Coffee review

Baking analysis and cooking parameters of raw beans in sun-dried Yega snow berry orchard

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Yega Sherfi _ Yejashefi Coffee coffee flavor Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Natural Boyefi G1 sun Yega Xuefei Poliffe Berry Orchard 01 | unique geographical environment Yega Sherfi Yirgacheffe is Ethiopia

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Yega Sheffield Coffee Flavor

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Natural Boyefi G1

Sun Yega Chuefei Poly Coffee Orchard

| 01 | production area profile |

Unique geographical environment

Yirga cheffe is a small town in Ethiopia, 1700-2100 meters above sea level. It is one of the highest coffee producing areas in the world and is synonymous with Ethiopian boutique coffee. Lake Turkana, Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo bring rich water vapor here.

Many enthusiasts can not distinguish between the two producing areas of [Yega Xuefei] and [Sidamo]. They both belong to Ethiopia. Generally speaking, Sidamo is a province. Yedamo is a town in Sidamo province. Sidamo is 2100 meters above sea level. Yega producing area is higher above sea level, the highest elevation is more than 2600 meters, and it is also much higher than Sidamo. Yega Xuefei has unique jasmine aroma, bright and lively citrus acid and black tea texture. Full berry and tropical fruit flavors with Sidamo

Ethiopia lies to the east of the African continent. The "Gedeo zone region" to which Yega Xuefei belongs is located in the "southern ethnic states" in southwestern Ethiopia.

The relative position of Yega Xuefei (red dot) in Ethiopia (near the white circle)

Yega Chuefei, the coffee producing area adjacent to the enclosed (except Shakespeare), is known as the "Yega Chuefei producing area". The area surrounded by a red box is the Sidamo area.

In the following picture, with Yegashev as the center, from the north Wenago to the south Gedeb, they all belong to the "Yejashefi producing area" in a broad sense.

The production area closest to the town of Yegashefi:

Yega Chuefei Fog Valley: Yega Chuefei Fog Valley Misty Valley. Since the introduction of water washing technique in the late 20th century, defective beans have been greatly reduced thanks to water washing, which has made coffee beans in this area become a trend among coffee fans all over the world. Abdullash Bagersh, a local coffee merchant, missed the traditional flavor of sun-dried beans, so he improved the treatment of sun-dried beans to improve the flavor and reduce the proportion of defects, and launched "Idido Misty Valley, Beloya and Aricha," three very famous Yejasuffi sun-dried beans.

Yega Xuefei Ariga: Yega Xuefei Ariga Aricha, formerly known as Idido. A well-known coffee bean processing plant near the town of Yejassefi

Misty Valley (red coordinates) | closest to the producing area of Yegashev (formerly: Edido Idido/ now: Erika Aricha coffee bean processing plant)

To the north of the town of Yejashefi (see figure below)

Wenago Ye Jia Xue Fei Wei Na Guo

Dormorso Yega Xuefei Dumeso

The red dot is Yirgacheffe.

To the south of the town of Yejashefi (see figure above):

Konga Yega Xuefei Conga

Kochere Yega Shirley Fischer: Yega Sheffield Cochel, some people say that the correct pronunciation should be Cochere.

Chelelektu Ye Jia Xuefei snow map

Gutiti Yega Sheffield Tintin, located in Godibe Gedeb, south of the Yega Sheffield producing area

The ECX scores were Yirgacheffe, Wenago, Kochere and Gelena/Abaya.

Domestic common, belong to Yega Xuefei producing area have.

-Misty Valley Yega Chuefei misty Valley

-Aricha Yega Sheffield Erika

-Wenago Ye Jia Xue Fei Wei Na Guo

-Dormorso Yega Xuefei du Meso

-Konga Yega Xuefei Conga

-Kochere Yega Shirley Fischer (Cochelle)

-Chelelektu Ye Jia Xuefei snow map

-Gutiti Yega Chuefei Ding Ding

Polaroid berry orchard

Ye Jia Xue Fei Kecher Zhen Bo Li Cun Lot1 Sun G1-Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Kochere Bolje Lot1 Natural G1

Boyefi from Ethiopia Fere and Bota/Yefirafire,Fere means berry, and Bota/Yefirafire means garden / orchard, which means berry orchard!

02 | processing method

This sun-treated Yega Chuefei coffee has slightly larger granules and slightly lower density and water content.

As we all know, most of the Kochere is fine washing, and each coffee from this processing plant can be considered as high-quality refined coffee, which shows better characteristics than other coffees. no matter which method of treatment is used, the coffee beans here can be considered to be the best coffee in Yega.

