Coffee review

Why is "iced coffee" more expensive? Why don't Koreans drink iced coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the difference between cold coffee and cold coffee cold extract, cold coffee or cold coffee which tastes better? Does the editor usually like to drink coffee hot? Or is it cold? Because of a bad throat, unless the weather is so hot that it explodes, will you order hot coffee? It's just that have you noticed

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The difference between cold coffee and cold coffee which tastes better, cold coffee or cold coffee?

Does the editor usually like to drink coffee hot? Or is it cold? Because of a bad throat, unless the weather is so hot that it explodes, will you order hot coffee? But have you noticed that the price of the same kind of coffee is higher than the hot one? Has anyone ever wondered why?

Foreign magazine Good Housekeeping aims at "Why is iced coffee more expensive?" According to the report, the price of ice is higher because the "containers and cups" of iced coffee are more expensive than hot cups.

In addition, the "ice" added to iced coffee needs to be made separately, there must be a freezer for ice making and preservation, and maintenance and maintenance are all a cost.

In addition, some experts say that coffee containers and ice cubes are not all reasons why iced coffee is more expensive, and the method of producing espresso (Espresso) will also trigger the price of coffee.

Because recently, there are many new coffee extraction methods, such as cold water extraction "Dutch Coffee". If you use this method to brew, you need to put in more coffee beans, more advanced machines, so the price of iced coffee has to be higher.

South Korean media pointed out that no matter what kind of espresso extraction method used by local coffee merchants, the ice is 1000 won (about NT $27) more expensive than the hot one. It's a good thing to stay and drink it hot.

What do you think? It seems that China may not be more expensive, but sometimes iced coffee will be concentrated in half a portion of or than hot coffee, which may also be one of the reasons.

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