Coffee review

What is the Red Cherry Project of the Yejashafi Biloya Cooperative? Cherry coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is the Red Cherry Project of the Yejashafi Biloya Cooperative? What is the plan of red cherry in terms of origin and flavor? Action Red Cherry is also a reinforcing method, which makes the farm pay more attention to the process of selecting beans, and the price of these coffees is relatively high. Red Cherry Action has water washing, sun drying beans, half-washing, half-sun, experimental coffee and so on. Yegashev is the main producing area.

What is the Red Cherry Project of the Yejashafi Biloya Cooperative? Introduction of producing area and flavor characteristics

What is the red cherry plan?

Operation Red Cherry is also a reinforcing method, which makes the farm pay more attention to the process of selecting beans. The prices of these coffees are also relatively high. Red Cherry Action has water washing, sun-drying beans, half-washing, half-sun, experimental coffee and so on. The main producing areas are Yegashev, Sidamo, Penga Forest, Lekanti, Ken Bata, Iruba, Hara, Lim, and joined Coroja Golocha in 2011 (near Hara). These are unique and can fully show the flavor of Ethiopian beans. Trabocca will choose from the coffee after receiving it. Farms that have passed the cup test quality test in Ethiopia and the Netherlands will pay a large bonus, with a passing score of more than 88 points to become a good coffee for the Red Cherry program. Trabocca, the promoter of the Red Cherry project, invested all the profits made in the past few years in the cooperative farm. Trabocca stressed that this is a plan with no profit, so the company only uses four people, including the boss and secretary, to carry out the Red Cherry project, and other administrative related matters are supported by the parent company to reduce administrative expenses, and all the profits are returned to the cooperative farm.

Product name: washed Yega Sheffield Red Cherry Project Biloya

Producer: Biloya Cooperative (Biloya Co-op)

Producing area: the town of Yegashifi Cochel (Kochere)

Altitude: 1700-2200 m

Variety: mixing of Ethiopian native species

Production season: November 2016 to March 2017

Treatment method: washing treatment method

Certification: red Cherry Project (Operation Cherry Red)

Flavor: lime, grapefruit, lavender, melon, sweet and bright, delicate and juicy, silky taste

Baking parameters:

This coffee is from the most famous Ethiopia in the world. Yejia Xuefei producing area

Carefully select the beans that best represent the characteristics of sun-dried beans.

The strong berry aroma of coffee and raw beans fills the whole nasal cavity.

This is a difficult bean to deal with, and the whole process of baking beans must be very harmonious.

Yejia Xuefei's beans are rich in layers, and shallow baking highlights her best flavor.

The final tug of war with the strawberry flavor determines the best flavor of this coffee.

The whole baking room is full of sweet taste of honey berries.

Recommended parameters for cooking:

Hand-washed Ye Jia Xuefei Red Cherry plans to sunburn coffee beans; Water temperature recommended: 87 °, Grinding: small Fuji 4 medium and fine grinding; Powder / Water ratio suggested: 1:14. Cooking time: 15g powder 225g water injection, the total time is about 2:00.