and licorice, plus Brazilian coffee with a thick, low-sour, high-sweet taste, reasonable price and obvious nutty flavor, or Kenyan water-washed Yega Chuefei with a strong sour fruit flavor, are excellent choices for different tones.

After choosing the item, what exactly is a perfect S.O.E? Chen Zhihuang shares two ways to drink S.O.E with you. First of all, you can fully feel the acidity and unique flavor of the coffee body. As far as S.O.E is concerned, the acidity is indeed stronger than the general blended coffee; in addition, if you want to reconfirm whether the flavor is acceptable, after drinking half a cup of S.O.E, you can also add the rest of the coffee to the water to feel another flavor of S.O.E. However, Chen Zhihuang also stressed: "drinking coffee should be a kind of enjoyment, not forcing yourself to endure, so if you really feel too sour to accept it, it means that this bean may not be suitable for you."
