Coffee review

Full-automatic American coffee machine usage full-automatic coffee machine Italian style or American style

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) always need a cup of coffee every morning refreshing, me too! But my symptoms are mild, and I am surrounded by heavy coffee lovers who walk all day without a cup of coffee every morning. It seems that coffee is really an inseparable drink for busy modern people.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I always need a cup of coffee to cheer me up every morning, so do I. But my symptoms are mild, and I am surrounded by heavy coffee lovers who walk all day without a cup of coffee every morning. It seems that coffee is really an inseparable drink for busy modern people, and when they become a mother and work children have to take care of it, they become more dependent on it.

Instant coffee or capsule coffee can easily get rid of me before, but since I know what "delicious coffee" is, my mouth is becoming more and more picky, always hoping to drink "real" American coffee.

I usually go to the convenience store downstairs to buy a cup, but it hurts to buy it like this every day. 45 yuan a day, or 1350 yuan a month. I can buy several bags of coffee beans and drink them for months.

Coupled with the fact that the convenience store near our home is close to the MRT station, the crowd is surging, and there is an office building upstairs, so there is a great demand for coffee. Sometimes we have to wait a long time to order a hot American style. Seeing that the clerk is very busy, I am embarrassed to say anything. (I can only say thank you for your hard work. "