Coffee review

Professional coffee roasting-what is Nordic roasting? Where does the explosive aroma of Nordic baking come from?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee roasting coffee bean roasting coffee roasting training Chinese people generally do not like sour, even in recent years, driven by boutique coffee, the emphasis on Acidity coffee, in the general public, still can not become mainstream. I've found or heard too many specious statements, Ted.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee roasting _ coffee bean roasting _ coffee roasting training

Chinese people generally do not like sour, even in recent years, driven by boutique coffee, the emphasis on Acidity coffee, in the general public, still can not become mainstream.

I have found or heard too many paradoxes, especially lightly baked beans, which are not baked, but can touch the edge of Nordic baking. All the biggest obstacles come from people themselves, and their senses are trained. Apart from the ability to distinguish between coffee and coffee, apart from the distinguishing ability of taste, flavor, bitterness and astringency, they can really distinguish the subtle differences between coffee and coffee. and this slight difference may be a lot of difficulties accumulated by the roaster's skills, bean roaster attributes, bean seeds, producing area, post-processing and so on. Wu Baochun, Chen Zhihuang and Lai Yuquan have made a foundation for us Chinese to have a place in the world because of their sensory abilities, and we hope that such young people will continue to emerge in large numbers. has a discussion that begins with a quote from an article in the New York Times blog on October 20, 2010, starting with a joke.

"the coffee in Oslo is so light that it seems to take the beans out of the sack and grind them into powder without baking."

"Coffee in Nordic countries is generally lighter than that in other countries in the world, of which Norway is the most."

"after two weeks of drinking these unusual coffees in Oslo, I became a lover of these well-baked light-roasted coffees, which tasted so much like juice, because of prejudice, at first, it was a little confusing-- because these coffees are not like other coffees. Then I found it exciting-because I found that these coffees were unlike other coffees. "in August this year (2010), Tim Wendelboe (world barista champion and World Cup test champion), and Morten Wennersgaard established a new method Nordic Approach."

With Nordic baking, what is our daily baking? Taiwan's Nordic baking world champion James explained: "the throttle needs to be adjusted, pay attention to dehydrated baking."

Mr. Han Huaizong's two "Fine Coffee Studies" solidly captured many people with vivid words about what he knew, saw, heard, and personally experienced about coffee, and became faithful followers of his "works." and his "new edition of Coffee Science" has also increased the length of the Nordic Baking and World Bean Baking Competition. There is a picture in the new edition of Coffee.

The throttle control turntable of Probat UG 15 in the Tim wendelboe store was removed. Mr. Han explained that it meant that the throttle was all open, maybe it was all open for Probat, but I believe many readers would think that no matter what machine they used, they had to open the throttle to play Nordic Baking. There is also a book about the fire and the throttle, and I believe many people misunderstand it as the largest firepower and the biggest throttle, because even Lai Yuquan, the 2013 WCRC champion, once said on Facebook that the "fire throttle" is a larger fire and a larger throttle, not the biggest fire and the strongest wind, especially the different firepower and ventilation capacity of each machine, and the wind can be blown as an electric fan when some throttle is fully open. What the text conveys to the reader is often a far cry from what the author really means, and if these differences become beliefs, it is difficult to reverse them, just like a pot of baked beans to be saved.


The highlights of Nordic baking listed in the new edition of Coffee are summarized as follows:

The temperature of the bean furnace is close to that of the explosion and the throttle is fully open. the kinetic energy needed for baking must be established at the initial stage of the bean, and the heating range is very large in the first few minutes. With the bean baking process, the firepower will be reduced gradually.

Confirm that the throttle is fully open before the first explosion, and come out in 26 seconds to 2 minutes after the first explosion (depending on the use of beans, follicular coffee usually comes out in more than 20 to 50 seconds).

The Agtron Number measured on the surface of the whole bean is very different from that after grinding, which can reach more than 20, and the taste spectrum has a great amplitude.

