Coffee review

American coffee the concept of American coffee legends and cold knowledge why there is no iced American coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) [cold knowledge] Flat White and American coffee do you really know how to do it? A cup of American coffee American coffee (Italian: Caff Americano, English: Americano) is a coffee practice. It is usually made by adding hot water to espresso. [1

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

[cold knowledge] do you really know how to do Flat White and American coffee?

A cup of American coffee

American coffee (Italian: Caff è Americano, English: Americano) is a coffee practice. It is usually made by adding hot water to espresso. [1] or it is made with an Italian coffee machine, after the espresso is extracted, continue to let the machine supply water until a complete cup of coffee.


1 Overview

2 cold knowledge

General introduction

American coffee stems from the habit of American troops in Europe during the war to mix hot water into small portions of espresso that are common in Europe. Because generally speaking, Americans make coffee more casually and simply, this method quickly became popular with the popularity of American chain stores in the world.

Normally, a cup of American coffee consists of two espressos mixed with 30 to 470ml hot water. Because of the large amount of hot water added, American coffee will look light both in appearance and in taste. In addition, the aroma of coffee will be slightly damaged as a result, and can not last as long as traditional espresso.

Despite the addition of hot water dilution, the caffeine content of American coffee depends on espresso as the base. However, its calories are very low.

In Australia and New Zealand, mixed coffee is made with hot water and then espresso, which is called long black.

Sometimes, some simple coffee machines are also called American coffee machines. In fact, they are drip coffee machines. [2]

Cold knowledge

American coffee must be made with hot water. So it's hard to find iced coffee made from American coffee.

Some Europeans don't like American coffee whose flavor is spoiled. The French will call American coffee jus de chaussette, which means sock juice.
