Coffee review

The brewing method of coffee powder to illustrate how long the coffee powder can last.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-brewed coffee powder to water ratio-how to drink coffee powder coffee is really becoming more and more popular, and it is becoming more and more popular. Although the price of coffee in the coffee shop is not so close to the people, the trend of making your own coffee has come. Several models were introduced before.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Recently, more and more friends have entered the coffee pit, and those of you who are new to the cottage must be confused about the key issues of coffee. In this article, Qianjie Coffee will be used as an introduction to coffee to popularize science for everyone.

Coffee powder and coffee beans

The first problem we face is coffee powder and coffee beans, which become coffee powder after grinding. Here gives rise to a problem, so can we save the money of the bean grinder and only buy coffee powder for brewing? Of course, but not recommended.

Qianjie Coffee can provide the service of grinding coffee powder, and it may even ask you about the most suitable thickness of the equipment you use. Then why do we have to grind it ourselves?

In fact, the coffee powder we grind increases the surface area of coffee beans by 1000 times, making the extraction (the process in which water passes through the coffee powder and takes away water-soluble substances, known as "extraction") more effective. Different utensils in the extraction, the way and efficiency are different, in order to rush out the best taste, you will need different sizes of coffee powder. If you use only one utensil to make coffee, and if you are just starting to drink coffee, you can ask the store to help you grind it first. Wait for you to develop the habit of drinking coffee, and then to understand the thickness of your own utensils, slowly into the pit to grind by yourself.

In addition, even if it is the same appliance, everyone's favorite taste will be more or less different. At this time, if the coffee powder ground in the store is not suitable for your own taste, there is no way to change it. If you grind yourself, on the one hand, you can adjust the thickness according to the utensils used each time, and on the other hand, you can try different tastes and find the one that suits you best. Even when I flushed it with my own hands, I tried to adjust the thickness several times.

Another reason to grind your own coffee powder can also be said to be good, it is a "fresh" problem. We all know that the preservation time of coffee beans should not be too long, in fact, accurately speaking, the preservation time of cooked beans should not be too long. Roasted coffee beans are generally stored in a bag with an one-way exhaust valve, which can prevent outside air from entering and affecting the flavor of coffee beans, and can also discharge carbon dioxide produced by coffee beans. Even so, if it is ground into powder, the flavor of coffee will be lost much faster than coffee beans because of the increase in surface area. Therefore, fresh freshly ground coffee has an absolute flavor advantage compared with pre-ground coffee powder. Therefore, Qianjie suggests that Mengxin who has just entered the pit should be equipped with a bean grinder, so that he can enjoy the full flavor of fresh coffee.

What is the process of making coffee? The front street nonsense, immediately demonstrate, in the demonstration before the front street or to popularize the impact of some important parameters when brewing.

Coffee grindness: good coffee must be matched with the right grindness to give full play to its maximum flavor. The most common degree of grinding is compared with granulated sugar, which is indeed comparable. In general, the grindness particle value of hand-brewed coffee is 600-800 microns, which is similar to the thickness of granulated sugar.

The finer the grinding, the larger the surface area of coffee in contact with water, the higher the extraction efficiency; the thicker the grinding, the smaller the surface area of coffee in contact with water, the lower the extraction efficiency. Qianjie coffee is based on the 850mm sieve as the standard, and the grind pass rate of hand-brewed coffee is 80%.

Water temperature: water temperature will directly affect the extraction efficiency of coffee, the higher the water temperature, the higher the extraction efficiency, and vice versa. According to the editor's observation, the water temperature of 80 ℃-96 ℃ is used. Therefore, it is more meaningful to understand the extraction principle than rote memorization, and the water temperature will change accordingly for beans with different baking degrees.

The coffee beans with medium and shallow roasting degree are dense and not easy to extract, so they can be extracted at a higher temperature (90 ℃-93 ℃). For beans with medium and deep roasting degree, their texture is loose and easy to be extracted, so they can be extracted at a lower water temperature (86 ℃-89 ℃).

Powder-to-water ratio: the change of the ratio of coffee powder to water directly affects the concentration of coffee. The powder-to-water ratio commonly used in Qianjie is 1:15. This is not an absolute, just a reference, personal taste is ever-changing, you can properly adjust your own taste. If you like the rich taste, you can choose 1 13; if you like light, you can adjust it to 1:16.

Time: the duration of brewing involves many factors, such as grinding degree, amount of powder, ratio of powder to water, characteristics of filter cup, technique, etc., so it is impossible to give an accurate time, but it usually takes about 1 minute, 30 seconds to 3 minutes to brew a cup of coffee (15-20g powder) (except for special brewing methods such as Japanese brewing).

The following is a hand-brewing process of Qianjie Coffee

① said beans, Qianjie generally use 15g beans for a hand-brewed coffee.

② prepares the pot for the filter cup, folds the filter paper, preheats the cup and the pot, prepares hot water, and the last step is to grind the coffee beans. These are all the preparatory stages before brewing.

Pour ③ into the coffee powder, gently shake and pat the filter cup to flatten the coffee powder. If the surface of the coffee powder is flat, it is not easy to gather together when poured into hot water.

④ begins to inject water, 30ml hot water, hot water from the center of the coffee powder, and then slowly expand the range, pouring hot water evenly over the coffee powder. Steam for 30 seconds.

The second injection of ⑤, hot water from the center of the coffee powder, and then slowly expand the range, inject 100ml hot water, slightly faster than the first injection.

⑥ injects water for the third time, and begins to inject 95ml around the concentric circle when the powder bed is about to be seen.

Remove the filter cup as soon as the ⑦ coffee liquid flows into the pot. The extraction was finished in 2 minutes.

Is it very simple? if you have just touched the hand coffee, why don't you pick up the hand pot and brew it yourself!

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925