Coffee review

Jamaican Coffee Encyclopedia

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Jamaica Jamaica location: central American area: 11100 square kilometers population: 2826000 people official language: English coffee planting area: 9000 hectares coffee yield: 27,000 bags of coffee varieties: Arabica coffee characteristics: the myth of the coffee industry. Its flavor is mild, clean, soft, fruity and sour, and can meet people's various needs. Except for this.


Location: Central America

Area: 11,100 km2

Population: 2,826,000

Official language: English

Coffee planting area: 9,000 hectares

Coffee production: 27,000 bags

Coffee varieties: Arabica

Coffee properties: a myth in the coffee world. It is mild, clean, soft, fruity and sour in flavor, and can satisfy people's various needs. In addition, the juicy flavor of Blue Mountain coffee is particularly long-lasting, as drinkers say, a lingering aftertaste.

Overall Rating: Excellent

Special Region Coffee Imprint:

In 1728 Sir Nicholas Lawes, then governor of Jamaica, introduced coffee from Martinique. Jamaica is an ideal place to grow coffee. Nine years after coffee was introduced, they began exporting about 83,000 pounds of beans a year. Between 1728 and 1768, the Jamaica coffee industry developed extensively in the foothills of St. Andrew, but eventually gradually moved toward the Blue Mountains. In June 1950, the Coffee Industry Association of Jamaica established official standards for green coffee quality for export.

The Blue Mountain region refers to the eastern part of Jamaica, and only coffee grown here can be called Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (JBM). Jamaica High Mountain coffee is ghostwritten to refer to coffee grown in the mountains outside the Blue Mountains region. Wallenford, Mavis, Old Tavern and Moy Hall are the four most famous legal Blue Mountain coffee green bean processing plants in Jamaica. But these four are not coffee farms, they are green coffee processing plants, do not grow their own coffee, but buy unprocessed coffee beans from small farms in the Blue Mountains region and process them according to official quality standards.

The flavor of a truly premium Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is pure clean, mild, and soft, but that's where Blue Mountain coffee has a harder time roasting, just like other coffee beans grown on islands, even the best, highest altitude Jamaican coffee is not the highest altitude compared to other coffee grown at the highest altitude, and the lower altitude beans have a lower density, so there are different things to watch out for when roasting. If you lack experience roasting high-quality coffee, even if you buy great blue mountain green beans, you may also bake a pot of lifeless ordinary coffee. In addition, the rule of thumb for brewing Blue Mountain Coffee generally increases the amount of beans by 20% in order to get the rich and elegant aroma of Blue Mountain Coffee, which is also the reason why Blue Mountain Coffee needs to be sold more expensive.