This batch, Lot 1, Ethiopian traditional exquisite method of sun drying, after the treatment factory screened the available coffee cherries, the whole coffee cherries with intact pulp and peel were put into the elevated shed for sun treatment, which is precisely this kind of greenhouse drying method of high-intensity human labor, which isolates contact with the ground and prevents soil smells in the process of sun exposure. Create an unusually clean fruit flavor. After more than two weeks of sun exposure, the dark brown coffee fruit is stored professionally, waiting for the whole flavor to ripen. Before shipping, the processing plant will take the coffee beans out of the coffee cherries, and the sweetness can be imagined.

03 | Analysis of raw beans

On the grading of Yega Xuefei

The score of raw bean:-Q1 is the highest, followed by Q2.

-common in China, only G1G4 classification →, regardless of washing or sun-drying beans, the choice of G1 should be able to get less defect rate and delicious coffee beans.

ECX has a further way to classify beans according to their own grades. Not the familiar "Yega Sheffield G1" or "Yega Sheffield G2". Fresh coffee beans harvested in that year must first make a primary score and get a G1-G3 rating before they will be further divided into Q1 and Q2 grades by testing the quality of coffee beans with SCAA cups.

Yejia Xuefei washed beans

Yejia Xuefei sun-dried beans

The highest grade of Q1: coffee beans with a score of more than G1 or G280 in the primary score and more than 85 points in the boutique grade. For the highest grade coffee beans.

Q2 highest grade: G1 or G2 coffee beans in the primary score + boutique score 80 ~ 84.75. It is the second highest grade coffee bean.

Yejia Xuefei body variety is a local native species, small grain species, the appearance is relatively round, the bean body is very small, mostly between 14 and 15 orders.

Raw bean information

Country: Ethiopia

Production area: Kochere, Polly Village

Treatment: insolation

Variety: native species (Heirloom)

Altitude: 1900-2000 m

Baking degree: shallow baking

Flavor description: dried peach, sweet citrus notes and orange fruit, cocoa, rich acidity, full aroma, smooth and delicate

04 |baking analysis

The beans are not suitable for medium to deep roasting, so this coffee is intended to be light and slow roasting to best reflect its round and sweet, fruity and fruity characteristics.

This coffee has smaller particles, moisture content, greater heat absorption during roasting, and a faster Mena reaction process.

Bake the curve:

Quick-fry mode, furnace temperature to 200 degrees Celsius, throttle set 3 degrees Celsius for 1 minute, firepower 180 degrees, throttle unchanged, 140 degrees once, down to 150 degrees, throttle open to 3.5, baking to 5: 03 ", temperature 151 degrees, bean watch turns yellow, grass smell disappears completely, dehydration is completed, firepower is adjusted to 90 degrees, throttle does not change 3.5.

In the 9th minute, ugly wrinkles and black markings appear on the bean table, and the smell of toast obviously changes to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, listen carefully to the sound of the explosion point, start to explode at 9: 20 ", adjust the firepower to 50 degrees, and the throttle is fully open. (adjust the firepower to be very careful, not so small that there is no cracking sound), put the pot at 198.1 degrees.

The dry aroma of Yejasuffi exudes strong fruit aromas, with strong aromas of berries, strawberries and straw jam.

Wet fragrance is like sweet syrup, like sticky apricot juice, dried black plum fruit, lemon peel. The entrance is not strong, the alcohol thickness is medium, the acidity is lively and bright, like fruit black tea.

Intense dry aromas of berries and fruits, starting with strong aromas of strawberries and blueberries with tropical fruit aromas such as passion fruit and mango, with aromas of apricot, peach and grape juice in the middle, floral, peach and berry aromas throughout the taste buds. Solid and full-bodied juicy flavor should not be missed.

04 | Cooking analysis

Yega Xuefei's cooking

As for the way of brewing, hand brewing and siphon brewing are the best. When you grind the beans, you can smell the sweet smell of the sun fruit.

Gentle and delicate, sweet and lovely. Yega Chuefei exudes an extremely complex aroma and shows an extremely excellent taste that is difficult to describe.

V60 filter cup, 15g powder, water temperature 86 degrees, grinding 3.5

The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:15

27 grams of water is steamed for 28s.

Section: 27-105-88, time is 1:50 (steaming starts)

Palate: smooth, layered, sweet fermented berries

The flavor of the fermented wine of wet ripe berries makes people not believe that this is Yega Chuefei, but this kind of wet fragrance is not very popular. But from the extremely smooth entrance to the delicate mellow thickness, the sour and sweet appearance of ripe fruit is really amazing, more sweet than any Yega I have ever drunk before. Yu Yun's performance is also quite good, worthy of the "fruit bomb", which can basically guarantee that the mouth can still feel sweet for half an hour after drinking.

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