Coffee review

Filter paper handmade coffee course teaching handmade coffee gouache ratio basic equipment step explanation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand coffee basic equipment hand brewer, filter cup, filter paper, coffee pot, thermometer, bean grinder, measuring spoon, scale a key concept 1. The ratio of powder to water is 1:17. The temperature is 9095 degrees Celsius. Stable uniform extraction 4.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Basic equipment for making coffee

A hand brewer, a filter cup, a filter paper, a coffee pot, a thermometer, a bean grinder, a measuring spoon, a scale

key concept

1. Powder to water ratio 1:17

2. Temperature 90--95 degrees Celsius

3. Stable homogeneous extraction

4. Extraction rate 18%--22%

Hand coffee steps explained

1. Measure the weight of coffee beans, a cup of about 10 grams, brewing about 170cc; two cups (about a mug) about 18 grams, brewing about 300 cc, can be adjusted according to personal taste. For each additional cup, coffee powder increases by about 7- 10 grams. Then use medium grinding, the particles are almost the same as No. 2 sugar.

2. Add hot water to the appropriate amount of water and plug in the thermometer. Use hot water at 90--95 degrees Celsius. Basically, the water temperature should vary according to the degree of roasting of beans. The deeper the roasting, the lower the water temperature.

3. Pour hot water over the filter paper, warm the cup and pot, and dilute some of the filter paper smell (some filters have bleach and other chemicals). Then pour out the water from the coffee pot. Of course, if the filter paper does not smell or bleach, you can also do not need to get wet first. The purpose of the warm pot is to brew coffee, coffee temperature will not lose too fast.

4. Pour in the coffee powder and pat the coffee in the filter cup to smooth the coffee powder.

5. Start the first injection, water column to stabilize, let a small amount of hot water from the injection port fine flow, not too large, not too fine. The distance between the mouth and the powder layer is about 6 cm, and to maintain the force and speed is consistent, not too fast, let the hot water like "gently put up" feeling, from the center point to the outside circle, quickly close to the edge to stop pouring water, let the coffee powder wet. Then let it sit for about 30 seconds, which is called steaming.

6. When the steaming is over, start the second water injection, starting from the center point in a circle, from inside to outside, and then from outside to inside, repeating and stabilizing this action until almost the required amount of extraction is reached. That's right, remember not to let the water column touch the wall of the filter cup when filling.

7. Pour into a pre-warmed glass and begin to taste.

the clean-up

Pour out the filter paper along with the coffee grounds, and then wash the filter cup and coffee pot with water.