Coffee review

What does SOE Coffee Bean mean? the difference in taste between soe, Italian concentrated mixed beans and hand-made single beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what does SOE mean? Are you a little misunderstood about SOE coffee? A friend visited the Indonesian manor and said that the inland plane was grounded yesterday and it would take more than ten hours to get to the manor and then to the restaurant.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

A kind of soe espresso is becoming popular in more and more boutique coffee shops in the market. Many friends come to Qianjie Cafe and ask if there is any soe Coffee. Qianjie Coffee Store currently offers espresso, which is made of espresso beans made of Ethiopian sun red cherries and Honduran sherry beans. Soe espresso is not available for the time being. Why split espresso and soe espresso? In front of this article, let's talk about soe espresso.

What is SOE?

The full name of SOE is Single Origin Espresso, and it is called single-origin espresso in Chinese. Although it represents single-origin espresso, it is not necessarily equal to fine coffee. If you select single-origin coffee beans with easy to identify flavor as SOE, you can produce a typical espresso with unique flavor.


For example, Yega Xuefei's citrus flavor, Kenyan berry flavor, etc., coupled with espresso under the high pressure of the espresso machine will magnify the taste of coffee, so the flavor performance will be more prominent than hand flushing. However, although SOE is outstanding, its shortcomings are relatively easy to be magnified because it comes from a single place of origin, so factors such as roasting and particle size will affect the flavor, which is why Qianjie coffee stores do not provide soe. Qianjie hopes that every guest who comes in can drink a special espresso drink with a stable flavor.

Talking about the rise of this trend, Chen Zhihuang, founder of Fika Fika Cafe, who won the Nordic Cup Coffee roasting Competition in 2013, believes that coffee is similar to whisky. From the beginning, people only knew the brand and tasted blended whisky, and it was not until nearly a decade that single malt whisky from different regions became popular, and SOE is the same concept. SOE equals making espresso with hand-made beans.

Conceptually, turning hand-made coffee beans into espresso is indeed SOE's "single-origin espresso", but in practice it is not as simple as you might think.

Espresso made from single-origin coffee beans is easier to drink with a clear flavor or regional flavor than blending. Blending coffee beans because of the mixture of several different coffee beans, the biggest advantage is balance and stability, but also because there are too many combinations to make it difficult to identify the flavor of coffee bean producing areas.

Therefore, compared with traditional espresso, SOE should be a more prominent flavor of espresso. This characteristic also affects the selection of SOE coffee beans should try to choose high flavor identification and strong coffee beans, if you choose coffee beans with lower flavor intensity to make SOE, the espresso produced will be poor and powerless. Just imagine that this kind of SOE, which has no characteristics and loses the balance and stability of matching beans, is not worth the loss.


Secondly, the baking degree should not be too deep or too shallow, the deeper roasting degree will greatly erode the flavor of the producing area, while the shallower roasting degree will make the coffee machine enlarge the acidity brought by the shallow roasting under high pressure, which is easy to make the espresso sharp and sour, and the shallower roasting degree also makes the coffee beans harder and prone to insufficient extraction. The consumption of the flavor of the producing area and the imbalance caused by acidity run counter to the original intention of highlighting the flavor of a single producing area, so the curve of SOE baked from the same bean and the curve of hand-brewed coffee should be two different baking curves.

What kind of coffee beans are suitable for SOE?

Fresh and sweet flavor: Yega Xuefei sun-tanned cherries are recommended for Qianjie coffee. This coffee from Aletaland Manor Yega Sheffield is 1700-2200 meters above sea level and is treated with full red fruit. It has a very rich fruit sweetness and floral aroma.


Degree of grinding: Pegasus 900N # 1.7

Powder content: 20g

Extraction solution: 40ml

Extraction time: 27 seconds

Flavor description: citrus, berry, fermented aroma, sticky, moderately bitter, moderately high acidity, bright and lively acidity.

Full-bodied flavor: Honduran sherry barrel is recommended in the front street. This coffee from Manor Mocha in Honduras, 1500-1700 meters above sea level, is fermented with fine water to wash sherry buckets and has a very strong fermented aroma and dark chocolate cream flavor.


Degree of grinding: Pegasus 900N # 1.8

Powder content: 20g

Extraction solution: 40ml

Extraction time: 29 seconds

Flavor description: whisky aroma, soft and high acidity, smooth taste, creamy sticky, cocoa.

What do you need to pay attention to when making SOE? SOE single-origin espresso, the coffee beans selected in order to highlight the flavor of the producing areas, the baking degree is generally not too deep, compared with the traditional deep-roasted Italian coffee beans, the flavor will be more difficult to extract.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to adjust the extraction parameters to increase the extraction rate. For example, lengthen the extraction time, adjust the degree of grinding, increase the amount of powder and so on.


On the other hand, when producing espresso based on SOE, you need to adjust the ratio of espresso to milk or water. Reduce milk or water and highlight the taste of the coffee so that the coffee is not too light.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925