Coffee review

Five rules for cooking coffee powder-the main points of brewing coffee beans and coffee powder

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) many coffee brewing methods or data can be adjusted according to each person's personal preference, experience and taste, but there are still some general principles of coffee brewing are common, the following summed up five points, called the five rules of brewing coffee. Fresh coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Many methods or data for brewing coffee can be adjusted according to each person's preference, experience and taste, but there are still some general principles that are common to brewing coffee. Here are five points, which are called the "five rules for making good coffee".

1. Fresh coffee beans

two。 Correct grinding

3. Good water quality

4. Appropriate water temperature

5. Make it gently

No matter what kind of brewing method or personal habit, these five rules can be said to be applicable all over the world. if you violate any of them in the brewing process, the result is likely to be a failed cup of coffee! Next, let's take an in-depth look at the contents of these five rules.

Fresh coffee beans

If you ask a famous chef: how to cook delicious food? I believe that there must be an item of "fresh ingredients" in his answer, because as long as he is a good cook, he will not use stale, out-of-date materials to cook his specialty dishes. So is coffee. The first step in a good cup of coffee is fresh coffee beans.

What are fresh coffee beans? Please refer to the shelf life of coffee beans listed in the table below, you may be surprised by the harsh conditions, but in fact, coffee beans begin to lose their freshness after baking, and as the time spent in contact with the air increases, the beautiful substances in coffee beans also gradually decrease, especially the ground coffee beans. Why do ground coffee beans have a shelf life of only 5-10 minutes? The main reason is that the surface area of ground coffee beans has become very large, so the rate of oxidation is relatively increased several times, and it will not be long before coffee beans go bad because of oxidation, let alone want to make good coffee.

Shelf life of coffee beans (limit)

Raw beans of unroasted coffee for 1-2 years

Roasted coffee beans (for cooking Espresso) take about 3 weeks.

Roasted coffee beans (other than Espresso) for 30-45 days

Ground coffee beans for 5-10 minutes

Coffee beans must be preserved in a good environment to have the above-mentioned lifespan.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that any coffee must be ground before brewing, and only one cup at a time! Even if there are ten cups to be boiled, wait until you finish one cup and then grind the next cup. Don't grind the heap in advance to save time in making coffee. So the next time you walk into a strange coffee shop, you can feel at least half relieved if you brew it fresh, but if you see the coffee powder that has been ground out of a sealed can when you make coffee, you have to think carefully about whether you want to drink this coffee.

From the point of view of freshly ground and boiled coffee beans, buying ground coffee beans is obviously the most difficult way to keep them fresh. the most common situation is to go to a coffee shop and buy a pound of coffee beans and ask the store to grind them instead. Think about it. How long will it take to finish a pound of coffee beans? A week? Or more than two weeks? No matter how long it takes to finish it, the journey home alone has exceeded the 10-minute period of freshness. How can you expect to brew good coffee with coffee beans that have lost all their freshness?

By the same token, there is no need to blindly believe in foreign brand-name coffee beans, especially those that have been ground-even though manufacturers have repeatedly stressed in their advertisements: we attach great importance to the freshness of coffee beans, weekly airlift, and low-temperature nitrogen filling. Wait, but what's right in front of you is out-of-date coffee beans. Therefore, I would like to suggest that you do not need to buy roasted coffee beans (powder) to send back to your friends when you travel abroad next time. I believe there is no need to repeat the reasons.

Second, correct grinding

Because of insisting on freshness, coffee beans must be ground before brewing, so the bean grinder has become a necessary tool, and then put forward a very important idea: a good bean grinder is more important than a good coffee maker! In the pursuit of good coffee, a high-level bean grinder is absolutely necessary.

Why is the bean grinder so important? The so-called true meaning of well-brewed coffee is "correct extraction of substances from coffee beans". The key to achieving this goal is to "accurately control the thickness of coffee grinding and the time of brewing." there is a close relationship between the two. Why control the cooking time? Because "the oil and aromatic substances of coffee beans will be dissolved by water first, caffeine and bitter substances are slower." so when brewing coffee, from the moment the water comes into contact with the coffee powder, stop the extraction at an appropriate time. Separate the brewed coffee from the coffee powder as soon as possible to avoid those substances that we don't want to enter the coffee from the coffee powder.

