Coffee review

How to use coffee powder to make coffee at home? How to make coffee? it's the easiest way to drink coffee powder.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) self-brewed coffee is not only better and more mellow than buying ready-made canned coffee and instant coffee, but also caffeine is only half the content of canned and instant coffee, not only delicious, but also drink healthier. First, choose your favorite way of brewing coffee and don't care.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Many coffee fans begin to study how to make their own coffee at home, but they don't know where to start. One is that they don't know what equipment to use to brew coffee at home, and the other is that they don't know what the brewing process is and how to make it delicious. Then the next article, Qianjie Coffee, will answer these questions for coffee fans.

How to make coffee by hand at home?

There are many ways to brew coffee at home, such as hand-brewing coffee at home, or hand-brewed coffee at home, or instant coffee, cold extract coffee, and so on, but with the promotion of the boutique coffee market, hand-brewing coffee at home has formed a trend.

Because the sense of experience of hand-brewed coffee is very good, and it is also the best among so many kinds of coffee brewing, this is because the coffee beans used in hand-brewed coffee are freshly ground, so the aroma retention is more complete than hanging-ear coffee. Next, let's share how to make your own coffee at home.

Hand coffee making equipment

First of all, hand coffee must be prepared to use equipment, coffee fans who often come to Qianjie coffee to taste individual coffee have noticed that Qianjie coffee will choose fresh coffee beans to weigh the exact grams with electronic scales and put them into the grinder, followed by the use of thermometers and hand pots, filter cups, filter paper, sharing pots, etc., it can be seen that there are a lot of equipment for hand coffee. So how on earth should we make a choice? I'm going to share the front street coffee with you.

1. Hand punch: there are hand punch pots of all sizes and materials on the market, which can be selected according to your needs. It is the size of the kettle that will affect the cooking results, because it is turned off to the amount of water. Beginners are generally advised to use a small pot, which is easier to control. In addition, each hand punch pot is suitable for different heating methods. For example, mocha pots are heated with induction cookers or gas stoves, so you should pay special attention when buying them.

two。 Filter cup: the size and material of the filter cup are also different, mainly divided into three shapes: fan-shaped, tapered and wavy filter cup. The size of the filter diameter at the bottom of the filter cup will affect the flow rate of coffee extraction, and then affect the flavor of coffee. The fan-shaped filter cup has the advantages of small filter diameter, slow flow rate and mellow taste; the cone-shaped filter cup has large filter diameter, fast flow rate and light taste; the wavy filter cup has a flat bottom with special wave filter paper, which makes the coffee taste the most uniform. What is more special is the metal filter cup, which does not need to be used with filter paper, which can retain more coffee oil and taste thicker, but some finer coffee powder may not be filtered out.

3. Filter paper: there are bleached and unbleached filter paper, bleached filter paper looks whiter, unbleached filter paper looks close to light brown. The function of filter paper is to use the extremely dense fiber to retain the ground coffee powder and filter the extracted coffee into the cup. To buy filter paper, you should choose the corresponding filter paper according to your own filter cup.

4. Bean grinder: good hand coffee needs to be equipped with a good bean grinder. There are three types of bean grinders on the market.

1) Ghost tooth bean grinder

2) flat knife bean grinder

3) conical knife bean grinder

5. Thermometer

Thermometers are used to measure the water temperature of coffee. The thermometers on the market are Tiamo thermometer, Hero thermometer and Cafede Kona thermometer.

6. Electronic scale

Electronic scales enable us to better control the powder-to-water ratio when brewing coffee, reduce unstable factors, and increase sufficient fault tolerance. Electronic scales range from several hundred yuan to dozens of yuan each, including Yami electronic scale, hero intelligent scale and Tamo electronic scale.

7. Sieve powder net

Mainly to judge the degree of grinding, each type of coffee beans are suitable for hand-made grinding degree is different, Qianjie coffee through continuous experiments, determined to pass the Chinese standard 20 screen 80% as the hand-made grinding degree.

8. Sharing pot

If you drink alone, you can put it on the mug without sharing the pot. To extract multi-cup coffee, you need to share the pot. With the scale display and transparent material of the sharing pot itself, it is also easier to understand and control the extraction process, and the sharing pot is not just the role of dividing the cup. Qianjie Coffee recommends HARIO V60 cloud sharing pot and Kalita sharing pot.

What should I do with the detailed steps of making coffee by hand?

The above Qianjie coffee example gives an example of the equipment needed for hand-brewing coffee, so how to use them in the end, and how to flush out their flavor? this mainly depends on the water temperature, grinding thickness, powder-to-water ratio, and brewing techniques.

1. Water temperature

The higher the water temperature, the stronger the extraction ability, the more bitter the coffee is, the stronger the taste; the low water temperature, the weak extraction ability, the coffee is easy to turn sour, the taste is mild and light, the temperature of the hand should be adjusted according to the roasting degree of the coffee, the shallow roasted beans can be 90-91 ℃, and the medium-deep roasted beans can be 85-87 ℃. Qianjie coffee is basically adjusted within this range. Once a customer questioned this brewing temperature, Qianjie coffee took gold mantenin beans (deep roasted) and boiled them at a water temperature of 90 ℃. As a result, the taste was almost comparable to that of Italian concentrate, so Qianjie coffee generally recommended that Mantenin beans be used. The water temperature is 86-88 ℃.

two。 Grinding degree

The degree of grinding refers to the size of coffee particles, which will affect the contact time between coffee and water. If the coffee powder is finer, the water can extract more substances in the same time, but the degree of grinding is fine, the coffee is easy to be extracted in the process of extraction; on the contrary, the coarser the degree of grinding of coffee, the less substances extracted by water in the same time, but the coarser the degree of grinding is, the coffee is prone to insufficient extraction. Qianjie coffee is recommended to take 80% of the pass rate of the Chinese standard No. 20 sieve as the hand grinding degree, which is obtained after many tests. It should be noted that the grinding degree of different coffee beans is different, so when the hand flavor is not right, we can see if there is a problem with the grinding degree.

