Coffee review

How to order Furei White Coffee where does Australian White Coffee come from? Can I have FlatWhite coffee on ice?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the difference between Starbucks Fragrance White and Costa Alcohol White? Isn't it all FlatWhite? Where did Fuluibai come from? The origin of plain is a hotly debated topic. Pass

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What's the difference between Lucky's Australian White Coffee, Starbucks Frappy White and Costa Alcohol White? Isn't it all Flat White? Yes, they all use a type of coffee ~ it's just that each brand translates this espresso in a different way. But more independent cafes are used to using the translation of "Australian White Coffee".


Although there are white characters, it is very different from the white coffee in Southeast Asia. In this article, Qianjie Coffee will show you what is Australian white coffee.

The Origin of Australian White Coffee

The origin of Australian white coffee is a hotly debated topic. Traditionally, Australia has been regarded as the birthplace of Flat white, because after Italian coffee was brought to Australia, because the local people are not used to drinking it and produce milk, Australians have been committed to the innovation of all kinds of Italian milk coffee.

However, this view is opposed by New Zealanders and believes that Flat white originated in New Zealand. New Zealanders claim that Flat white was first invented by Derek Townsend at the DKF Cafe in 1984.


The Australian retorts that the real inventor was Fraser McInnes, who coined the word "Flat white" to describe a cappuccino coffee that didn't get enough milk in 1989 at Caf é Bodega (this coffee is characterized by thick and dense milk bubbles).

As for which country it is, there is no exact statement yet, but domestic baristas do not partly agree with the statement from Australia, which is why so many people use the translated name Australian White Coffee.

So what is Australian white coffee?

Australian White Coffee is a coffee with thin bubbles of hot milk poured into one / two espresso and mixed to create a smooth velvety texture of milk coffee, is in principle can only be hot Italian milk coffee.

But later, in order to further meet the needs of consumers, different coffee chains launched a cold version of Australian white coffee. If you want to drink Australian white coffee, Qianjie is more recommended to choose hot ones.


Although it is somewhat similar to latte in production, the concentration of coffee and milk content are different. Latte is a milk-based Italian milk coffee, while Australian white coffee is a coffee-based Italian milk coffee.

In the latte made from Qianjie Coffee, two espresso Espresso, extracted in the proportion of 1:2 powder, and then filled with hot milk with thick 1cm bubbles at the ratio of 1 to 8.5, are blended evenly. The finished product is about 300ml.


To make Australian White Coffee, Qianjie Coffee uses two portions of espresso Ristretto extracted in the proportion of 1 180ml 1.6 powder, and then pours hot milk with thick 0.5cm foam into the coffee at the ratio of 1:6 and blends evenly, resulting in a finished product of about 180ml.

The difference between espresso and essence espresso

The biggest difference between espresso Espresso and essence espresso Ristretto is that the latter will have a higher coffee concentration and its flavor will be concentrated with home. After making Australian white coffee, you can more clearly feel the rich level of coffee and the different beauty when combined with sweet milk.

Qianjie Coffee Store produces espresso products using a sunflower made of 30% sun plus sherry and 70% Honduran sherry mixed with coffee beans to extract espresso. Through the Qianjie cup test, this blend of coffee beans will show the aroma of fermented wine, sweet and sour berries, roasted nuts and sweet caramel.


Espresso usually uses a pressure of 9-10bar to extract coffee in a powder-to-liquid ratio of 1:2. The front street of double espresso will use 19-20g coffee powder and extract 35-45g coffee liquid for about 27-31 seconds.

The essence espresso will use the same amount, but extract 1. 6% of the powder ratio of the coffee liquid. The front street of double essence espresso will use 19-20 g coffee powder and 30-32 g coffee liquid, and the extraction time is about 23-27 seconds.


One thing to pay attention to! The strength of espresso does not mean that the coffee flavor is stronger, but the overall taste of the coffee liquid (sweet, sour and bitter). If it is too strong, it is easy to show a sharp / bitter taste, so in the process of making essence espresso, it is necessary to adjust the use of powder and the time of extraction.