Different cooking methods and habits have their own suitable grinding thickness. Espresso is suitable for fine grinding, filter type and wind kettle are suitable for medium grinding, and French filter kettle is suitable for rough grinding. For example, in terms of the time of soaking coffee powder in water, the longer the time, the thicker the grinding particles will be; the shorter the time is, the finer the grinding particles will be. But this is only a big principle, usually you might as well try a lot, you can certainly find out the most suitable cooking methods and habits.

In order to correctly extract the substances from coffee beans, in addition to grinding coffee beans into different degrees of thickness, it is also very important to make the particles uniform in size. If the grinding thickness is different, because the fine coffee powder is extracted by water faster than the coarse coffee powder, it will give rise to the problem that the extraction time is out of control, that is, at the same time, the fine coffee powder is soaked in water for too long. However, when it has been over-extracted, the crude coffee powder is insufficient because of insufficient soaking time. This kind of coffee is definitely not a good cup of coffee.

So to make a good cup of coffee, there must be a bean grinder that can't grind a uniform coffee powder, otherwise everything is empty talk, and that's why a good bean grinder is more important than a good coffee maker.

3. Good water quality

How important is water? Just look at more than 95% of the water in a cup of coffee. What kind of water is suitable for brewing coffee? Is the cleaner the water the better? Actually, not really. Like making tea, tea made from too clean water will not taste better than that from mountain springs. By the same token, if the water contains the right amount of minerals, it can enrich the taste of coffee.

At present, most of the water in the home is tap water, but because the quality of tap water has not reached a reassuring level, not to mention brewing coffee, not even many people use it as drinking water. The main reason, of course, is the problem of disinfectant residues in tap water, which not only affect the quality of water, but also cause poor taste of beverages. Therefore, many people will install RO reverse osmosis system or distilled water machine and so on. Although the water produced by these machines is extremely pure, it means that the water is so clean that it is worth thinking about whether it is suitable for brewing coffee.

The author once did an experiment: using three different kinds of water to brew the same kind of coffee in a plug pot. As a result, all the friends who tried it on the spot could clearly point out which cup tastes sweeter and better, and which one tastes poor. These friends do not know in advance which kind of water I use, nor do they know the order in which I use it, but everyone thinks that the most insipid water is RO reverse osmosis water! On the contrary, the water filtered out by a simple household water filter tastes better. This common water filter is said to filter out harmful substances in tap water but retain minerals in the water, and it is cheap and easy to use, so it is widely used by coffee players. The best taste is a bottle of mineral water imported from France. Friends who have compared the coffee brewed with RO water all say in unison: mineral water coffee is more complex than RO water coffee, and it is sweeter and better to taste.

But do I have to use imported mineral water? Not necessarily. I've tried many domestic mineral water, too. If you think the cost of mineral water is too high, you can also use the simple filter mentioned above. Just remember: don't filter the water too cleanly, and don't directly use unfiltered tap water.

4. Appropriate water temperature

Occasionally I see someone brewing coffee with boiling water that has just been removed from the stove. When this happens, I always imagine the taste of that cup of coffee in my mind, thinking that there will be a bitter taste coming out of the root of my tongue. Because coffee is not suitable to be brewed with 100-degree boiling water, it will not only scald the coffee but also make it too bitter to swallow, so we have to add a lot of sugar and cream to flavor.

In fact, the water temperature suitable for brewing coffee is about 85 to 95 degrees Celsius, and the brewing temperature depends on the degree of roasting of coffee beans. the general principle is that beans that are deeply roasted are boiled at a lower temperature, while beans that are lightly roasted are at a higher temperature. If you don't know how many degrees of hot water to use at first, it is recommended to start at 90 degrees. This temperature is almost suitable for most coffee beans, and then you can adjust the temperature according to your preference.

In order to accurately judge the temperature, a thermometer is necessary here, and there is also a basis for adjusting the cooking temperature because of the temperature problem. In fact, as long as it is not freshly boiled water, it should not be too hot for coffee. For example, the hot water in a thermos bottle is usually kept at about 90 degrees Celsius and can be directly taken out to make coffee. As for the boiling water that has just been boiled, as long as it is placed to cool it naturally.

If you are really picky about the stability of the temperature, the hot water used for cooking can also be 3-4 degrees higher than the predetermined temperature, because you have to calculate the temperature drop when the hot water is poured into a cold brewer, so a few degrees higher is a reasonable estimate.

5. Make it gently

In the author's view, no matter which method of cooking has a common point: the interaction between brewing coffee and coffee beans, the action of extraction should be done by water, not by the strength of brewers! The only thing the brewer has to do is to let every grain of coffee powder be evenly surrounded by water, and leave the rest of the work to the water.

