Coffee review

How to use milk to make perfect coffee flower drawing beginner coffee heart shape drawing skills latte coffee flower drawing with what kind of milk is better

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) key discussion: is coffee flower really that important? If you like to drink your own coffee with lattes, you may not be a fan of how much they can spend. Make your own product

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

"is the pull of latte really that important?" A latte with a flower pattern does deepen consumers' impression of coffee shops, increase consumer recognition and demonstrate baristas' skills.

Although it looks complicated, it is not difficult to make lattes at home as long as you use the right milk, beat out the right thickness and delicate, liquid milk foam, and extract an espresso with just the right fat. Next, follow the front street coffee to learn how to make the simplest heart-shaped flowers.


The perfect appearance of the flower pattern has the following conditions: whether the milk foam is stable and delicate, whether the milk and espresso are evenly mixed, and whether the extraction of espresso is just right.

What kind of milk would you like to use for coffee?

First of all, milk we need to choose milk fat, protein, lactose-rich, in order to make a rich taste, full and smooth taste of the latte. In previous street coffee, people are recommended to choose fresh milk that needs to be refrigerated and stored.


What affects the stability of milk bubbles is that the casein colloidal particles in milk protein and the existence of casein colloidal particles with whey protein make the milk liquid surface form tension, and a large number of air bubbles of different sizes are formed when the steam hits the milk liquid surface. then adjust the position of the steam stick to make the milk whirlpool "chopped" larger bubbles, so as to obtain a smooth surface of fine milk bubbles.


The content of lactose determines the sweetness of milk. The ideal temperature for milk is 55-65 ℃, with a maximum of no more than 70 ℃. Lactose and other sugars are most "active" in these temperature ranges. When milk is mixed with coffee when it reaches this temperature range, you can feel the sweetness of both smell and taste in this cup of milk coffee without sugar.

How to extract espresso from lattes

After preparing the right fresh milk, we need to use a special espresso machine to extract espresso. Whether the latte flower looks good or not, the oil of espresso is very important, whether the latte is good or not, and the taste of espresso itself is very important.


To extract espresso with a well-balanced and well-balanced taste, Qianjie Coffee recommends freshly roasted medium-and deep-roasted espresso beans. Qianjie currently sells four kinds of Italian coffee beans, of which 70% Brazilian coffee beans and 30% Colombian coffee beans are very suitable for domestic / commercial use and have a high cost performance.


The oil formation of espresso is that the carbon dioxide in coffee beans is saturated in a vacuum pressurized environment and extruded together with water and coffee soluble substances, thus forming a delicate golden foam. The fresher the coffee beans, the more carbon dioxide in the body, and the thicker the espresso oil, affecting the fluidity of the liquid.

On the other hand, all coffee beans shipped from Qianjie Coffee are issued within 5 days after the roasting is completed. According to the practical experience of Qianjie Coffee, espresso extracted from espresso beans within 7-30 days after the baking date is very suitable for the production of lattes, so when you receive coffee beans, you can pay attention to the baking date marked on the back and decide when to use it.


The extraction of the whole espresso is so fast that it usually takes 25-30 seconds to extract. However, because the performance of each coffee machine and bean grinder will be different, so espresso does not have a specific parameter to refer to.

Therefore, Qianjie Coffee can only provide you with an initial parameter, and you can adjust it according to the taste of the final espresso: use 20g powder at the ratio of 1:2 + 9bar pressure + 94 degrees Celsius hot water to extract 40g coffee liquid, extraction time is between 25-30 seconds. Then judge whether the espresso meets your requirements by tasting it.

How to get rid of the milk foam of latte flower?

Espresso machine is equipped with a steam bar, which is responsible for heating milk and producing milk bubbles. Please discharge steam before each foaming milk until no water is ejected from the tube. The milk foamed with water will produce large bubbles.

Then the tank is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees (that is, 2-3 o'clock or 9-10:00), and the steam rod is put into the liquid level 0.8cm-1cm. Using this angle to dismiss the milk can make the milk form a small whirlpool as soon as possible, and the appearance of the whirlpool can make the thicker milk bubbles "involved" in the liquid surface. If the steam rod is put in too deep, the steam hole cannot contact the air to form a vortex. If it is too shallow, the steam hits the liquid surface, forming rough bubbles and splashing milk.


The thickness of the foam depends on the foam produced when the steam is in proper contact with the liquid surface, which is called the inflation process. The longer it takes to inflate, the more foam is produced, and the thicker the foam will be. Put the steam head into the 0.3cm and turn on the steam switch, and you will hear a "squeak-squeak" sound.

This is the inflatable stage, and the thickness of the milk foam for making lattes is 1cm, so we don't need to over-inflate. When you hear the squeak 4-5 times, you can adjust the depth of the milk stick back to 0.8-1cm, maintain a 45-degree angle and create a whirlpool to eliminate the coarse bubbles and heat them to the appropriate temperature.

How to make a heart-shaped pattern?

Pour espresso into a latte cup, prepare a hot cow with delicate bubbles and shake the vat at a fixed point. When the milk noodles are smooth and unlayered, tilt the cup & circle and pour 70% of the milk and coffee into the cup.


Then the convection begins at the injection point 1/4 near the side of the vat, so that the whole heart will be in the center.


To let the foam flow out of the coffee surface, we just need to slowly straighten the cup after fixed-point convection. The milk injection point is full and moves from 1/4 to the center, the left hand slowly returns to the cup, while the right hand slowly pulls up the cylinder mouth to finish.


The closing action is very important, and many friends are destroyed at the end. Be ready to finish when you reach 9 minutes full, reduce the flow, raise the cylinder, reach the bottom of the peach heart along the axis, and cut off the flow decisively. In this way, a short tail will appear.