3. Powder-water ratio

The powder-to-water ratio refers to the ratio of coffee powder to brewing water, which affects the thickness of the coffee. It can be 1:10, 1:13, 1:15, or 1:16. Qianjie Coffee recommends using a powder-to-water ratio of 1:15, which is relatively moderate in concentration or taste. Of course, everyone's pursuit of coffee taste is different, when extracting coffee, we can adjust their powder-to-water ratio according to the taste they want.

The way of brewing coffee by hand

After completing the steps mentioned above in Qianjie Coffee, we came to the last step of hand-brewing coffee, that is, brewing methods, because there are many kinds of brewing methods, such as three-stage brewing method, one-step brewing method and drip brewing method, and so on. Hand brewing methods are varied and varied, and you can choose according to your personal preference. However, Qianjie coffee is still recommended for novice hand brewers to use three-stage water injection method, this is because this method is suitable for light-roasted, medium-and medium-roasted coffee beans. The segmented extraction method of three-stage water injection can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee, and can ensure the flavor of the coffee. And Qianjie coffee shops have been using this brewing method to provide coffee to ensure the quality, then Qianjie coffee will teach coffee fans how to brew in three stages.

Three-stage cooking process:

First water injection: stew (to help exhaust)

Coffee beans in the roasting process from raw beans to ripe beans will undergo a series of chemical reactions and physical changes, after a certain degree of baking, coffee beans will accumulate a large amount of gas (most of which is carbon dioxide).

Generally speaking, the fresher it is, the closer it is to baking, and the more bubbles usually appear during steaming. Deep-baked beans also release more gas during steaming than shallow baked beans. The coffee beans of Qianjie coffee are freshly roasted, so guests are generally advised to grow beans for three days and let the beans release carbon dioxide first, so that the problem of instability and insufficient extraction can be avoided.

After steaming and discharging the gas, the coffee particles can absorb water evenly, which can make the extraction uniform in the later stage. Good steaming can not only make the coffee powder exhaust quickly, fully and evenly, but also make the coffee powder come into contact with the water quickly, helping the coffee powder to be extracted evenly.

Pay attention to the following four points when steaming:

1. Beat the coffee powder flat before steaming with water.

two。 Water should be injected gently when steaming.

3. In the process of steaming, there is as little extract as possible; when there is too much extract in the kettle, the amount of water injected should be reduced, or attention should be paid to the degree of grinding. If there is too much steaming water, drop a large amount of coffee liquid, the falling water does not stay but directly bring out the external substance of the coffee powder, the miscellaneous taste and astringency of the outer layer of the coffee powder begin to dissolve, so that the coffee is not only light, but also has an exquisite smell. If the amount of stuffy steam is insufficient and no water droplets fall at all, then the coffee powder does not absorb enough water, and some coffee is not exhaust enough, which will cause insufficient extraction.) according to this situation, Qianjie coffee has been steamed many times. It is found that it is more appropriate to inject twice the amount of coffee powder during steaming.

4. The steaming time is about 30 to 40 seconds. When the expansion of the coffee powder surface ends, you will see that the coffee surface is wrinkled, which means that the steaming is complete and you can begin to inject water. In terms of time, coffee is prone to bitterness and astringency if it is steamed for too long. Generally speaking, the end time of steaming varies with each bean, but Qianjie Coffee finds that this is not conducive to novice operation. After all, novices pay attention to standardization and ease of use, so to ensure that coffee beans are still freshly roasted, Qianjie Coffee is recommended for steaming for 30 seconds. Of course, those with experience can adjust the time on their own.

Second water injection

The second water injection starts from the middle, and a small water column is injected into the bottom of the powder layer. in order to concentrate the penetration force of the water column, the range of movement around the circle is small, about the size of an one-dollar coin, and then out. At the beginning of the second water supply, we should pay attention to the amount of water, and try not to exceed the height of the powder layer, that is, when the water column is wound close to the filter paper, the water supply can be stopped.

The third water injection

As the thicker powder layer on the edge of the original filter paper becomes heavier because of the draft, and as the water level falls and becomes thinner, the water level drops to half and the third water injection can be carried out.

From the third water supply, it is necessary to observe the extent of the decline of the water level, also from the center of the water supply circle, the amount of water should not exceed the height of the powder layer, then it will also be observed that the proportion of foam has already occupied the surface, and the third water injection will increase the tumbling of coffee granules, let all the deposited particles tumble, and then dissolve the soluble matter.

The rolling particles will start to rest because they stop adding water, and at this time they have to rely on the velocity caused by the falling water level to make the coffee particles produce friction, so once the addition of water stops, the coffee powder particles will sink, causing blockage, so pay special attention to the rhythm of adding water. If the water is cut off too many times, it is tantamount to letting the coffee powder particles soak in the water all the time, which will lead to the astringent and miscellaneous taste of the coffee extract at the end.

Finally, I got a cup of coffee made by my own hand, and then tasted it to see if it had the flavor that the coffee bean should show.

The above is the relevant content of Qianjie Coffee about how to make coffee at home, hoping to help coffee fans who want to make their own coffee at home.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925