Famous Nordic factories prefer high-quality raw beans with hard texture and ability to withstand fire, and prefer producing areas and varieties with obvious rhymes of flowers and sweet and sour fruits, such as SL28,SL34, Herloom, Geisha, Bourbon, Caturra, Caturra, etc., among which Kenya bean has the highest utilization rate.

Baking for nine and a half to ten minutes, about a burst of beans, retain the largest flower rhyme and fruit rhyme, which depends on efficient convective heat to achieve, technology is not in place, often sour and bitter and fishy smell, this is not in line with the Nordic way.

1, 2 talking about the Nordic way of baking, 3 talking about finished products, 4 talking about raw bean materials, 5. Besides baking methods, it also involves the equipment used. Among the four Nordic celebrities, Solberg & Hansen uses Loring Smart Roaster hot fan, Tim Wendelboe uses Probat semi-hot fan, and the rest is unknown. If their heating curve (RoR), after the temperature recovery point, the fastest heating stage, every 30 seconds to 17 degrees 18 degrees, Tim Wendelboe is only 7 degrees 8 degrees, do not see that it is a fire, so, when talking about Nordic baking methods, we should first understand the use of machines, to master the spirit of Nordic Style, and then check whether the flavor of the baked products is consistent.

Photo curve source:

Where does the explosive aroma of Nordic baking come from?

From the above, several key points of Nordic baking can be summarized.

Pick the opposite bean: pay attention to the flavor of the region (not every kind of raw bean is suitable for light baking with Nordic fire)

Use the right machine: must maintain good temperature performance, make good use of the thermal convection of the machine

The baking rhythm is simple and clear: when entering the bean point, find the right firepower and throttle (depending on the bean species and its conditions), do not specially close the small throttle for steaming, or reduce the fire in stages before an explosion, and then open the wind door into an explosion to discharge a large amount of water vapor.

The act of increasing firepower in the baking process.

It should be said that the flavor of the beans baked in northern Europe is quite good. Compared with the beans bought from FikaFika in Taipei, Sun Yega and Kenya AA, which are also famous in Kaohsiung, as soon as the beans are ground open, the aroma of FikaFika is brighter and more attractive. The taste of the entrance, due to differences in hand flushing techniques, water quality, water temperature and other parameters, has its own admirable taste and different aroma, but it can be said simply that FikaFika beans are fragrant. Let me assume for a moment that James's Nordic baking and the curve he provided to Mr. Han are not divorced from the above key points, then how does the bomb-like aroma of Nordic baking come from? (FikaFika then created the so-called sunshine baking, the recommended cooking parameters are slightly different, but still very fragrant, whether it is his Nordic baking or sunshine baking, I think, in business, it is a trade secret. It is also an important weapon of differential competition.

According to the Mena reaction article published by teacher Shao in Coffee Chronicle, the raw bean was completely whitened, and the latter half of the bean entered the Mena reaction. The tissue of the bean was dehydrated and reorganized by molecules. Carbonyl and amino groups go through a series of reactions to produce Amadori structure or Haines structure. Although this stage does not produce aroma, it is an important basis for entering the middle stage of Mena. Therefore, the wind and fire setting at this stage can make the raw beans expand and whiten smoothly, and there should not be a situation in which some of the beans directly turn yellowish brown into Mena's mid-term reaction before they are completely whitened.

There are also Nordic baked beans, the Agtron Number is high, 75 to 90, the color is light, representing the final stage of Mena reaction, the proportion of aromatic heterocycles polymerized into macromolecular melanin (menatine) is low, and the degree of caramelization is also low. Since there are many aromatic heterocycles left, there will be more refreshing aromas of flowers, fruits, or thick nuts and cocoa, depending on what kind of beans are baked, and its regional flavor tends to be there.

Also, because of the Nordic baking method, the heating process is faster, the Mena process is degraded at high temperature, and there will be more volatile aromas of small molecules, such as acetaldehyde, pyruvate aldehyde, butanedione, etc., so the fruit, cream and caramel sweet aroma emitted by grinding beans will also burst out, which may be similar to the Nordic baking method, but the method of burning in the middle of Mena may have a similar effect.

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