Coffee review

When can I stop roasting when coffee is roasted?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When do you want to stop baking? It can be judged from the following points: 1. Color of coffee beans: because coffee beans show different colors when roasted to different degrees, color becomes the most commonly used basis for baking depth, which can be applied to most coffee beans, but some coffee beans are special. Kenya beans, for example, are much darker than ordinary coffee beans.

When do you want to stop baking? It can be judged from the following points:

1. Color of coffee beans: because coffee beans show different colors when roasted to different degrees, color becomes the most commonly used basis for baking depth, which can be applied to most coffee beans, but some coffee beans are special. For example, Kenya beans are much darker than ordinary coffee beans, so you should pay special attention at this time.

two。 Baking time: see "time / temperature curve" for details

3. Baking temperature: see "time / temperature curve" for details

4. Smoke intensity: coffee beans begin to smoke after entering the second explosion, and the degree of roasting can be judged by the smoke, but because the characteristics of each kind of coffee beans are different, it is not necessary to accumulate long-term baking experience to correctly decide when to stop baking.

In fact, the best time to stop baking is just before you reach the required baking depth! Because the coffee beans will continue to be roasted because of their own heat after stopping baking, if the coffee beans are not stopped a little earlier, the coffee beans will exceed the predetermined baking depth.