Coffee review

Starbucks hand-made coffee price Starbucks hand-made coffee tastes good Starbucks hand-made coffee which is better

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) recently had dinner with friends I haven't seen for a long time, because it happens to be near Starbucks, so go to Starbucks to have a look at it after dinner. Each cup is 39. Give me a soft American cookie. (the biscuits are delicious) I ordered Ethiopian beans (but didn't say

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

A few days ago, I had dinner with a friend I hadn't seen for a long time, because it happened to be near Starbucks. After dinner, I went to Starbucks to have a look.

Each cup is 39. Give me a soft American cookie. (the biscuits are delicious.)

I ordered Ethiopian beans (but didn't say what it was, only that the flavor was sour and fragrant). On the whole, it was very bad, and the items are as follows:

1. I asked the clerk not to go down the last section of coffee water (that is, please remove the filter cup before the end, I don't want the extraction in the latter section), but the other side didn't do it.

two。 There is no scale to measure the accurate powder-to-water ratio in the pot, maybe they are using the pot to scale?

3. It is said that it emphasizes the sour aroma, but there is almost no sour taste in the whole cup, but there is a lot of bitter and over-extracted taste, and there is no return to sweet taste. It feels like almost Full City or deeper baking. The quality of this cup of coffee is so bad that I haven't finished half of it.

It is an exaggeration to say that my own baked beans taste better than him with my eyes closed.

4. At the back, I bought a small cup to say Blue Mountain. Seriously, it doesn't taste good.

(I think I also know that it is the "flavor" of Blue Mountain. How can Blue Mountain coffee be invited when it is so expensive?)

5. At the back, there is a small glass of ice wine that is said to be an exclusive recipe (in fact, cold bubble). This glass is really good, with a hint of mint coolness and cocoa after rhyme caramel in the mouth.

Because there were too many people, we waited until two people were about to leave before we got the seats.

So the conclusion is that the coffee is not good, there are too many people and there is no atmosphere.

Of course, the Starbucks product is not coffee.

So it's really pointless to comment on his coffee.

Coffee is just the carrier of his main commodity.

The target group is not coffee gluttons, but the general public.

Therefore, you can't kill Starbucks by providing better coffee.

Even if the furnishings and atmosphere in his store are copied, the value of the brand cannot be copied.

What is the value of the brand? The signboard of the storefront and the logo on the take-out cup is it.

To put it bluntly, when you are sitting in the store, or holding a take-out cup

My heart is not satisfied with coffee, and fantasize about how passers-by think of your vanity