Coffee review

Can you lose weight by drinking coffee on an empty stomach? Doctor: yes, but being careful will hurt your stomach

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the role and effect of coffee drinking in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). More and more people drink coffee, there is a saying that drinking coffee can accelerate metabolism, if you drink coffee before meals or before exercise, it can increase the effect of weight loss. Xiao Dunren, director of Taiwan Obesity Medical Association, said

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The function and effect of coffee and its scope of application

More and more people drink coffee, there is a saying that drinking coffee can speed up metabolism, if you drink coffee before meals or before exercise, it can increase the effect of weight loss. Hsiao Tun-Jen, director of the Taiwan Obesity Medical Association, said that coffee contains caffeine, which can promote sympathetic excitement in the body, speed up the heartbeat and raise blood pressure, which can indeed accelerate metabolism, but drinking coffee has no significant effect on weight loss, especially for patients with stomach diseases and cardiovascular diseases. It is not suitable to drink coffee before meals and exercise to prevent physical discomfort.

Hsiao Dunren said that in order to control weight, we should eat less and be more active, and the effect of drinking coffee is not significant, and Taiwanese often drink lattes, cappuccinos and other coffee with sugar and milk, which virtually ingest more calories and are not conducive to weight control. if you want to speed up your metabolism and boost your spirits by drinking coffee, it is recommended to drink black coffee, but you can't just drink black coffee to lose weight.

Xiao Dunren said that if drinking coffee is to promote metabolism, you should indeed drink it on an empty stomach or before exercise. Because you drink coffee on an empty stomach, the absorption of caffeine is better, and drinking it with exercise before exercise can speed up your metabolism. However, if you have diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, or cardiovascular disease, do not drink coffee before meals or before exercise.

The stay time of liquid in the stomach is very short, only a few minutes to more than ten minutes. The shorter the stay time, the less likely it is to stimulate gastric acid secretion and avoid stomach injury.

On the other hand, stomach acid is strong, and the pH value (pH) of lemon juice is about 7, which is "negligible" compared with stomach acid, so drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach should not hurt the stomach.

Many people like to have a cup of coffee after getting up and awaken the brain with the aroma of coffee. But what should be reminded is that it is not suitable to drink coffee on an empty stomach, because caffeine can strongly stimulate acid secretion in the stomach, which really hurts the stomach.

Don't drink on an empty stomach. The nutrition of food is absorbed by the small intestine, but alcohol is absorbed from the stomach.

If you drink on an empty stomach, alcohol will come into direct contact with the gastric mucosa and be absorbed, strongly stimulating gastric acid secretion, very harmful to the stomach, and may also cause acute gastritis. Coffee and wine had better be drunk after dinner.


Can drinking lemon juice reduce gastric acid secretion?

Folk prescriptions say that people with a bad stomach can drink lemon juice to inhibit gastric acid secretion, which is not correct.

Stomach acid is a strong acid, which needs strong alkali to neutralize. For example, the composition of stomach milk tablets is sodium bicarbonate, which is a strong alkali, so there is a way to neutralize strong acid. In comparison, lemon juice is not alkaline enough to neutralize stomach acid.
