Coffee review

The solarization time and mode of honey treatment determine the difficulties in the process of grading honey treatment.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) pulp treatment refers to what honey treatment changed the raw bean treatment which step honey treatment method: what is honey treatment: according to its original meaning, its scientific name should be pulp natural, which is the same as the traditional wet treatment, it removes the thick peel of coffee cherries

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Pulp treatment refers to what honey treatment changes which step of the raw bean treatment method

Honey treatment method:

What is honey treatment: according to its original meaning, its scientific name should be "pulp natural". The same as the traditional wet treatment, it removes the thick peel of coffee cherry and retains the sticky pulp layer (mucilage) beneath it. Then it does not use fermentation to remove the sticky pulp layer. Instead, it is allowed to take this layer to dry directly, and then directly remove the sticky layer and shell (parchment).

The honey treatment of difficulties:

1. In the process of drying, because the sticky pulp layer is still on the coffee beans, it must be turned frequently in the first few days to prevent the coffee beans from sticking together, so it requires much more manual work than the normal washing method.

two。 If you can't dry it as soon as possible, it's easy to overfermentation.

3. If the overall environment is too wet and too cool, or if the sticky pulp layer is left too thick, the coffee beans will easily get moldy, so some coffee farms will use machines to control the thickness of the sticky pulp layer left behind, so that the coffee beans can be dried more quickly, and the overall taste will be more consistent.

4. Compared with wet treatment, it requires more space and takes longer days to dry.

Enhancement method:

1. In the first 2-3 days of the sun, it is best to be done under round-the-clock monitoring, during which part of the pulp layer has been dried and the coffee is less likely to have a bad fermented taste.

two。 In the process of drying, a high scaffolding can be used to make the whole process more ventilated and less prone to mildew.

3. If you dry on the patio or terrace, the mucus in the pulp layer will seep into the patio, so you need to clean up a batch of coffee beans before drying them.

Taste and characteristics:

The advantage of honey treatment is to enhance the body and sweetness of coffee (so also known as honey process or miel process), relatively reduce its acidity, and the aroma will be more detailed, but this is the taste after the honey treatment is perfectly executed, if not well executed, it will have a bad acetic acid taste, like the spicy flavor of onion or garlic, even if it is carried out quite well, it will still bring some muddy taste, and the rest of the rhyme will be less clean. Miscellaneous smell will also be heavier than the general washing method, so on the whole, the risk of honey treatment is much higher than that of the general wet treatment.
