Coffee review

Guatemala Coffee Mark

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Guatemala location: central American area: 108889 square kilometers population: 14000000 official languages: Spanish Coffee planting area: 286000 ha Coffee yield: 4.5 million bags of Coffee varieties: Arabica (with a small amount of washed Robusta) Coffee characteristics: mixed flavor with spicy flavor, full particles, delicious, balanced acidity

Guatemala Guatemala

Location: central America

Area: 108889 square kilometers

Population: 14000000

Official language: Spanish

Coffee planting area: 286000 ha

Coffee output: 4.5 million bags

Coffee variety: Arabica (with a small amount of washed Robusta)

Coffee characteristics: mixed flavor with spicy flavor, full granules, delicious taste and balanced acidity

Overall rating: excellent

Coffee imprint in special producing areas

Antigua Antigua, Guatemala: Guardia Coffee is one of the world-famous coffee with diverse flavors and slight changes in flavor characteristics. Antigua is a well-known high-quality production area. With high altitude, good soil and climatic conditions, the coffee produced here has a stronger flavor than that of other producing areas, and the unique cut tobacco flavor of volcanic rock soil is more obvious, but the taste is as soft and rich as honey. It is a deep temperament coffee with an Indian impression.

Huehuetenango: the Mini South Fruit producing area is located in the highlands south of Guatemala, based on the rich and varied microclimate of the country. Micro Tenanguo Coffee has a distinctive fruit flavor, slightly deep roasted with almond-like nutty flavor and creamy sweet taste, is a soft and warm coffee.