Since brewing coffee is an interaction between water and coffee powder, how can brewers help coffee powder to be completely surrounded by water? The trick is to cook gently. In addition to Espresso after entering the brewing process, the brewer really can not handle it, whether it is the stirring of the air stopper or the flushing of the filter kettle, please use the mentality of treating your lover and the procedure of brewing gently, that is to say, no matter what you do, please do it gently-stir gently, gently pour water, and never, like a watercolor pen, put the stirring spoon into the coffee pot and stir quickly and rudely. Let a pile of unpleasant flavors dissolve into the coffee at once Don't use a hot column of water to hit the coffee powder mercilessly. It won't help but burn the coffee beans. In short, if you can brew it with the mood of "wanting to make a good cup of coffee", the whole process will naturally be very stable and gentle; if you just brew it in a routine manner, and you don't plan to explore new experiences in the drinking process, the movements will naturally not be gentle, but there will also be some unstable conditions, and if you add up these small details, it will be easy to get a bitter ending.

Build your own style

In the process of cooking, in addition to these five rules, other data and methods can be slightly adjusted. In other words, when you are a novice, you are advised to follow the clues, follow the steps in the book step by step, and try other people's coffee beans (or stores) at the same time, find out what you like and keep it, while avoiding annoying shortcomings. But slowly, when you have developed your own taste, please try to make some adjustments. These adjustments include increasing the cooking time by 10 to 20 seconds, adjusting the grinding thickness up or down by a few squares, increasing or lowering the cooking temperature by a few degrees, and using more strength. Wait, in the process of trying, you can find out the most suitable coffee for your own taste, so as to establish your own coffee style.

In the process of building their own style, whether it is brewing coffee or roasting coffee beans, some friends will be so concerned about other people's criticism that they will lose their own ideas, and end up building other people's style instead. You should know that the so-called "aesthetics" or "taste" is very personal, and everyone's preferences are different, so there is only approval and disapproval of "style", but not right or wrong. When you already have a complete understanding of coffee, at the same time, you have a certain degree of pure familiarity with the techniques of brewing and baking. Please stick to your preferences (here's a tip: it's right and easier to start with baking than from brewing). Always remind yourself that the right cup of coffee should not have any uncomfortable bitterness or sour taste, and it can't be wrong to work in this direction.

The article is excerpted from the publication of ╱ Building Block Culture by Su Yanzhang, ╱ of Coffee Taste.

Freshly roasted boutique coffee beans, after correct grinding

With appropriate techniques, extract charming aroma and rich taste

There is no unpleasant sour and bitter, let alone superfluous seasoning.

Make yourself a really good cup of coffee and start here.

Expert coffee brewing skills STEP BY STEP

Introduction to roasting DIY of fresh Coffee beans

Guide to boutique coffee beans in major producing areas of the world

Comprehensively improve your coffee taste

Coffee seems to be everywhere in our daily life, whether it's convenient instant coffee, filter coffee in fast-food restaurants, siphon plug pots in cafes, or popular Espresso and cappuccino, have you ever had a really good cup of coffee ── without uncomfortable bitterness and sour, only mellow flavor and rich taste of coffee? If in your impression, coffee is a black bitter water that cannot be tasted without cream and sugar, through this book, you are about to enter the wonderful world of coffee that was previously unknown!

With his boundless enthusiasm for coffee, the author of this book, from an amateur to the operation of the coffee shop, teaches many years of coffee experience through this book, from understanding the characteristics of coffee beans and major producing areas, buying and preserving, tasting and appreciating a variety of brewing methods and techniques, especially for the general impression that only professionals can do coffee bean baking also put forward a simple and easy-to-learn DIY method. This book is both conceptual and practical, which can help coffee lovers, whether they are beginners or those who want to move to the next level.

What kind of coffee have you had? Convenient instant coffee, filtered coffee in fast-food restaurants, siphon stoppers in cafes, or recently hot Espresso Italian Bresso coffee? After drinking so many kinds of coffee, what is your impression and feeling of coffee? No matter what it is, the right coffee should not be uncomfortable, bitter or sour. Again, a cup of coffee that makes you feel uncomfortable is the wrong coffee! So when you used to think that "coffee = bitter", congratulations, through this book, you are about to enter the world of coffee that you do not know.

There are many elements of a good cup of coffee, but the most important thing is:

First, the choice of coffee beans

Grinding and baking

Third, the way of making and cooking